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Twins Father

December 16, 2010 Previous day Next day
  • Keep Long Live Consumer or Producer healthy

     Most messaging system suggest keep reusing the constructed connection and reduce the significant overhead as you can. But many of them hadn't given us the solution how to keep the connection or other underlying dependent object healthy, so if you didn't take care of that you would find many unexpected behavior happen. So solution could be the following two:


    • Reactive Mode

                You are sure the connection or other underlying depend object unhealthy in sometime, so you will regular check each connection or underlying depend object usages. After one connection or underlying depend object is not used from a while, you can reload or reinitialize that connection.

                Benefit:  It can meet the connection healthy requirement and no need big moving for your infrastructure

                Drawback: The point for reloading or reinitilization was hard to decide. And almost failed in many cases

    • Proactive Mode

                Many messaging system are building upon the traditional TCP/IP, so that means the underlying was one tcp (socket) connection. So keep the connection or underlying depend object for messaging system would transfter to keep tcp (socket) connection healthy. So here you can use heartbeat methodology.

                Benefit: It can fullfil the healthy requirement and meet many situations.

                Drawback: Big moving for your infrasturcture



      So the goal for many messaging system in the future is reduce the overhead for create connection or underlying depend object, and provide the configurable way or transparently keep the connection or underlying depend object healthy fullfil the requirement for the long live (or large scalable messaging driven system)

[Ephemeral Port]


Ephemeral port is one virtual port concept, it includes the 4 parts {client_ip, client_port, server_ip, server_port}


So if server can provide 5000 port number for tcp connection, that means total sever can allow the maximumconnections was:

# of client * 5000


Below was referenced from:

Ephemeral ports are temporary ports assigned by a machine's IP stack, and are  assigned from a designated range of ports for this purpose.  When the connection  terminates, the ephemeral port is available for reuse, although most IP stacks  won't reuse that port number until the entire pool of ephemeral ports have been  used.  So, if the client program reconnects, it will be assigned a different  ephemeral port number for its side of the new connection.



[Windows MaxUserPort]


Windows default provide the limition to be 5000 in windows 2003 and 15000 in windows 2003.




Question #1:  Will I need always tuned the port range?


Answer #1:  Yes and except you know your client will be intranet connections. And each connection is short-around request and response so can finish very quickly.  And time_out setting you should also consideration.


For examples:

10000 client of intranet            Server port range is 5000

If each connection can be finished below 500 ms, so you won't need tuned the port range. Otherwise you need.

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