• Defining Type of Target List in rich:pickList

    Hi all, i am a bit new to RichFaces. my question is regarding <rich:pickList>.i have a source list that contains items of type SelectItem and i want to add the same Object type items in target list but target li...
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    created by fahimawan18
  • Photoalbum Model Controller

    Hi, I'm trying to develop a Seam 2.2 application on Jboss 4.2 as photoalbum did. while I was reviewning photoalbum code, I encountered somethign strange.   in photoalbum example, Controller is responsible for ...
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    created by vata2999
  • Richfaces 3.3.3 wizard not working properly in IE8

    Hi all, I am tnew in this blog and started jsf developement a few days ago.        I have developed a demo application a Customer Demographics Wizard in RichFaces3.3.3. Everything is running ...
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    last modified by anjann
  • nodeSelectListener doesn't work rich tree into rich modalPanel

    I have a rich tree into rich modalPanel. I need to use the event nodeSelectListener, but it doesn't work.   <ui:define name="custom"> <rich:modalPanel id="apurarConcluintes2" width="650" height="580" a...
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    created by adryano.asilva
  • [Beginner Question] How to put data from <rich:calendar /> into submitted request

    Hi,   I'm currently bound to a JSF1-based project, using rich-faces-3.x. Unluckily I was unable to get the data from added <rich:calendar/> in my backing bean. My idea adding the following calendars in th...
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    created by rob_
  • problems while reusing a modalPanel with link parameters

    Hi, I'm having problems while using a modalPanel as a template. i have two user entities in my backingBean and i want to set them via an userSearchTemplate. Here is my code,   my modalPanel (selectUserTemplat...
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    created by serdard
  • How to add horizontal scrollbar to rich:dataTable

    hi to everyone... I am facing some problem while adding horizantal scrollbar to the rich dataTable.   My code:             <div style="width=80%; overflow-x...
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    last modified by sree_valtech
  • What is difference between the FacesContext and ServletContext

    I'm not able to get the difference between the FacesContext and Servlet Context are these both same..?
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    created by prathap_dudvat
  • Non Faces request, not restoring the facesmessages and not displaying in the UI

    I've a JSP page, which conatins an commandlink to the call servlet When clicked on the link, it calls the servlet and starts executing the servlet if any exception is occured in servlet, I need to display it in the JS...
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    created by prathap_dudvat
  • problem using <rich:extendedDataTable with sortBy  and  rendered

    Hi, I am using richfaces v3.3.2.   I have this code in my jsp:                  <h:selectOneMenu id="codifications"   &#...
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    created by mimi_grebici
  • difference between reRender and refresh

    Hi,   I create a tree with drag and drop but when i drag an item,  i need to refresh page to see changes and reRender has no effect.   here are codes     <rich:tree showConnectingLines=...
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    last modified by vata2999
  • appending 'pc1' to the generated <h:form> id

    My   Subview is like this   <f:subview id="schedulsHandler"> <h:form id="schedule">   <h:selectOneRadio id="ownerType" styleClass="outputText"    value="#{scheduleCreateH...
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    created by geojacob
  • Modal Panel hiding even when it contains the error messages

    I've a popup with requied field, a button with onclick and oncomplete events, If there is validtion error occured like field required when clicked on a button, it should show error is same popup, but it is closing...
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    last modified by prathap_dudvat
  • Richfaces 3 on Jboss 7.2

    Hello,   I am Cleiton Bonomini, 19 years old and I'm typing this from Brazil. First of all I want to thank you, 'cause searching on your forum helped me a lot as a begginer on Java. It is my first post here, s...
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    last modified by bonomini
  • onchange event of combobox not fired

    I am using richfaces 3.3.3,  I have a view in which there are 2 comboboxes where the first comboboxes onchange should trigger the rerender of the second combobox. Usually if the user interacts fast with the firs...
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    created by ark1983
  • a4j:command button not working IE 8, the same code working fine in the mozilla

    <a4j:commandButton> not working properly in IE   <f:view>                 <f:loadBundle basename="ErrorMessages" var="E...
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    created by prathap_dudvat
  • RF 3.3.3, IBM RAD 7.5 & Websphere 7

    Hello everybody,     Last 48h, I was hard trying to set up RichFaces on Rational Application Developer from IBM with a Websphere 7 server.   Today, I'm at this step :   - I created a dynamic web...
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    last modified by 0rsa
  • how to set focus on rich:extendedDataTable

    Hi Super GURUs,   I have problems on set focus on the richfaces component. For example, rich:extendedDataTable, can not set focus once the page loaded, or set focus on the 1st row of the table once page is loade...
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    last modified by jyzhou817
  • Problem RichUploadFile + Ajax4JSF + PrettyFaces + Websphere 6.1

    Hi!   We are working with an webapp that use rich:fileUpload and we have problems with the uploaded file because we can´t get to load into the backingbean.   We use Richfaces 3.3.3 and prettyFaces 3....
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    created by angelgp
  • How to attach actionListner to rich: column header

    Hi, i want to call an action when user clicks on header to sort data table.   <f:view id="userView">           <a4j:form id="userForm">   ...
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    last modified by tiwari.vikash