• Integrating with Sharepoint

    I am trying to read Project Server 2010 (SharePoint) SOAP services.  To start with, I'm trying to import from the ReadProject service.   I've imported the WSDL successfully, and got to this point, and canno...
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    last modified by dajester2011
  • Warning messages in clustered usage of Teiid Embedded

    Hi,   I am using Teiid Embedded 8.13.Final in clustered mode in my application. For this I am using infinispan-replicated-config.xml file provided in the Teiid runtime jar, and I have modified the Jgroups.xml wh...
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    last modified by pranavk
  • Passing username/password to webservice using from Teiid

    Hi,   We are going to introduce a new webservice as a source in our application. Web service is secure REST service. We have created a -ds.xml having   <config-property type="java.lang.String" name="...
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    last modified by sanjay_chaturvedi
  • Not able to fetch updated schema or not able to read latest values of data source.

    Hi , When I read data from employee table of mysql database or any other data source with the help of vdb , it shows 10 records of employee table. then I insert one record using VDB in employee table , it get insert...
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    last modified by nish18
  • IN expressions are converted to OR expressions in the filter expression tree in Queries

    Hi All, When I have a query with IN expression teiid is converting this query to use OR expression. So if I were to send queries with in clause(subquery for a table with large data ) I see comparison being done with ...
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    last modified by anilnair
  • Can the metadata of a model be dynamically updated?

    Hi   A colleague of mine and I are trying to write a resource-adapter / translator pair for our Neo4j database. We noticed that the loadMetadata method of the MetadataRepository and consequently the process meth...
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    last modified by simon.evenepoel
  • Getting error while refresh the internal materialized view which has two source model

    Hi,   I have two source model and its SQLSERVER datasource in the VDB, I have create one view in view model by joining the two source model tables and make it internal materialized view,   For refresh the ...
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    last modified by govindarajs
  • Number of data source connections on teiid.

    Hi Ramesh ,   is there any max limit of datasource connection we can create on teiid ? or from where we can specify the limit ? In standalone-teiid.xml  ,        ...
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    last modified by nish18
  • TEIID31099 VDB test.1[test{}, excelsource{excelsource=excelsource, excel, java:/excelsource}] is not active. Resubmit your query after loading has completed or after the errors have been corrected.

    HI Guys,   I am totally new to DV concepts and Jboss. I am trying to create a VDB through teiid web UI. once creating the data service I am getting below error.   Please help on solve this     T...
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    last modified by gajendran21
  • Creation of File and Ldap Resource Adapter

    Hi, trying to craete a resource adapter using the jboss-cli utility we get an error during the activation of the adapter:   jboss-cli -c --file=create-ldap-ds.cli   --properties=create-ldap-ds.propert...
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    last modified by mirco73
  • HSQL Syntax error when Teiid sends it a join query with no parenthesis

    Running the following query through Teiid against an HSQL database,   SELECT R_NAME FROM region LEFT OUTER JOIN (customer INNER JOIN nation ON C_NATIONKEY = N_NATIONKEY) ON R_REGIONKEY = N_REGIONKEY   thro...
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    last modified by gsteinberg
  • CDATA for Teiid Designer xmi files

    Dear all   For our project, we use Subversion or Git to store Teiid Designer projects (actually DV 6.2 projects). But when a change is done to SQL queries in a model, it's almost impossible to review the change ...
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    last modified by jpmat
  • Using unicode in VDB metadata DDL object names with the embedded server.

    We're using the embedded server, currently on version 8.11.2.   Does Teiid support unicode characters in the names of tables, views, constraints and fields ? Do the names have to be quoted in these cases ? What ...
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    last modified by dnicodemus
  • Best way to integrate Solr with JBoss EAP 6.4

    Hi there, i'm new of this big and pretty community and i'm just developing an application which uses JBoss EAP as application platform. As you can read from the topic, my big problem is integrate Solr with JBoss in o...
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    last modified by goranzo
  • about using the ODBC connection Teiid

    I use Jboss as 7.1.1 and teiid 8.2 create a vdbs in linux server. The VDBs configure is: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>   <vdb name="MyVDB" version="1">   &l...
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    last modified by wanglei
  • Best way to approach this?

    Hello !   New to teiid and i've been working through the quickstart guides and created a UDF etc.   Now wondering how best to accomplish the following, please?   Basically, I need to modify all colu...
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    last modified by mikew123
  • Where does the embedded Teiid server store its temporary files

    Where does the embedded Teiid server store its temporary files by default and how can that location be changed.   Thanks, Dave
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    last modified by dnicodemus
  • Certain fields not visible in Salesforce source model

    Hi,   I had created a source model atop a Salesforce connection, I noticed that I am not able to see some of the fields that Salesforce exposes corresponding to D&B company (for eg DunsNumber). On exploring ...
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    last modified by pranavk
  • Infinispan/jgroups version upgrade in Teiid embedded

    Hi,   I noticed that the Infinispan version used in Teiid embedded is quite old and off (5.2.7) while currently v8 is out. I tried upgrading to v8 of Infinispan, I noticed that result set caching thus works fine...
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    last modified by pranavk
  • Teiid datasource encryption

    Do anyone know if it is possible to encrypt data source password in standalone-teiid.xml file? As I am using teiid to connect to Cassandra database.   here is my configuration at standalone-teiid.xml   <...
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    last modified by sanjay762k