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Thread ServiceLoader cannot load extension
ServiceLoader cannot load extensionWe are in the process of upgrading version of HK2 for Payara application server to 2.5.0 and bumped into a problem where ServiceLoader cannot load extension class for org.hibernate.validator.internal.cdi.ValidationExt...
Weld shutdown hook question: maybe interrupt() container thread?Consider the shutdown hook installed by Weld: core/WeldContainer.java at master · weld/core · GitHub I am experimenting with blocking the container thread from within an observer method like this: &...
Behavior of non-daemon threads in CDI 2.0?Maybe I'm missing something obvious. :-) It's my understanding that a JVM will exit when (a) Runtime.exit() is called in some way (let's forget about this case) or (b) there are no non-daemon threads lef...
Thread Integration testing and JNDI resource injection
Integration testing and JNDI resource injectionHi, I want to test that a DAO/repository works properly with a test database (integration test). In the DAO I inject a JNDI datasource with the resource annotation: public class SomeDAO {
Thread What subtype of ProcessBean should be fired for an extension?
What subtype of ProcessBean should be fired for an extension?I see that the CDI specification says in section 11.5, where "service provider" means a portable extension: For each service provider, the container must provide a bean of scope @ApplicationScoped and qualifier @Defa...
Weld and Log4j2 problem2017-01-28 13:18:27,626 Thread-1 ERROR Unable to register shutdown hook because JVM is shutting down. java.lang.IllegalStateException: Cannot add new shutdown hook as this is not started. Current state: STOPPED ...
Weld 3.0 - bridging Weld SE containersI am using Weld 3.0 Beta1 SE to start a server based application in one container and then start several other containers for embedded Tomcat WAR webapps. I investigated combining Weld SE with Weld Servlet but I didn'...
Thread Decorator problems with programmatically added Bean
Decorator problems with programmatically added BeanI have an extension that adds a Bean (which reports Foo, an interface, among its types) during AfterBeanDiscovery. I have a decorator, an abstract class implementing Foo, annotated with @Decorator and @Priorit...