• Drools Workbench not able to create user

    Hi there. I don`t seem to be able to find out how to create a new user for blank drools-wb when using docker. It seems I need to use a dockerfile which should be located in /var/lib/docker/<driver>/<id> b...
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    last modified by j-piar
  • Git Hub access error to deploy KIE workbench in TOMCAT 7.

    Hi Folks,     I went through the post @ https://developer.jboss.org/thread/258731?sr=stream&ru=338950     even after setting the -Dorg.kie.demo=false in CATALINA_OPTS also in JAVA_OPTS, ...
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    last modified by ameet.nandihal
  • How I can configure custom roles in BRMS 6.1?

    Is there any way I can configure different roles in BRSM other then analyst and admin.
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    created by vsachin1981
  • Unable to get the time of the Date on creating Guided Rule

    Hello,   I'm creating a test guided rule where I want to check if the time is before 05:00h and after 22:00h. The field are "startTime" and "endTime" and on POJO these fields are from type java.util.Date and an...
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    created by bsl.lacerda
  • Using BRMS Rules on a Dynamic Web Project

    Hello,   I'm have a Dynamic Web Application running on JBoss EAP 6.3. I want to implement some functionalities using Drools Rules.   I'd like to use my domain pojo objects as facts on rule definitions on ...
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  • Not able to start my kie-server

    I have downloaded the EAP 6.4 and BRMS 6.1. I can see the kie-server.war in the deployments and I have modified the application.roles.properties as well by adding the kie-server role to Brms admin user.   But wh...
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    last modified by vsachin1981
  • We don't have Git Hub access how to deploy KIE workbench 6.1 in TOMCAT 7/8 both.Can anyone know the solution for this, that would be grateful

    SEVERE: Error listenerStart May 19, 2015 2:36:25 PM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext startInternal SEVERE: Context [/kie-drools-wb-distribution-wars-6.1.0.Final-tomcat7.0] startup failed due to previous erro...
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    last modified by harish5024676
  • What is sxls on creating new Score Card(Spreadsheet)

    When I create new Score Card(Spreadsheet), I choosed a file named rules.xls. But an error dialog said 'The file type is not supported. The file type needs to be "sxls".'.   I don't know the extension "sxls". W...
  • How to create rules by fetching data from any Database.Is there any API available to do the same ?

    Hello, I have rules in Database. I have tried to fetch rules from database and created DRL using String builder. But can anyone help me out to do it automatically. Is there any API available to do it directly. Or...
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    created by harish5024676
  • How to access KIE Workbench 6.1 in Eclipse Luna?

    I Deployed KIE workbench in Apache Tomcat 7.0. Now I want to access the  projects from KIE workbench in Eclipse Luna like we do for GUVNOR.
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    last modified by harish5024676
  • Connecting JBoss BRMS with SQLServer using JAVA

    Hi,   I have this STUDENT table in the database. Student table in SQL Server: RollNo Mark Result 1 100 2 50 3 40 4 30 5 90   In JBoss BRMS i have a business rule :    Guided Rule:...
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    created by gpramesh1010
  • With version of BRMS is suitable for enterprise application.

    BRMS-6 or Brms-5.6. We majorly use Guvnor for executing the business rules.
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    last modified by pradeepncs86
  • how to select the functions in KIE Drools Workbench

    Hi Everyone..   i have a drl file which i have used some functions inside when condition block. i have imported those functions from helper class and i can able to execute the rule successfully by writing DRL fi...
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    created by narsi.chowdary
  • BRMS GA with drools 6.1

    When do we can expect BRMS GA version with drools 6.1?
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    last modified by piotrekcm
  • How to create my own BRMS Decision Table Application

    Hello Everyone,   I am trying to mimic the brms decision table example shown here: http://www.jboss.org//quickstarts/brms/decision-table/index.html I successfully created 1) a repository, 2) a project with a fol...
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    last modified by x100
  • Decision Tables - BRMS - Re-compilation Requirement?

    Hello Everybody,   I have been working with the decision-table project from the quickstart guides (jboss-brms-quickstarts/decision-table at 6.1.x-develop · jboss-developer/jboss-brms-quickstarts · GitH...
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    last modified by x100
  • Looking for Info With Using JBoss-BRMS and Guvnor

    Hello all,   I downloaded jboss-brms-installer-6.0.2.GA-redhat-5 from jboss.org and installed the software. This puts a jboss-eap-6.1 folder in my installation directory. I found a great amount of documentation ...
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  • Jar files created by JBOSS BRMS do not run

    Hi All,   After going through a couple of tutorials using JBoss BRMS I have a few .jar files that are produced upon completion of these tutorials. I download these jars and use the command line on Windows to try...
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    last modified by x100
  • where can I change thr default colors in the drools editor in eclipse 4.3.1 jboss tools plugin

    I want to change the default colors in the drools editor. I am using jboss tools in eclipse 4.3.1.
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    created by mschwery
  • Installation of JBoss BRMS 6.0.1 on JBoss AS 7.1

    Bonjour,   J'aimerai bien savoir les étapes qu'il faut suivre et aussi les configurations qu'il faut faire pour installer correctement JBoss BRMS 6.0.1 sur JBoss AS 7.1   Comment savoir que l'instal...
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    last modified by tarikomni