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The JBoss Portal team is proud to announce the general availability of JBoss Portal 2.4. This release marks important additions, such as full clustered CMS capabilities and WSRP (Web Service for Remote Portlet) support. For a full human-unreabable list of changes/enhancements in this release, please see our JIRA notes. As always, you can fetch the new release (now with a new clustered version as well) from our download page. For some of the highlights in this release, read below...

  • Documentation - Our new documentation guides add the following enhancements, aside from all of the guides being re-created:
  • WSRP - Some of the new additions to our new WSRP implementation are as follows:
    • Ability to easily consume portlets from remote producers
    • Seamless integration of WSRP portlets in portal
    • Support for simple registration schemes
    • Simple caching of markup and metadata
    • Support for WSRP Base level (support for service description and markup interfaces)
    • Local portlets can easily be exposed remotely to WSRP consumers
    • Includes a local WSRP producer to easily test WSRP in Portal ('self' portlet provider)
  • Migration - A migration application is available as a deployable war that provides an automated walk-through for those of you upgrading from 2.2.x to 2.4.x. This migration application will be a permanent fixture, accompanying every release.
  • Scalability - Render-view caching for improved performance, clustered portal state, and clustered CMS.
  • TestSuite - In contrast to our "we let the community test our software" competitors, we have added a Testuite that tests most aspects of the portal codebase and is run nightly in our QA Lab.


The roadmap for 2.6, is presently being fine-tuned. At this time, we will mention a few items that are already being worked on, such as full WSRP 1.0 compliance, CMS enhancements, and a revamping of our usability and UI (wiki| forums).


Roy Russo

PortletSwap v.2

Posted by roy.russo Aug 17, 2006


The JBoss Portal team is proud to announce the public availability of JBoss PortletSwap v.2. The community has taken a commanding role with regards to contributing portlets and sharing ideas during the first year of JBoss PortletSwap, and this release introduces some extra features:

  • Revamped UI for the portlet catalog: A new more intuitive UI, with screenshots and links to information regarding the portlet project and downloadable sources/binaries.
  • Tutorial Portlet Section: Portlet that are referenced in our JBoss Portal documentation are now available in complete source or bundled download.
  • PortletSwap Documentation: Manuals covering all aspects of the site, how to contribute, and how to get your project hosted.
  • Portlet project Hosting Services: We now offer free Portlet project hosting services for open-source portlet projects - providing a SVN repository, wiki, and forums.


The most exciting feature we have added is the support for hosting your own portlet project on our infrastructure. Since PortletSwap has become the defacto portlet catalog on the web for JSR168-compliant portlets, you can be assured you project will benefit from the community involvement we see taking place in PortletSwap and JBoss Portal, as is evident with other portlet projects, such as Kosmos and JBoss Wiki, that are hosted here.


Roy Russo


In the spirit of open source and transparency in the JBoss Portal project, we have been soliciting input from our community with regards to the next version of JBoss Portal and its planned enhancements to usability and user interface design.


The Portal Team has just posted a brief on what is being proposed as usability and user-interface enhancements for JBoss Portal 2.6. You can look through all the proposed changes, here. Much of the discussion surrounding these additions were open to the community in this thread, and I would ask that any further conversations over the proposed enhancements take place in the same thread.


Here are some highlights of the wiki article, at this stage:


Our new default theme:


Page-level personalization for users:


Intuitive Portlet Controls:


Dynamic user page-layout creation/modification:


We hope to see our community provide further feedback, regarding the ideas proposed in our wiki. After all, most of the designs above came directly from you, our community, and we thank you for continuing to help JBoss Portal evolve.


Roy Russo

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