The current Maven repositories will be replaced by a new set of repositories that use a Maven repository manager (Nexus). This page contains a test plan for the Maven repository infrastructure.
Document Goals
- Define a test strategy for new Maven repository infrastructure for
- Communicate the strategy to all stakeholders
- Contribute to test planning for future repository infrastructure changes/updates.
Scope - What will be tested?
- User authentication against the user database (probabaly against svn)
- Consuming artifacts from the repository from a Maven build
- Using only JBoss releases repository
- Using various combinations of JBoss releases, JBoss snapshots, and Maven central
- Track and save artifacts proxied from the central Maven repository
- Searching for and locating artifacts contained in the repositories
- Search for repository
- Search Maven central repository
- Updating search indices when new artifacts are deployed, or old artifacts (snapshots) are removed.
- Deploying snapshot artifacts to the repository (via a webdav interface)
- Automatic cleanup of old snapshot artifacts
- Deploying release artifacts to a staging repository
- Promoting staged artifacts to the release repository
Test deliverables
All test results are be tracked in this wiki.
This includes Maven Repository Test Results, Maven Repository Test Results 2, and MavenRepositoryTestResults3.
Server setup/configuration instructions are located in this wiki and in the internal clearspace (docspace) wiki.
Responsibilities (Test Team)
Paul Gier
David Vrzalik
John Casey
Arnaud Heritier
Hardy Ferentschik
Andrew Rubinger
Randal Hauch
Tom Jenkinson
Lincoln Baxter
Test Schedule
Maven Repository Upgrade Roadmap
Test Execution Instructions
Instructions for configuring the workspace prior to running the tests.
Maven Repository Test Plan - Test Configuration
Instructions for executing the tests can be found in the following sub-documents.
Maven Repository Test Plan - User Authentication
Maven Repository Test Plan - Consuming Repo Artifacts
Maven Repository Test Plan - Save Proxied Artifacts
Maven Repository Test Plan - Searching for Artifacts
Maven Repository Test Plan - Deploying Snapshot Artifacts
Maven Repository Test Plan - Deploying Release Artifacts
Test Results
All test results should be tracked in this wiki
Maven Repository Test Results - Testing against Sonatype hosted repository
Maven Repository Test Results 2 - Testing against internal test environment