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Article rich CSS classes naming convention
rich CSS classes naming conventionOne of the points we agreed during f-2-f skinning discussion in 4.x was to use shortened names for our rich classes as this could reduce HTML page code and increase performance espesially for cases with Iteration comp...
CDK Wish-ListThe list of ideas for improving CDK: (The forum thread to discuss such improvements: https://community.jboss.org/message/727478#727478) Bug fixes c:foreach in a cast component will result ...
RichFaces 4 Component Development ProcessIntroduction
Migrating Components From RichFaces 3.3.X
Getting Started
Before You Begin
Play with the CDK
Creating Your Sandbox Component
Considerations during development
Introduction So y...
RichFaces docs.jboss.org/richfaces StructureThis page describes the layout of the http://docs.jboss.org/richfaces/ directory structure, and how items should be arranged when uploaded. This location is available for directory browsing, and is useful for de...
How To Create ClientBehavior** Note this article is a work in progress -- feel free to add to it should you find any information to be missing ** How to Create Client Behavior ClientBehavior is responsible for attaching arbitrary client-side fun...
Article rich:hotKey - preventDefault - known limitations
rich:hotKey - preventDefault - known limitationsThe preventDefault attribute of rich:hotKey has known limitation: it can't prevent native browser actions for selected key-strokes. Using there key-strokes can cause opening browser menus, popups, etc. ...
How to build RichFaces 4.0 DocumentationDocumentation in productionOverview The RichFaces 4.x documentation can be checked out from the Git repository athttps://github.com/richfaces/docs/ The documentation can be built using either Publican (preferr...
Article Introduction to RichFaces Pre-Processed Resource Dependencies
Introduction to RichFaces Pre-Processed Resource DependenciesIntroduction
Using generated resources
Using resources generated in build of RichFaces Components
Generating customized set of resources
Goals of the RichFaces CDK: Resources Maven Plugin
RichFaces 4.1.0 Release CenterNote: Future version releases will be tracked via the jira release roadmap. This document will contain links, dates, and information related to the RichFaces 4.1.0 release. Goals The primary goal of RichFaces 4...
Article Workaround for LOAD_NONE resource loading strategy in RichFaces 4.1
Workaround for LOAD_NONE resource loading strategy in RichFaces 4.1Introduction The resource loading strategy in RichFaces 4 is different from that in RichFaces 3 -- see the developper guide for details. In the RichFaces 4 implementation, no built-in LOAD_NONE strategy has ye...
Article RichFaces 4.1 - Supported versions of JSF API and Implementation
RichFaces 4.1 - Supported versions of JSF API and ImplementationRichFaces supports several versions of JSF implementations coupled with specific JSF API. On the application servers, you need only API in compile time, while on servlet containers, implementation (and API in...
Maven Getting Started - RichFacesThere are two great community pages full of useful information on how to onfigure maven to build JBoss project: Maven Getting Started - Users Maven Getting Started - Developers Presented here is a summary of...
RichFaces 4.0 Release CenterRichFaces 4.0.0.Final has been released See the release announcement for details This article is a launching point for information and details regarding the release. This is going to include high level...
RichFaces 4.0 CDK architecturePreface Writing JSF modules is pretty cumbersome job, with continuous repeating of the similar code: attributes accestors ( with state management ), ResponseWriter calls for html code generation, processing attributes...
RichFaces CDK projectMaven project As of the 4.0.0.Final release the RichFaces CDK integrates only with the Maven build tool - the main build system for RichFaces. Prerequirements JDK 1.6. You can compile components to use JRE 1.5, but t...
How To Create JSF RendererJSF Renderer A JSF Renderer is responsible for two functions, rendering component as HTML markup and processing request attributes. While processing attributes in the code is usually simple, generating markup in the J...
How To Create JSF ComponentHow To Create JSF Component A JSF component is a pretty complicated beast. In the worst case, you have to: create a UIComponent class, consisting of a lot of attributes with special getter's and setters that interact...
Running RichFaces 4.x on JBoss AS7TweetStream These are the "quick steps" concerning HornetQ/JMS/Atmosphere to get this app running. Edit web.xml and change PushFilter to: {code:xml} <filter-mapping> ...