This week in JBoss (27th July 2017): OptaPlanner, Clustered Counters, Containers and more
Posted by kconner in Weekly Editorial on Jul 27, 2017 10:42:09 PMWelcome to another edition of the JBoss Weekly Editorial, another trip through the JBoss Communities in search of interesting articles and topics.
Red Hat Summit Interview with Geoffrey De Smet
In this week's developer interview Jason Porter interviews Geoffrey De Smet, a Principal Software Engineer with Red Hat and technical lead of the OptaPlanner constraint satisfaction solver project.
Cluster Counters in Infinispan
Infinispan 9.1 introduced a new feature enabling support for cluster counters which are distributed amongst all nodes in the cluster. There are two flavours of cluster, counter, strong counters which provide atomic access during updates and weak counters which supports eventual consistency and faster writes.
Improvements to Hawkular Grafana
The hawkular team have introduced two significant improvements in their Hawkular Grafana datasource. The first improvement is the ability to use the Hawkular Metrics' query language instead of simple key/value pairs, supported by a more elaborate query builder within the UI; the second improvement allows queries to run against aggregated sets of metric data, reducing network load and the amount of processing on the client side.
JBoss Community Asylum - Episode 45
The next episode of the JBoss Community Asylum podcast is now available, hosted by Emmanuel Bernard and Max Andersen. In this episode Emmanuel and Max interview Hardy Ferentschik and discuss minishift, a project which enables you to setup and run a single node OpenShift cluster within a VM.
Why I Started Using Containers
The last few years has seen a rise in the popularity of containers within enterprises, allowing applications to be deployed with greater density and flexibility than was previously possible, however many are still considering their adoption and looking for reasons to do so. If you are still considering the adoption of containers within your enterprise then Ricardo's reflections, after many years of experience using containers, may be of great interest.
Optimising IT in Retail Processes
In the third installment of his series on "Optimizing IT" Eric Schabell discusses options for how retail processes can be optimised by leveraging existing projects and investments and deploying to a modern container-based cloud platform, showcasing some of these options through the Red Hat Cloud Suite product.
Hibernate News
The latest version of Hibernate News is out bringing new articles from the Hibernate Community. Within this edition of the newsletter are articles discussing the differences between persist and merge in relation to JPA transaction boundaries, using Hibernate in Grails, some caveats of using Streams when limiting records fetched by a JDBC ResultSet and many more.
JBoss Out and About
This October 5th and 6th sees OpenSlava 2017 return to the beautiful city of Bratislava in Slovakia. Eric Schabell will be giving the opening keynote session on open source, Red Hat and what's interesting in our emerging technologies and will also be submitting proposals for other talks he is hoping to present during the conference. Registrations for the conference should be opening soon.
New Releases
- The Keycloak team have released Keycloak 3.2.1.Final
- The Hibernate team have released Hibernate ORM 5.1.9.Final
- The Teiid team have released Teiid 10.0.0.Alpha2
That's all for this week's edition of the JBoss Weekly Editorial, please join us again next week when we will bring you more updates and content from the JBoss Communities.