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Blog Post Big Data and JBoss Enterprise Middleware
Big Data and JBoss Enterprise MiddlewareSpecial Thanks to Justin Hayes for coming out and talking about the JBoss Tusk project. This project is a reference architecture that shows the role that different JBoss technologies will play in handling big da...
October Meetup Video PostedWe've continued using BambUser to livestream and record our meetups. The October Meetup - The Hitchhikers Guide to the JBoss Galaxy can be found at - http://bambuser.com/v/3051375 For this talk, Burr Sut...
Switchyard Talk Available OnlineKeith Babo recently gave an excellent talk to the DC JBoss Users Group on Switchyard. A recap will follow later, but we recorded the talk and uploaded it over at Bambuser. You can check it out here - http:...
Article June 13 - Gavin King presents Ceylon: A New Language for the JVM
June 13 - Gavin King presents Ceylon: A New Language for the JVMThis is a joint event with the DC/Northern Virginia Java Users Group - http://www.meetup.com/dc-jug/ and co-sponsored byNear Infinity Corporation and Vizuri. The topic for June’s meeting will be: "Ceylon : A New...
Event Recap: CloudBees Deep DiveSpecial thanks to Spike Washburn and Jim McLoughlin for coming out to our group and talking about building and deploying JBoss applications in CloudBees. And to those that people who braved the rain, they were f...
Upcoming events - Summer 2012Over the next few months we have a number of big talks coming up that I wanted to let you all know about. Details for all of these are on our meet up site: http://www.meetup.com/dc-jbug 18 April – C...
Event Recap: InfinispanThe DC JBug group would like to thank Manik and the local DC Java Users group for helping to put on a great talk. We were fortunate that Manik didn't have the same level of difficulties as one of his earlier tal...
April 18 : CloudBees Deep-Dive WorkshopThe topic for April’s meeting will be: "CloudBees: A Deep Dive Workshop" This meeting is open to all individuals interested in learning more about JBoss-related technology. Free parking is available....
Blog Post Event Recap: JBoss at 7: A new App Server, new Tools and a new Attitude
Event Recap: JBoss at 7: A new App Server, new Tools and a new AttitudeOn Jan 19, the DC Area JBoss Users Group (http://www.meetup.com/DC-JBug/) held a joint program with the DC/Northern Virginia Java Users Group (http://www.meetup.com/DC-Jug/). This joint program, JBoss at 7: A ne...
Blog Post DevIgnition 2011 - Toby Crawley - Polyglot Future at JBoss
DevIgnition 2011 - Toby Crawley - Polyglot Future at JBossIf you missed DevIgnition 2011, you missed out on a great talk by Toby Crawley. His slides are available out at Slideshare. Some time in the near future DevIginition is supposed to post the videos from all...
Article JBoss AS 7: A new App Server, new Tools and a new Attitude
JBoss AS 7: A new App Server, new Tools and a new AttitudeJBoss at 7: A new App Server, new Tools and a new Attitude by Dan Allen Date: January 19, 2012, 6:30 PM Location: Near Infinity Corporation, 1881 Campus Commons Drive #203 , Reston, VA Co-Host: This meetup is ...
Article JBCD-Persistence (Hibernate) Study Group Resources
JBCD-Persistence (Hibernate) Study Group ResourcesThe DC JBoss Users Group study group is underway and we have already created a number of resources to use as a group. The JBCD - Persistence exam tests whether candidates are ready for the real-world responsibil...
getting hibernate-tutorial to workI found that the hibernate-tutorial folder (provided on the VM image) was a Maven project. So I tried to run "mvn test" on it. It was missing an hbm.xml file where it wanted to see it. I found that the following comma...