• rhq install question

    hello everyone        when i install rhq using rhqctl install commond,the console will print the following message,what is that means?        Still waiting for serve...
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  • Want to join the RHQ/JON Development Team ? Join as a Red Hat developer.

    You can make a real difference in the RHQ project by contributing to it, fulltime and even be paid for that !   We have an open position for a RHQ developer to join our international team of developers. Don't g...
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    last modified by theute
  • Announcing rhq-metrics

    Over the past several weeks there have been discussions with other projects including Fabric8 and AeroGear who have a common need for metrics (storage, retrieval, aggregation, etc.) as well as graphs and charts. The m...
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    last modified by pilhuhn
  • Tutorial for developing JON plugins?

    There is only one document called "Writing Custom Plug-ins". But this is not a tutorial as mentioned in this document: "This guide is not a tutorial in how to write plug-ins, generally."   I find another one wri...
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    created by thomas2004
  • How to deploy a JON plugin?

    Hi,   I wrote a plugin (a jar file). I've copied this jar to the plugin/ both on server and client site. But after I restart the server and agent, I can't find this plugin in Inventory. Why?
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    last modified by thomas2004
  • Cannot load metrics in JBoss 7 sub-resources

    Hello   I try to setup our monitoring with RHQ 4.10.0. Looks really nice!   Till now, anything seems to work, except the monitoring tab in all sub-resources of the JBoss AS 7 resource.   We use Postg...
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    last modified by werrenmi
  • Problem by building the project "skeleton-plugin"

    Hi,   I am reading Heiko Rupps book "How to write a plugin for Jboss ON etc." According to the link in his article I've downloaded the source code "skeleton-plugin-1.0.0.GA.zip" form Plugins - Skeleton Plugin - ...
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    last modified by thomas2004
  • RHQ source is now on GitHub

    It is my pleasure to announce that the source code of RHQ has been migrated over to GitHub as promised in the last "state of the union" posting.   This will now allow the community to more easily fork the reposi...
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    last modified by pilhuhn
  • Database Requirements For RHQ 4.10

    I am a little confused as to the backend for RHQ. The release note mentions switching to Cassandra and no longer using a RDB. However, the install docs and the rhq-server.properties still discusses / reference RDB. Wh...
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    last modified by mjrother
  • RHQ 4.9 or later - Using JMX application mbeans in JBoss plugin

    Hi,   in another discussion (see here), it was stated: "RHQ does not have a JConsole-type JMX mbean browser."   Is this still true for RHQ 4.9? What do you recommend to make the usage of JMX mbeans of appl...
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    last modified by dreschler
  • 4.10 - Now SSL to AS7 by default, why was this decided?

    Hey, just had a go at importing a couple AS7 servers into RHQ 4.10.   Apparently the AS7 plugin now discovers and sets the port for the server to the secure port 9443 (+offset) instead of regular http 9990. Thi...
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    last modified by pathduck
  • is difference between RHQ and JbossON similar to between Jboss 7.1.1.Final and EAP 6.1.0 Alpha ?

    FAQ - RHQ - Project Documentation Editor      JON (aka "JBoss Operations Network" or "JBoss ON") is a commercial product offered to Red Hat customers and is thus fully quality-tested and certified...
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    last modified by jjakub
  • default coregui user/password, where can I set/change it ?

    Hi   I just installed latest rhq, I go into http://localhost:7080/coregui/ and try to login with admin and with  rhqadmin and password used for database, but it doesn't work. Where is user / password for...
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    last modified by jjakub
  • Dynagroups, Resources for Authorization, Targets for Deployment

    Hello,   I'm trying to figure out how to organize dynagroups and roles so that:   DynaGroup Definitions auto create resource "group" for each Developement JBoss instance, AND any users with new "Developers...
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    last modified by ehle
  • Metrics purge for traits can cause database locking?

    What I observe is trait purging can cause locks on the RHQ_MEASUREMENT_DATA_TRAIT table.   22:13:17,477 INFO  [org.rhq.enterprise.server.scheduler.jobs.DataPurgeJob] (RHQScheduler_Worker-5) Trait data purge...
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    created by genman
  • Is there any metric in mysql plugin to monitor database growth ?

    Hi Developers,       We are using MySQL as a database server. Our transaction rate is million records per hour.       We would like to analyse the database growth with RHQ. ...
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    last modified by arun2arunraj
  • Length of value in MeasurementDataTrait

    Hi, I have a question to Developers. I want pass to  MeasurementDataTrait some String, longer than 255. But in org.rhq.core.domain.measurement.MeasurementDataTrait class, length of "value" is equal only 255. &#...
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    last modified by lzmuda1
  • RHQ Training

    Does anyone know of training for the RHQ product? I am looking for class room type training, but any good resources would be great.   Thanks,   Bill
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    last modified by bill.rosenberg
  • [PLUGIN] Tomcat 7+

    Hi guys,   I tried your IRC but I didn't get so much answer on it.. :-(   Therefore, I'm coming here to propose some suggestions... I'm using RHQ 4.9 for Lab purposes because I'm interested to monitor a pa...
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    last modified by wark
  • Log the agent name (or IP) in the log file?

    I sometimes see this error, or others:   01:27:36,583 ERROR [org.rhq.enterprise.server.alert.engine.internal.AlertConditionCacheCoordinator] (EJB default - 5) Could not find agent for scheduleId = 7977263 01:27:...
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    created by genman