• AMI delivery plugin issue

    Hello: I am trying to upload a EC2 image bundled as AMI to my S3 bucket. All's good so far. I hit an issue which I wanted to discuss.   I saw that, boxgrinder failed with: (f16-owncloud is my appilance name btw....
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    last modified by amitsaha
  • Post-first appliance queries

    Hello: This is my first post here and comes shortly after I built my first appliance with BoxGrinder - and hopefully an useful one too - an ownCloud appliance. I have detailed the steps in my blog post here. I faced a...
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    last modified by amitsaha
  • BoxGrinder and OpenStack plugin

    Hello,   I know that the OpenStack delivery plugin is only at "technology preview" status, but I decided to try and use it anyway and provide feedback from my experience with it.    1) I encountered ...
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    created by tiradani
  • compressedfs/SquashFS & unionFS with boxgrinder

    Hey all, This is likely a newbie question in the virtualization/boxgrinder environment, but is it feasible (and good idea or cons to be aware of) for having the base OS stored on compressedFS or SquashFS to further r...
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    last modified by dhartford
  • [Newbie question] Boxgrinder in the context of OpenShift

    If I need to deploy an enterprise Java application to the OpenShift Flex cloud, which one of the following options is the correct (or appropriate / best) approach:   Option 1: Use the OpenShift Eclipse Plug-In ...
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    last modified by j2d
  • File Path for parent appliance file

    Hi,   I want to specify a location for the parent appl file in a child appl file. Eg. My directory structure looks like this"   Folder 1   |__parent.appl Folder 2   |__child.appl   ...
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    last modified by supriyashivkumar
  • Best practice, build platform vs kernel version in appliance?

    What is recommended as platform when building specific release versions?   If I plan to build RHEL 6.2 appliances should I build on the same platform? This to get the corresponding kernel version.   I ask ...
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    last modified by hagis
  • New meta appliance

    Hello   New boxgrinder 0.10 is awesome! But meta appliance in amazon is old When it will with new boxgrinder?   Thank You
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    last modified by gigimon
  • qcow2 + libvirt problem

    I have   * machine 1: Fedora 16 with BoxGrinder 0.10   * machine 2: CentOS 6.2, configured as KVM host with libvirt   I want to create a VM with boxgrinder-build and transfer the machine to my KVM ho...
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    last modified by mickof
  • Never "rm -rf build/..." an aborted installation

    Within build there is a directory install_root/dev which has a bound mount of /dev. Bye /dev .   Never remove an aborted installation!   Since /dev is a devtmpfs I'm going to attempt a reboot. Wish me luck.
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    last modified by wolfc
  • sh: error reading information on service netfs: No such file or directory

    On Fedora 16:   $ cat rawhide-jeos.appl name: rawhide-jeos summary: Just Enough Operating System based on Fedora Rawhide os:     name: fedora     version: rawhide hardware:  &#...
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    last modified by wolfc
  • Permission denied - /var/lib/libvirt/images

    On Fedora 16 with SELinux set to enforce : $ sudo -E boxgrinder-build rawhide-jeos.appl -d libvirt WARNING: couldn't connect to: /tmp/keyring-IPcYsM/pkcs11: No such file or directory I, [2012-01-24T13:23:07.162840 #2...
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    last modified by wolfc
  • Centos6 appliance build failed

    For log & appl file http://pastebin.com/UBp7cxHV Used boxgrinder version = 0.10.0  , 0.11.0 (nightly build rpm)
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    last modified by avdhoot
  • boxgrinder and debian

    Hello,   Are there any plans for the future releases of boxgrinder to support building debian appliances too?   Thanks!
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    last modified by kaosmonk
  • Error Building a new appliance

    Hi, Please help fix the below error.     Traceback (most recent call last):   File "/usr/share/virt-manager/virtManager/asyncjob.py", line 44, in cb_wrapper     callback(asyncjob, *ar...
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    last modified by asmicom
  • Specifying additional repos causes error

    Hi,   According to http://boxgrinder.org/tutorials/appliance-definition/, when you specify an additional repo in appliance definition file, it should be installed on the appliance.  However, I am getting a ...
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    last modified by tiradani
  • appliance directory

    Hello,   I've just installed boxgrinder on CentOS 6.2 and I'm about to build my first CentOS 6.2 EC2 AMI. But I seem not to be able to locate /root/.boxgrinder/ directory. Do I have to create it manually, or nee...
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    last modified by kaosmonk
  • Openstack not bootable media found

    i build centos image for openstack After launching image it says no bootable media found. Version=BoxGrinder Build 0.10.0 Command run for build boxgrinder-build centos.appl -p ec2 -d openstack   cat centos....
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    last modified by avdhoot
  • Build old version of centos

    Hello   I'm try build centos 5.5 and set version: 5.5, but get error   F, [2012-01-04T09:16:51.006961 #935] FATAL -- : RuntimeError: Unsupported operating system version selected: 5.6. Supported versions ar...
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    last modified by gigimon
  • Appliance for ESX is large (in GBs)

    Hello all boxgrinders.   Now I have succesfully built an appliance that I will use at several different sites to support Apple mac clients. It works like a charm! But now to my question.   During developme...
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    last modified by hagis