Thread MavenDependencyResolver for retrieving test jar
MavenDependencyResolver for retrieving test jarHello, I want to resolve a maven artifact for test jar files, how do I do it? Normally for retrieving dependency the artifact string looks like <groupid>:<artifactid>:<version>, I want to r...
Shrinkwrap + MavenI've been trying to find out how to solve this issue and I'm hoping that someone can help me out. I am using shrinkwrap-resolver-impl-maven version 2.0.0-beta-3 and I can't seem to include the dependencies from the pa...
Thread Is it possible to access nested exploded archives?
Is it possible to access nested exploded archives?Is it possible to access an exploded WAR inside an exploded EAR archive? As part of an Arquillian createDeployment method, I access my EAR as follows: EnterpriseArchive er = ShrinkWrap ...
Thread Support resolution of variables in Maven settings file
Support resolution of variables in Maven settings fileVariables in Maven settings file are not resolved. For instance if you have this node in your settings.xml file : <localRepository>${user.home}/.m2/repository</localRepository>
then ...
Dependency resolver and proxyOur Hudson environment uses proxy. Unfortunately maven dependency resolver seams not to work properly. During arquillian tests on hudson we receive the following error: WARNING: Failed downloading org/jboss/s...
Where is shrinkwrap ?Hi Guys, Sorry for the stupid question but I've updated some Arquillian dependencies and noticed I was using a quite old Shrinkwrap version. I updated it but some of my deployment builds are not working anymore. ...
Thread error while generating javadocs - mvn site 1.1.1-SNAPSHOT
error while generating javadocs - mvn site 1.1.1-SNAPSHOTHi all, I have hard times to get api documentation for 1.1.1-SNAPSHOT generated. All I do is cd-ing to shrinkwrap/api and $ mvn site I have installed graphviz (and dot (2)) by fedora's...
Using dependencies from the pom.xmlI'm using Shrinkwrap in conjunction with Arquillian for my integration testing. At the moment I'm including dependencies using the code below which works fine. However I don't want to have to duplicate all...
MavenDependencyResolver performanceHi guys, first of all thank you for MavenDependencyResolver, it's a wonderful job you've done. I'm using it for testing library with small pom (few dependencies), but when I've tried it againts a project with seam3 a...
Thread Add directory recursively to arquillian using ShrinkWrap
Add directory recursively to arquillian using ShrinkWrapHi all, I want to create a WebArchive using ShirnkWrap. I have several xhtml files inside one directory on my project. Is ther any way to add all contents that exist into one directory recursively? Th...
Using ShrinkWrap with SOA-PI received this question via email from a community member: My name is Sathish Anickode and I work for Early Warning Services. I attended your presentation on JBoss AS7 and Arquillian at Phoenix Java User group...
Thread EJB3 packaging as jar archive in JBoss 4.2.3
EJB3 packaging as jar archive in JBoss 4.2.3I am trying to setup an intergration tests for an ejb project with the persistence context being different for the intergration tests. I would like to have the intergration test be executed as part of the maven execut...
Thread Shrinkwrap descriptors classpath error saxon8-dom.jar not found
Shrinkwrap descriptors classpath error saxon8-dom.jar not foundHi, I'm playing with the shrinkwrap/descriptors 1.2.0-alpha-2 release and try to generate a ejb31 deployment descriptor. When I run org.jboss.shrinkwrap.descriptor.test.ejbjar31.EjbJarDescriptorTestCase I get...