For those who don't recognise it, the title is a reference to that Nobel Prize winner Bob Dylan and his song, but it really is quite apt at the moment. First let's look at some monumental news which is hopefully not so new now: Java EE is moving to a new home, an as-yet undisclosed open source foundation and to presumably a governance model which puts much more power into the hands of the community! This is pretty significant for the wider enterprise Java community, whether you use a full-blown application server or just some of the components that have been defined over the years within the JCP process; now you will have more ability to help influence the direction of the specifications, code etc. just as you might if you were to participate in any open source project. I'm also hoping that the work we are doing with Eclipse MicroProfile will help influence the next releases of Java EE, or whatever it might be called, since that has always been our intent.


OK so on to the next bit of news: is moving too! Although not quite on the same scale as moving Java EE and not really a move per se, it's important that anyone involved in our upstream communities and products take note because you can really help influence the future of the site. As I mention in my blog on the topic, the changes we have in mind aren't going to happen overnight so there is time to comment or use your clicks to let us know how you use the current site.


A few other changes this week include the fact you can now get NoSQL support in jBPM, and as Maciej also describes, through this there's now an option to use ElasticSearch as a data store. Since we're talking about things Maciej has been writing about this week, he's been busy also by writing about how jBPM 7 can be used in cloud environments.


Just time for a few more announcements. There's an article on how to use MQTT with Vert.x, WildFly 11 CR1 has been released, and of course there have been a number of other projects doing releases so go check out the blog feed. OK that's it for this week (surely that's enough?!) See you next time.