4 Replies Latest reply on Dec 2, 2010 9:42 AM by sflanigan

    Getting Flies maven plugin into jboss.org repository




      I want to get the Flies maven plugin into the jboss.org repository so that it can be used by jboss.org projects.  At present the Flies plugin is available through the group repository http://nexus.openl10n.net/content/groups/public/.  It has dependencies from Central, JBoss and a few third-party jars (all available through the group repository, some via proxy repositories).


      I've found the pages  http://community.jboss.org/wiki/MavenRepository and http://community.jboss.org/wiki/UploadingaThirdpartyArtifact but I'm still unclear on the best approach.  Should I be asking to have the above group repository (or the individual repositories) added as proxies in JBoss Nexus?  What are the policies for adding a new proxy?


      I see there is a proxy for Central, but I see it is excluded from groups/public.  Hypothetically speaking, if the Flies maven plugin were deployed to maven Central, would it be available to JBoss projects? 



