• SalesForce URL always invalid Teiid Designer

    I am unable to connect to our test/sandbox environment as any version of the test url supplied generates -  "The supplied URL text is not a valid SalesForce URL". I've tried quite a few variations and don't know ...
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    last modified by johncockson
  • Deploy Elastic Search through Rest URL on Teiid Designer VDB on Wildfly server

    Hello All,   We are trying to deploy elastic search vdb through Rest url. Below are the steps we followed.   1. We imported Elastic Search index through Import>Webservice Source>Source and ViewModel(...
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    last modified by srinath0533
  • Issues connecting Jboss DV to Hive source.  Wrong Driver Class is the error.

    Hello All,   I'm trying to connect my Jboss DV to Hive using Jboss Developer Studio.   - Jboss Developer Version: 9.1.0.GA - Redhat Jboss EAP 6.1+ - Teiid-engine-8.12.5.redhat-8 - Hive Driver - hive-jd...
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    last modified by srinath0533
  • DevStudio Issue after started - "Searching runtimes...."

    Hello All,   Everytime i start the Devstudio i see an error while updating the project wizard.     ERROR MESSAGE: An internal error occurred during: "Searching runtimes...".   Exception Stack...
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    last modified by srinath0533
  • TeiidDesigner 11.1.3 and Wildfly 10x. Unable to import views from Hive but able to import tables

    I choose Table Types as TABLE and i was able to import the tables     Now i choose Table Types as TABLE,VIEW as seen above but see error as below. I also choose Table Types as just the VIEW but still sa...
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    last modified by srinath0533
  • Could not free space for pending write

    Hi,   I'm currently using Teiid to copy billions of rows from different sources to a Microsoft SqlServer  database. The records are related to patient files.   I'm doiing this using a small Java progr...
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    last modified by gadeyne.bram
  • In Teiid Designer, how to create a VARIADIC parameter for a procedure?

    http://teiid.github.io/teiid-documents/10.2.x/content/reference/DDL_Metadata.html#_create_procedure_function   I had read the above reference. In Teiid Designer, I had created a source model, and a custom proced...
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    last modified by cshong
  • Unable to execute batch upsert in prepared statement

    Hi,   I am getting exception when performing upsert using prepared statement batch. teiid version: 9.1.3 jboss version: Wildfly 10.0.0 teiid AdminShell: 9.1.3   Scenario: I am trying to perform upsert in bat...
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    last modified by kulbhushanc
  • org.teiid.runtime.client.TeiidClientException: java.lang.RuntimeException: Remote org.teiid.core.TeiidProcessingException

    Hello,   After creating view from hive table , while i am going to view it's data using preview. below exception is coming. I'm using teiid 9.0.6 and wildfly 9.0.2   error on jboss developers studio :-  ...
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    last modified by gopal.goel
  • Teiid odata : scientific notation support

    Hi,   I have an issue with Teiid 10.2.0.   The odata translator doesn't seems to support scientific notation   Here is my input :     "@odata.context": "https://toto",    "val...
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    last modified by berenger
  • VDB Versioning misunderstanding?

    Hi, i'm trying to use simple VDB versioning. I'm using just simple XML VDB deploy (placing into deployments dir): <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <vdb name="test" version="1"> ...
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    last modified by lukyer
  • Design of Teiid Camel Component

    Hi,   There has been some interest in the Teiid Camel Component. So far, Teiid team has been suggesting to use the Camel's SQL component to interact with Teiid. That seemed like the best idea at that time. But t...
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    last modified by rareddy
  • Apparently incomplete README.adoc in teiid-quickstarts/webservice-as-a-datasource

    Hi all,   (if this is the wrong forum for this kind of question, please point me to the right one)   teiid-quickstarts/webservices-as-a-datasource/README.adoc contains a step-by-step instruction on how to ...
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    last modified by inreoh
  • Rest Service Post Method - How to pass multiple input parameters?

    Hello,   I have a stored procedure defined in VDB, which is enabled to get deployed as rest service (war).   Stored procedure gets 3 input parameters and is defined to use rest method as http'Post'. ...
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    last modified by cm.kumar
  • How to write Exception handling in VDB stored procedure?

    Can you guys give me some examples for Exception handling in VDB stored procedure
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    last modified by thiru28
  • Error Connecting to Teiid (9.0.1) via ODBC

    Hi,   I get the following error while connecting to Teiid via odbc:   DataSource.Error: ODBC: ERROR [50000] ERROR: TEIID31100 Parsing error: Encountered "[*]from[*] \"adfcorevdb\".\"TestDallas\".\"Product_...
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    last modified by jrod2016
  • Dynamic VDB LDAP

    Hi Teiid Team,     In dynamic VDB we are using REST and everything working well. Also We are using LDAP and that also working fine.     Currently our motivation is to restrict the access to cert...
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    last modified by mahavird
  • Preview Data error - No Teiid Instance found (server not started)

    Hello All,   I connected to Hive datasource and imported tables using Teiid Importer. I gave the data source and when i tried to preview the data i see the below error.     MESSAGE: No Teiid Instan...
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    last modified by srinath0533
  • TEIID 30357 nextval does not exist

    Hello,   How to insert data to postgres table which has primary key column with sequence associated ?   VDB is dynamic created out of native model of postgres database. Trying to insert via http post meth...
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    last modified by cm.kumar
  • Problem querying specific tables with SimpleDB connector

    Hi,   I am facing an issue while querying the Simple DB connector for a specific type of tables - the tables that contain a hyphen in the name.   I am guessing these need to be according the quoting rules ...
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    last modified by pranavk