• Error: libapr-1.dll was not found starting JBossAS in JBoss

    When starting the JBossAS 4.2.2GA with JBoss Web native configured from within a JBoss Server configured with the Eclipse IDE (JBoss Tools), I'm getting the error '... libapr-1.dll was not found ..' as a popup. After ...
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    last modified by hmr_mueller
  • Configure Field-length for Hibernate Reverse Engineering

    Hi,   I'm using Hibernate Tools for generating POJOs of my Oracle Database. Generally, you can configure the behavior for the reverse engeneering process in the file 'hibernate.reveng.xml'. But it's not possible...
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    created by nosc82
  • start jboss-html5-mobile-archetype issue.   please help me

    I should to set .m2/settinng.xml??? How to config it???     admin1@admin-ubuntu1:~/jbossHTML5$ mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeArtifactId=jboss-html5-mobile-archetype -DarchetypeGroupId=org.jboss.aerogear...
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    last modified by zhuzhengwen1983
  • Integration Tooling Release Process

    Overview This document details the process for building and releasing composite/aggregate update sites for the JBoss integration tooling (formerly SOA tools). Goals Provide a light-weight process with minimal overhead...
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    last modified by pleacu
  • Adding a Plugin (and/or Feature) To An Existing Component

    This document has moved. See https://github.com/jbosstools/jbosstools-devdoc/blob/master/building/how_to_add_a_plugin_or_feature_to_an_existing_project.md   ----   First, read this document on how to build...
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    last modified by nickboldt
  • How to Build JBoss Tools 4.0 with Maven 3 - Building Documentation

    This document has moved to https://github.com/jbosstools/jbosstools-devdoc/blob/master/building/build_documentation.md   ---   Building Everything   You can now build the whole suite of docs availabl...
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    last modified by nickboldt
  • How to Build JBoss Tools 4.0 with Maven 3

    This document has moved to https://github.com/jbosstools/jbosstools-devdoc/blob/master/building/how_to_build_jbosstools_4.adoc   This document replaces  How to Build JBoss Tools 3.3 with Maven 3.   N...
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    last modified by nickboldt
  • Remote Debugging for Eclipse Test Plug-in Running by Tycho

    When I report issue in bug tracking system about nightly build's JUnit test error I usually get simple answer that it is supposed to be working  because it is working on developer's workstation. After that routin...
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    last modified by rob.stryker
  • Startup JBoss AS 7.1.1 from Eclipse

    Hi all,   I installed JBoss Tools from the update Site"http://download.jboss.org/jbosstools/updates/development/indigo/" and there I selected the node"JBoss Web and Java EE Development" in Eclipse Indigo. Then c...
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    last modified by yuka78
  • JBoss Tools Development Environment

    Tools and technologies Java Eclipse PDE/RCP Git and EGit m2e Tips for productivity and quality Install Code Recommanders Static analysis Enable all JDT warnings Install Findbugs for Eclip...
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    last modified by nickboldt
  • jboss-as-7.1.1.Final and netbeans

    Hello, How i can use jboss-as-7.1.1.Final with netbeans??? (by default the latest version of netbeans doesn't accept a version of Jboss too recent) Thanks for your help!!!!
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    last modified by schum-hacker
  • JBoss Central's Software/Update Tab - How Does It Work?

    JBoss Central, based on Mylyn Discovery, is in part a UI for installing new features into Eclipse or JBDS. It provider a richer, yet simpler UI than what Eclipse's p2 Install Manager provides out of the box.   &...
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    last modified by nickboldt
  • Developing for JBoss Tools

    JBoss Tools is a large conglomerate of plugins and components from many different locations. This page will help committers and hackers navigate the process of setting up a development environment, contribute patches,...
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    last modified by rob.stryker
  • How to Build JBoss Tools 3.3 with Maven 3

    This article is superceded by How to Build JBoss Tools with Maven 3. This article is superceded by How to Build JBoss Tools with Maven 3. Environment Setup Prerequisistes Maven and Java Maven settings ...
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    last modified by nickboldt
  • Promoting JBoss Tools nightly project builds to milestone or stable release

    This doc is in progress and subject to change. ~nickboldt   Publishing SOA/BRMS Tooling components   == STEP ONE :: Nightly Snapshot Build (Continuous Integration) ==   Run your job as you would run ...
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    last modified by nickboldt
  • Screencasting of running tests

    Recording screencast of running tests is implemented in JBT test suite via class ScreenRecorderExt.java.   To save screencast of test just insert this code to proper place within test class:   screenRecorde...
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    last modified by maxandersen
  • Approval Process for Adding A Plugin and or Feature To An Existing Component

    Adding a plugin or feature to an existing component requires some level of consensus on why the plugin is needed. In general, the component lead will be given plenty of space to manage their plugins as they wish, howe...
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    last modified by rob.stryker
  • Install JBoss AS form JBDS?

    I've seen presentations where JBoss AS 7 and/or JBoss EAS 6 was added to JBDS through a download/install option, but I can't seem to find that option anywhere.  I step through the Add New Server wizard, but it as...
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    last modified by jmanko
  • How we create our update-sites? What are they? Which one you should use?

    JBoss Tools is made of a lot of plugins coming from different component, and that are aggregated for ease their installation. There are a lot of repositories. This page is intended to explain what are our repositories...
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    last modified by mickael_istria
  • Tycho 0.14.1/0.15.0 Build Performance Tests w/ and w/o Target Platform

    Summary This article shows performanse results for three tycho versions: tycho 0.14.1 (which is current wersion usedto build JBoss Tools) tycho tycho 0.15.0 pre-373806 (built from master branch of local https://git...
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    last modified by mickael_istria