• jboss IDE

    Iam using (1)jboss ide 2.0 beta version (2) jboss server 4.0 (3)Eclipse Can any one help the procedure for building a simple servlet application murali rao
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    created by bmuralirao1980
  • Re: Seam support in the JSP editor

    > From Gavin: > What do you guys think? > > http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBIDE-262 > > How hard is that to implement? Probably not insanely hard - biggest issue if we actually can scan the java...
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    last modified by maxandersen
  • Bug in the HTML editor using RIchfaces

    Hi, im developing portlets based Richfaces using JBossTools. ->facing follwoing problem: <a4j:portlet... which must wrap a xxx.xhtml file to get corrently rendered is not displayed in the JBossTools HTML editor...
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    last modified by welser
  • JBoss AS - Starting, Stopping, Polling in AS 5

    Currently, AS Tools executes run.jar and shutdown.jar respectively to start and stop the server. For polling, it loads the proper classes from the AS folder and executes a JMX call to find out if the server is up or n...
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    last modified by rob.stryker
  • Solve AWT problem using JBossTools Release 2.0 on Mac OS X 1

    Problem: After creating a seam project, open the ".xhtml" made problem: Unhandled event loop exception Can't start the AWT because Java was started on the first thread. Make sure StartOnFirstThread is not specified ...
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    last modified by sisepago
  • JBoss XDoclet Servlet 2.5 + JSP 2.1 support ?

    It seems like annotations came around and then everyone involved in every XDoclet system just stopped working on them. I've tried to rattle some cages on the xdoclet-devel list, from what I can see JBoss XDoclet Ecli...
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    last modified by dlmiles
  • palette and jbpm tags

    is there a way to add the jbpm facelet tag library to the jsf taglib palette? thanks.
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    created by koatto
  • RHDS and WebSphere

    Is there a way to have the features of RHDS for development and the WebSphere test environment like in Rational Application Developer together in the same IDE?
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    last modified by eeckmann
  • RHDS Source code build

    Hi All, I have downloaded the source code for RedHat Developer Studio from ftp://ftp.redhat.com/pub/redhat/rhdevstudio/beta/rhdevstudio-1.0-Beta2/rhdevstudio-1.0.0.beta2.source.tar.gz. Please let me know the steps fo...
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    last modified by mailtoagarg
  • Script for 3rd Party TLD import

    Hi All, Can I write a script that will automatically import a 3rd party TLD file in RedHat Developer Studio. Also since currently the TLD import doesn't iterate through all the tags, so can I automate the same by add...
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    created by mailtoagarg
  • xdoclet eclipse The currently displayed page contains invali

    Greetings, I'm using Eclipse 3.2.0 and JBOSS IDE version 1.6.0 . On windows. When I try to work with xdoclet <my project>->properties->xdoclet configurations I get an error message. "xdoclet eclipse The ...
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    last modified by wiley173
  • trouble installing JBoss Eclipse IDE

    When I tried to update Eclipse IDE with JbossEclipse IDE through Software Updates and the link http://download.jboss.org/jbosside/updates/stable I got an error message saying that I could not install ejb .I also canno...
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    created by aamirsyed
  • Profile server

    Hello, I would like to profile my server to have information about used memory ant execution time. But, where I do a right click on the server, profil est disabled. How can I do ? Thanks
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    last modified by jonathan12
  • Where is the latest JBossWS plug-in being developed?

    I've been playing around with the nightly builds for the new JBoss Tools plug-ins which I've been able to gather are destined for RedHat Developer Studio. My question is where is the plug-in tooling for working with J...
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    last modified by steve167
  • JBoss IDE vs Red Hat Developer Studio....what is the differe

    Hi! JBoss IDE vs Red Hat Developer Studio....what is the difference? I know RHDS comes from Exadel... And I know 2.0.0.Beta2 was released months ago... So... what will happen? RHDS will be what JBoss IDE 2.0 was goin...
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    last modified by fperedo
  • How to Lookup a session bean from a Javaclass/Servlet/jsp wi

    Hi, I have written stateless session bean in EJB 3.0 Project(JBoss 4.0.5) using JBossIDE for Eclipse,Version: 2.0.0,Build id: 2.0.0.Beta2 And then packaged into calculator.jar Then i have created a Application client...
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    created by anusree
  • XDoclet support (JBOSSIDE 2.0.0.beta)

    Hello, I tried to follow demo example of use of xdoclet Before that, I needed to copy on folder \plugins\org.jboss.ide.eclipse.xdoclet.core_2.0.0.Beta2 jar file xjavadoc-1.1.jar because a message on Properties page ...
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    created by jmuletalbiach
  • Using Xdoclet, loose a jboss 3.2 features tags in jbosscmp-j

    Hi, Im using xdoclet to automatic generation files like the jbosscmp.jdbc.xml In my xdoclet configuration about standard ejb, i use a jboss version 3.2. I have a database that use autogeneration primary key values an...
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    created by keruke
  • Problem with EJB wizard

    Hi, I always get an error when I try to use the EJB wizard. My steps: - create new J2EE 1.4 Project "LCDTest" - create a package "de.lcd.beans" - click with right button on package -> new -> other -> ejb com...
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    last modified by mbuchholz
  • XML Validation Error

    This may be useless to someone else, so I am making this post. If eclipse is set to validate XML and the XML files direct the validation to "http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/j2ee" then you probably receive an error that j2...
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    created by otasyn