• This week in JBoss (21 Sept 2017)

    Happy Java 9 day! Hope everyone is enjoying a new version of Java and getting used to Jigsaw. Sorry, we missed last week, but we’ll get you all caught up here. Again, our hearts go out to those affected by the n...
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    last modified by lightguard
  • We are moving ...

    JBoss and Fuse has always been about developer focus. Whether you're someone who builds applications with our projects and products, or someone who contributes to the construction of those projects, or a combination o...
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    created by marklittle
  • Windup 4.0.0.Beta4 is out!

    Windup is changing the face and content in parallel, so if you know about or not we have now Red Hat Migration Toolkit presentation on Red Hat Application Migration Toolkit Overview | Red Hat Developers  site whi...
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    last modified by manarh
  • This week in JBoss (08 Sept 2017)

    Welcome everyone, to another edition of JBoss Weekly! We have some great news to share with you all this week. I hope you’ve stayed current with other happenings out in the Java world over the past couple of wee...
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    last modified by lightguard
  • This week in JBoss (31st August 2017) - The Times They Are A Changin'

    For those who don't recognise it, the title is a reference to that Nobel Prize winner Bob Dylan and his song, but it really is quite apt at the moment. First let's look at some monumental news which is hopefully not s...
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    last modified by marklittle
  • This week in JBoss (17th August 2017)

    Interview with Brian Leathem & Leslie Hinson from the PartternFly Project    In this interview, Jason Porter interviews Brian Leathem & Leslie Hinson from the PaternFly project. PatternFly is a c...
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    created by paul.robinson
  • Java EE and open source

    By now I'm hoping that most people will have seen the announcement from Oracle around Java EE and possible moves towards open source foundations. Of course there are a few media articles on the topic now because if th...
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    last modified by marklittle
  • This week in JBoss (10th August 2017): Rules and Microservices plus much more

    I enjoy reading about and being involved with different organizations that help young men and women get more involved in technology and the sciences.  I like to help with codecamps but a part of my background is ...
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    created by kpeeples
  • How to use RESTEasy in a Spring Boot application

    Spring Boot   Spring Boot is Spring "convention-over-configuration" solution for creating stand-alone, production-grade Spring-based Applications, usually contained in a single and executable jar. It is also an ...
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    last modified by fabiocarvalho
  • This week in JBoss (27th July 2017): OptaPlanner, Clustered Counters, Containers and more

    Welcome to another edition of the JBoss Weekly Editorial, another trip through the JBoss Communities in search of interesting articles and topics.   Red Hat Summit Interview with Geoffrey De Smet    ...
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    last modified by kconner
  • Summer releases and now on JAX-RS 2.1!

    RESTEasy 3.1.4.Final and 3.0.24.Final have been released during last weekend. They're both maintenance releases, including a bunch of bug fixes. Please have a look at the release notes for details. Now it's really ti...
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    last modified by asoldano
  • This week in JBoss (20th July 2017): Bastille Day

    Last week have seen quite a lot of releases in the JBoss Community, especially the latest version of Infinispan Infinispan 9.1 "Bastille", but also the publication of several in depth articles, which clearly justifies...
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    last modified by rpelisse
  • This week in JBoss (13th July 2017): A (WildFly) swarm of Microservices content

    This week we are seeing a lot of activity around WildFly Swarm, in additional to the usual set of releases you have come to expect from the JBoss Community. Microservices with WildFly Swarm   WildFly Swarm all...
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    created by paul.robinson
  • This week in JBoss (7th July 2017): A Mixed Bunch

    This week we've a mixed bunch of entries to highlight. Let's start with a mainstay of this editorial, jBPM and Drools. Edson has been writing about how they and OptaPlanner are switching to agile delivery! Hot on the ...
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    created by marklittle
  • This week in JBoss (30th June 2017): Early Access Books and More

    There are two Manning Early-Access Books (MEAP) that are getting close to full release.   They revolve around the enterprise technologies, Enterprise Integration Patterns (EIP) and Business Process Managemen...
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    created by kpeeples
  • IoT Demo using SAP Leonardo with Red Hat

    Overview  This demo illustrates a retail store scenario using a mobile app to track customer movements while shopping at a store. There are many parts to the demo and I will step through each one in detail. The ...
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    last modified by tejones
  • Docker Reference Guide

    This blog will capture and document common Docker commands. I'll try to keep them in a logical flow so you don't have to jump around. This is for me as much as it is for you.   If you have suggestions for other...
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    last modified by tejones
  • This week in JBoss (16th June 2017): The Power of Asynchronicity

    Welcome to this week's edition of the JBoss Weekly Editorial, our regular spin through the JBoss Communities in search of interesting articles and developments   Red Hat Summit Interview with Clement Escoffier...
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    created by kconner
  • This week in JBoss (June 8th): Teiid 10.x and beyond

    Welcome to this week's editorial! As always, you'll find the JBoss community has been quite active in the last days and produced many releases and interesting content for you. But especially, I would like to point out...
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    last modified by rpelisse
  • The Week in JBoss (June 1st, 2017)

    This week we have the usual collection of blog posts and releases from the JBoss Community. We also continue the developer interview series, with an interesting chat with Sanne Grinovero from the Hibernate project. Re...
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    created by paul.robinson