• Error installing quickstart rest example on Fuse

    Hi,   I've just started experimenting with JBoss Fuse. Downloaded the environment, did the whole video tutorial and now started with the quickstarts. ( https://github.com/jboss-fuse/quickstarts/tree/master/rest ...
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    last modified by luukvanrens
  • [Fuse 6.2.1] Error for creation of Performance.Counter.Server MBean

    Hi,   While trying to use the SOAP quick start example in the Fuse 6.2.1, I tried to add the below Bean in the blueprint.xml file so as to start the monitoring of the Web-service, but the project build is failin...
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    last modified by kunalsuri
  • Is this correct way to configure Fuse ensemble?

    Hi, I am confused about Fuse Fabric and ensemble. Here is my understanding. Let's say that I've 3 servers then I configured Fuse Fabric like this. 1. Install fuse on 3 servers 2. On server1, run facric:create ... ...
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    last modified by voravit.l
  • JBoss Fuse 611412 - where I can download this version?

    JBoss Fuse 611412 - where I can download this version?   on OpenShift we have this version;   this is jboss-fuse-full-6.1.1.redhat-412 ?   JBoss Fuse - Downloads only have 6.2 & jboss-fuse-full...
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    last modified by ihor.lavryniuk
  • Not able to deploy profile into container - JBOSS Fuse

    Hi Team,   I am using JBoss Developer Studio 8.1.0.GA and "jboss-fuse-6.2.0.redhat-133" Using Getting started guide, I have created a camel-spring route with sftp and file components which works fine when execu...
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    last modified by shivabadaja
  • Git repository not found

    On a freshly installation of Fuse 6.2, I entered this:   JBossFuse:admin@root> fabric:create JBossFuse:admin@root> fabric:profile-create --parents feature-camel-jms  my-base-profile   Which got...
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    last modified by tiago.matias
  • Promoting property files

    Hello Techies,   I wanted to know if someone has attempted to automate promotion of property files to Fuse container. I have externalized environment specific properties outside integrations and exploring option...
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    last modified by dpravin74
  • Error deploying a feature into a Fuse Fabric

    Hi,   I created a feature project with some bundles and features that it is working successfully into a Fuse Standalone. However when I tried to deploy into a Fuse Fabric it is not working. I got the following ...
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    last modified by rmarting
  • In AIX ,can not use client

    I  run sh client then ERROR: IBM J9 VM (build 2.4, JRE 1.6.0 IBM J9 2.4 AIX ppc-32 jvmap3260sr9-20110624_85526 (JIT enabled, AOT enabled) Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org.osgi.fra...
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    last modified by gaoyonglu
  • How can I deploy Restfull war on jboss fuse jboss-fuse-6.2.0.redhat-128 ?

    I have  Restfull webservice packed as war, deployed on wildfly-8.2.0.Final working fine. And I am trying to deploy it on jboss-fuse-6.2.0.redhat-128 . I have copied the war file in fuse deploy folder. here is ...
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    last modified by seybaa
  • How to support multi-tenancy?

    I'm a newbie looking for an integration solution that works for multiple tenants.  I'm building a SAAS application where I've multiple tenants that require data isolation and connector isolation.  Is it poss...
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    created by kesavkolla
  • unable to download  server connectors from the jboss developer tools IDE

    Hi Team,   i would like to report the problem about j boss developer studio , i am able to connect to internet from IDE  but when installing anything from jboss central showing error like attached error not...
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    last modified by srikanthvaddi
  • Fuse license & usage

    Hello!      I've found that Fuse is on Apache License 2.0 but for production use we need to purchase subscription. Is there any limitations on usage? cpu/mem/other... Is there any other purchases nee...
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    last modified by pronchakov
  • jboss-fuse-6.2.0.redhat-133 migration issue  : osgi.wiring.package=org.apache.cxf.ws.security.wss4j)(version>=3.0.0)(!(version>=4.0.0)

    I have updated cxf-version to 3.0.4.redhat-620133 and i am facing issue :   Unable to resolve 288.0: missing requirement [288.0] osgi.wiring.package; (&(osgi.wiring.package=org.apache.cxf.ws.security.wss4j)(...
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    last modified by bharadwaj
  • how we can install multiple instance of jboss fuse 6.1 or 6.2

    hi ,   please let me know how we can install multiple instance of jboss fuse on one server just like we can create weblogic domains. suppose we have 10 different unix user on one server and jboss fuse is instal...
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    last modified by jainpratik163
  • issu : The following optional imports were not satisfied

    Hi there,   You will find my error in the screenshot .   Thank you.
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    created by aterhzaz
  • Add child attributes to elements (convert csv to xml using Apache camel)

    I was able to convert csv to xml using code My question is what changes are needed in EmployeeDTO.java to get the expected output below -( I want the child attributes to be displayed) MY EmployeeDTO.java @XmlRootElem...
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    created by szarekar
  • How do I autoinstall dependency bundles from maven repository?

    I'm quite new to OSGi so please forgive any possible/probable terminology confusion here..   I managed to configure an extra Maven repository repository in Fuse from where I can install bundles using, example: o...
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    created by gustavsinder
  • How do convert xml to csv in camel

    I need to convert the xml to csv in Apache camel .Can anyone please help. <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?> <list> <map> <entry> <string>com.fusesource.sample.dto.EmployeeDTO<...
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    last modified by szarekar
  • Api model property not seen in swagger ui

    I have class PET and CATEGORY  as follows. PET has category object. However when i run the application  I do not see the fields of Category class in Swagger UI documentation I am not using spring and don't ...
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    created by szarekar