• API Management: Performance is a Feature

    I think a key focus of the API Management project in Overlord must be reducing the overhead of the Gateway.  The benefits of introducing the apiman layer into a SOA architecture are obvious:  governance (inc...
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    last modified by eric.wittmann
  • How to run the demos in s-ramp-0.3.0?

    Am I correct that you need to comment out the distributionManagement section in the 'demos' parent pom, so that the demo profile can activate its distributionManagement section? Maybe the distribution section in the p...
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    last modified by kurtstam
  • Activity collection configurations to be supported for rtgov 1.0

    I want to discuss how activity collection, for the purpose of runtime governance, should be controlled within a client side environment. This is where activity events are being collected in an execution environment (e...
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    created by objectiser
  • Rich metadata attached to S-RAMP artifacts

    My use case is the following:   S-RAMP stores artifacts RHQ deploys the artifacts RHQ updates metadata on the artifacts in S-RAMP so that they're available for analysis   The problem with 3. is that the meta...
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    last modified by lkrejci
  • Using S-RAMP as a general purpose content repository

    I'd like to discuss with you a slightly "twisted" way of using S-RAMP repository as general purpose store for any kind of content, not just SOA-related artifacts. IMHO all the pieces are almost there: The notion of m...
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    last modified by lkrejci
  • "mvn release" to S-RAMP - multiple artifacts

    When we do a 'mvn release' to S-RAMP, we should recommend to use plugins like the source and javadoc plugin etc to upload these type of supporting documentation in one go. Maybe we can upload them in a holding area (n...
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    last modified by kurtstam
  • Actions associated with synchronous policies

    Hi   Firstly, to set the context, the runtime governance capabilities currently support the concept of 'asynchronously' executed policies - which means that the decision and any subsequent actions are performed ...
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    last modified by objectiser
  • Versioning artifacts in S-RAMP

    The S-RAMP specification is somewhat silent when it comes to artifact versioning.  There is a core property (attribute) on all artifacts named "version", but it is a simple free-form field that can be set by the ...
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    last modified by eric.wittmann
  • Resolving references in S-RAMP (e.g. WSDL imports)

    An issue that still needs to be solved in the S-RAMP repository is how to resolve references between artifacts.  For the purpose of this post I will use WSDL as an example, but the problem is generic across multi...
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    last modified by eric.wittmann
  • Governance Workflows in S-RAMP (OOTB)

    I've been working on a workflow that is relatively simple but it should still be a real work example; and I've come up with the following where a workflow is kicked of for an artifact - let's say a war application. &...
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    last modified by kurtstam
  • An Example Governance Workflow

    This discussion is intended to identify the sort of workflow that would be good to ship with Overlord "Design Time Governance" as a good default/example.   A simple workflow could consist of the following steps,...
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    created by objectiser
  • S-RAMP UI Design

    We are currently developing the visual and interaction design for the S-RAMP UI.  The first draft of the Interaction Design is available here: https://docs.jboss.org/author/display/SRAMPUI/S-RAMP+Interaction+Desi...
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    last modified by jsniezek
  • Overlord Security - Authentication/Authorization (Near Term)

    The Overlord project has some security related requirements that we need to work out.  There are currently several components that all need to be tied together in a sensible way from the point of the view of end ...
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    created by eric.wittmann
  • JCRPersistenceTest out of date?

    I was building the latest master branch of the project and the build is failing in JCRPersistenceTest which is checking the size of the artifacts against a statis value in the test. The static values do not match the ...
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    last modified by ferret1964
  • Overlord sub-project jira notifications

    The Jira issue notifications are now distributed to the overlord-issues mailing list.   If you wish to subscribe to this mailing list, please go to: https://lists.jboss.org/mailman/listinfo/overlord-issues
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    created by objectiser
  • Pond life needs BAM too

    This started off as an irc chat about interfacing telemetery hardware to Switchyard and Gary suggested that you guys may have suggestions about the monitoring aspect.   Basically I'm playing with Arduino and Rap...
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    last modified by tkirby
  • Core Concepts - s-ramp + modeshape (division of labor)

    Overview S-RAMP is using ModeShape as the backing store for all the artifact stored in the S-RAMP repository (I'm psyched that both S-RAMP and JCR refer to it as a 'repository' - it's not at all confusing when discuss...
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    last modified by eric.wittmann
  • Maven/S-RAMP integration and its use from within Eclipse

    The Switchyard team have discussed the possibility of allowing a contract (wsdl + associated xsds) to be stored in a separate maven artifact (jar) and referenced from the switchyard app, thus allowing more than one sw...
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    last modified by objectiser
  • Implementing the S-RAMP Query API

    Overview The S-RAMP specification (section 4) specifies an X-Path 2.0 based query language.  The S-RAMP Query grammar is actually a subset of the XPath 2.0 grammar.  The challenges for an S-RAMP implementati...
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    last modified by eric.wittmann
  • BAM demo

    Some early work on a BAM infrastructure has been started within the Governance organisation at github including:   1) A gadget-server repo, to provide pluggable visual components that can present different capab...
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    last modified by objectiser