Welcome to this week's editorial! As always, you'll find the JBoss community has been quite active in the last days and produced many releases and interesting content for you. But especially, I would like to point out the latest release of Teiid (9.3), which brings many bug fixes and features enhancements but more importantly come with a small announcement regarding the future of Teiid, and the upcoming changes. While the developers have obviously plans for the future of the project, they are also welcoming request and suggestions - so if you ever wanted to see Teiid evolve in a certain way, it's time to speak up!


Tech bytes


Christina Lin's post, last week, on The rise of Agile Integration - Integration is not DEAD nor LAME! really caught my eye. She makes, of course, a lot of sense, and I found this entry to be a refreshing read - amidst the current flow of "microservices this" and "microservices that", that often forget that microservices, like Docker, will not "fix everything". Still on the topic of microservice, the third of Microservices Patterns With Envoy Proxy, Part III: Distributed Tracing was just released and is again an excellent read.


If you microservice is not your cup of your tea or just if you are interested in security, the following article will be also a nice read: Under The Elytron: Update of Credential Store alias operations.


On the shelf


In this digital age, people, especially working in our industry, can be surprised that books are still published. Even more especially on technological topics, as the matter at hand tends to evolve very quickly. I'm not one of those people. I personally think that book are still the best tool to understand, deeply and with a complete overview, a topic or a technology. The internet brings thousands of blogs, that are priceless when it comes to finding tidbits or getting how to, but rare are the information or documentation online, complete enough (or well designed enough) to allow one to really understands a complex topic.


All of that to introduce this New Book – Understanding Message Brokers from Jakub Korab. If you are an ActiveMQ user, or just interested in the topic of messaging, I can but only recommend you check out the book!


Evangelist's Corner


The numerous evangelists around the JBoss community are always on the job, but none is as productive as Eric D. Schabell who released, in the last days AppDev in the Cloud self-paced, free, online workshop, along with a sum up of an Evening of AppDev in the Cloud Workshop.


Releases, releases, releases...


Only three releases in the last week, but at least two major ones! First, Teiid 9.3 Final was released as mentioned above, but also WildFly Swarm 2017.6.0 - and both releases are an excellent opportunity to try out those two products if you never have. Last but not least, Arquillian Spacelift 1.0.2 was also released.



As always, here some interesting news, coming for outside the Java community but still very relevant to us: Red Hat and Apache OpenWhisk. Also, if you have interest, like me, in Ansible, you might want to share this article on a New level of automation with Ansible around you, as it is a nice introduction to the topic.


Hopefully, you have found something in this week's editorial to pique your interest and give you something to explore while waiting for next week's installment. Join us here next week for more news from the JBoss Community.