• Fuse Deployment Architecture Model

    We are trying to design and come up with an architecture for the PROD environment using JBoss Fuse 6.2.1 OSGi container. We have decided to create 5 Fabric server each running in separate host. Each fabric server will...
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    last modified by ravishankarhassain
  • Reporting Tool For JBoss Fuse ESB

    Hi All,   Is there any reporting tool out-of-the-box available for JBoss Fuse. I understand that Hawtio can show live and real time metrics and visualize the message flow but is there a way to generate historica...
  • Unable to get websockets and stomp transports working on jboss-fuse-full-6.1.0.redhat-379

    Related to the post By Ken P. @ https://github.com/kpeeples/jboss-fuse-websockets-demo for the Fuse+HTML5+Websockets demo.   After initial install I can netstat as follows : TCP    ...
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    last modified by zerog
  • First ever fabric:create for Fuse on Windows 7

    Hey Everyone,   First post, hope someone can help. I'm having trouble getting fabric:create to work on a windows 7 box.   I've installed jboss-fuse-6.2.1.redhat-084 Fuse on a windows 7 box. I've been fo...
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    last modified by fatmark
  • What is the best way to get auto notification(i.e. via email) when a fabric:container is down(unexpected error)

    Hi I am new to FUSE. Would like to know the best way to get auto notification(i.e. via email) when a fabric:container is down(unexpected error)
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    created by suresh.reddy
  • Cloud Native Camel riding With JBoss Fuse and OpenShift

    Just did a blog on Fuse on OpenShift... also pulled together a non-trivial/non-helloworld app and converted it to FIS with the following things to highlight:   Generating the kubrenetes.json file with the fabric...
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    created by ceposta
  • Imporper display of camel route diagram in Fuse Managment Console

    Hello,   Please find the screen shot below. Deployed couple of fuse projects and running as expected.   But unable view the Route diagram properly, please let me know if work around for displaying the Rout...
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    last modified by kkrishnashankar
  • Creating seperate log files for each application/project

    Hello,   Followed same instructions in thread, doesn't help me   Re: RED HAT JBOSS FUSE ESB 6.00 Logging sperately for each bundle     reproduced from above thread     Following the...
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    created by kkrishnashankar
  • Jboss Fuse Sever does not start up.

    I installed Jboss Studio 9 and Jboss Fuse Server. Enabled the user.properties file to add user   Now when i start up the fuse server - it does not start. So, when I compared the steps, looks like I forgot to cre...
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    last modified by gvarghese1993
  • Multiple intraday Maven SNAPSHOT feature installs from Archiva

    We are working to setup CI for feature deployment in our Fuse environment. Currently, we are running JBoss Fuse 6.2.x.   To this point, here is what we have configured for our DEV server:   1. Maven build ...
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    last modified by lmorganjr
  • Unresolved constraint in bundle

    What is the meaning of this Exception? Operation startBundle failed due to: java.io.IOException : Start of bundle with id 375 failed with message: Unresolved constraint in bundle com.demo.ftp.demo-ftp-integration [37...
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    last modified by michele-82
  • JBoss products required for ESB develop, deploy & implmentation?

    Hello,   what are the products required to build ESB develop , deploy & implementation? Are JBoss Fuse and JBoss AS enough to build , develop Enterprise Service Bus?   Thanks, Krishna
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    last modified by kkrishnashankar
  • Redelivery Policy is ignored by Camel on ActiveMQ

    Hi, I'm enabling transaction in JMS Queue consuming route, and trying to configure RedeliveryPolicy in Spring/Camel file as you can see below: <bean id="myRedeliveryPolicyConfig" class="org.apache.camel.pro...
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    last modified by michele-82
  • Is this correct way to configure Fuse ensemble?

    Hi, I am confused about Fuse Fabric and ensemble. Here is my understanding. Let's say that I've 3 servers then I configured Fuse Fabric like this. 1. Install fuse on 3 servers 2. On server1, run facric:create ... ...
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    last modified by voravit.l
  • JBoss Fuse - Scalable

    Hi Everyone,   a fueture of my System allows to download File from Remote Server via SFTP and then they will be processed. So, I created and configured a OSGI bundle into JBoss Fuse 6.2 that it ables to do this...
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    last modified by michele-82
  • Camel-Hazelcast: Custom Configuration hazelcast.xml in JBoss Fuse (6.1.0.redhat-379)

    I'm trying to implement the distributed cache using camel-hazlecast component.  I have installed camel-hazelcast feature in fuse container and tested with the sample camel route (using Aries Blueprint) which is w...
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    last modified by writemevenkat
  • Not able to deploy profile into container - JBOSS Fuse

    Hi Team,   I am using JBoss Developer Studio 8.1.0.GA and "jboss-fuse-6.2.0.redhat-133" Using Getting started guide, I have created a camel-spring route with sftp and file components which works fine when execu...
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    last modified by shivabadaja
  • Camel Context doesn't work with osgi service/reference

    Hi everyone,   I'd like to organize my project like this example:   FuseByExample/smx-bootstraps · GitHub   So, I created my demo project following it.   demo-bootstrap demo-bundle Parent ...
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    last modified by michele-82
  • Git repository not found

    On a freshly installation of Fuse 6.2, I entered this:   JBossFuse:admin@root> fabric:create JBossFuse:admin@root> fabric:profile-create --parents feature-camel-jms  my-base-profile   Which got...
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    last modified by tiago.matias
  • Camel Loop Xpath Expression

    Has anyone tried setting up XPath expression for the loop counter? The following camel route does not seem to work for me and I am assuming that the expression has to return a number for the loop counter:   <...
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    last modified by tomekzz