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Article Get Started with Hybrid Application Frameworks
Get Started with Hybrid Application FrameworksThis wiki page will give an overview of what hybrid applications are, what tools and frameworks are out there to help create them, and some teasers for upcoming examples if you wanted to get involved. What is a Hybrid...
HTML5 example Project fails Arqillian testI created the HTML5 Project from the JBoss Central page in Eclipse Indigo on windows 7. The app deploys and displays correctly on community JBoss7.1.1, but when I tried to run the tests the last test (testRegist...
Javascript Forge PluginAftering seeing what Forge could do at jboss world i decided to try writing a plugin. The toughest part of getting started on any project is always copying the js resources over. this plugin will do th...
AeroGear Server Side ResourcesBookmark or favorite this page! and please submit any projects we have not included. The following page serves as a central index of all HTML5, mobile, and server-side resources created by JBoss and community m...
Thread POH5 application development and databinding (knockout.js)
POH5 application development and databinding (knockout.js)I'm currently planning an application with the following layers: HTML (5) + Javascript controller + RESTful services probably via JAX-RS (implemented using JPA) Prior to looking at Aerogear my re...
HTML5 + REST ApplicationsWhat is a HTML5 + REST application? This could just as easily be called a "plain old open web" application. The HTML5 revolution causes developers to think differently about their overall architecture, with more JavaS...
IE Conditional CSSThis is really a questions, i just thought this might be helpful to others. This is one way of having differnt styles for different IE browsers. I have this at the top of my html ...
Orientation Changes Across DevicesRecently i converted a flash application to a web app so it could also run on tablets. My main focus was the iPad, but it also needed to work on other tablets. The other tablet i was testing on was a galax...
aerogear-controller-demo dependenciesHi, I've been looking at the aerogear-controller-demo and noticed that there were a few dependencies I had not expected. The war contains the following: WEB-INF/lib/aerogear-controller-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar...
Thread Problems opening cordova example with Xcode
Problems opening cordova example with Xcodehi just cloned https://github.com/aerogear/kitchensink-cordova.git and tried to open the ios project following instructions in the wiki. But I get the following message: "The document “KitchensinkCordova.xcodepr...
Article HTML5 Mobile Quickstart & Archetype Deep Dive
HTML5 Mobile Quickstart & Archetype Deep DiveThis article details the significant files, libraries, and source code for the AeroGear archetype and quickstart that are part of the JBoss-AS quickstart suite called kitchensink-html5-mobile. For instructions on gett...
AeroGear+PostgresqlI need integrate AeroGear+Postgresql and deploying on Tomcat. I try of generate the War file and deploy on tomcat. I guess I need to copy the driver and configure persistence.xml how I do this? ...
AeroGear+Postgresql+Tomcathi I need to make an application with AeroGear with Postgresql and deploy on a Tomcat server. I must do and configure for this thanks
Deploying HTML5 Applications To OpenshiftThis guide will show you how to deploy HTML5 Applications to Openshift. Prerequisites This article assumes you have created an application following the instructions in Get Started With HTML5 Mobile Web Develop...
Cache practicesAre there any plans to show the best practices for caching js/css files in any of the quickstarts. I'm using apache as my front end with mod_jk to as 7.1. Is there a document out there that alread...
AeroGear services and GateInWe are adding mobile support to GateIn and we are trying to figure out if AeroGear has any services we can use. GateIn is a portal framework with its own UI elements, and but also runs other applications and s...
how to avoid duplicating validation rulesHi AeroGear folks, I'm curious to hear what others think about this. In the AeroGear kitchensink archetype, the validation rules for the fields are written directly in index.html, as well as in Member....
Thread Error deploying when project name contains "-"
Error deploying when project name contains "-"Hi I created a project with command line named html5-test by executing mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeArtifactId=jboss-html5-mobile-archetype -DarchetypeGroupId=org.jboss.aerogear.archetypes -Darchet...