• 0.8.1 Couldn't read appliance definition file

    Hello!   I've been using boxgrinder installed from ordinary fedora 14 repo, and it worked well. However now I want to use VirtualBox plugin, which needs newer version of boxgrinder. So I replaced fedora's ruby...
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    last modified by t3d
  • CentOS on CentOS image build issues

    I installed BoxGrinder on my CentOS 5.5 workstation. I have encountered some problems in building a CentOS VM image in this environment.  I solved or worked around some of the problems, but others remain.  H...
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    last modified by tdyas
  • Documentation and Controlling image creation

    Hello,   Just getting started with trying out BoxGrinder.  I am quite impressed that I was able to install and create a simple VM image with no problems.  I am now trying to create images for specific ...
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    last modified by tiradani
  • Beginning with cloud and JBoss

    Hi all, I've started learning about cloud computing basics and found an interesting presentation at http://www.redhat.com/summit/sessions/jboss.html where it's explained that in order to use a JBoss cluster out of b...
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    last modified by markboletti
  • Missing deps for boxgrinder

    Hello   Installed boxgrinder repo...I am using Centos 5.x...i386...getting ...   No package rpmdevtools available. No package libguestfs available. No package ruby-libguestfs available. No package guest...
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    last modified by sanjay_arora
  • Boxgrinder on EC2

    Hello   I'd like to install Boxgrinder on a Centos Instance running on EC2/EBS and use it to generate AMI images there, rather than generate on my home machine & do a slow update through DSL.   How rea...
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    created by sanjay_arora
  • Can't build image after clean install

    From our community member:   Hi, just installed a fresh F14 laptop and added all boxgrinder packages.   [udo@npe appliances]$ rpm -qa | grep boxgrinder rubygem-boxgrinder-build-local-delivery-plugin-doc-...
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    last modified by goldmann
  • Help for Appliance Automation

    Hi Friends,   I have installed Boxgrinder and all its prerequisites on my fedora 14 machine. It is working nicely and I am able to make the Boxgrinder builds from Appliance definition file (fedora-basic.appl) us...
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    last modified by boxgrinder_baby
  • Centos5 x86_64 boxgrinder install

    Hello all, I'm trying to install boxgrinder in a centos5 x86_64 box. However, yum complaints when installing appliance-tools as it depends on livecd-tools >= 020. I checked the boxgrinder repository and no live...
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    last modified by gxen
  • Check the correctness of jbossesb.spec and jbossesb.init

    Hello,   i am trying to build an AMI for JBossESB 4.8 with JBossAS 4.2.3.GA. Therfore i need an RPM for JBossESB which will be included as Package in jbossesb.appl. So i have tried to build an RPM for jbossesb l...
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    last modified by ingedeut
  • <internal:lib/rubygems/custom_require>:29:in `require': no such file to load -- guestfs (LoadError)

    Hi All,   I am new to Boxgrinder and I need your help. I am facing an issue when trying to run the boxgrinder build.   On my Fedora 14 machine (though I have the same error on my other 2 machines having Ub...
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    last modified by praveenfelix
  • Cann't connect JBoss AS on EC2 Instance through a JMS Client. Please help me it's urgent!!

    Hello Marek,   i have created an AMI for JBoss ESB and started it. When trying to communicate with the JBoss ESB server through a JMS Client, an error is thrown saying:     Exception in thread "main" j...
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    last modified by ingedeut
  • Tutorial request: Fedora 14 + Postgres 8.x + JBoss.5.x / 6.x appliance for Amazon EC2

    From one of our community members:   Hello,   is there any step-by-step (quick start) tutorial how to create Fedora 14 + Postgres 8.x + JBoss.5.x / 6.x appliance for Amazon EC2 ?   For my projects I ...
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    last modified by goldmann
  • Grind Fedora 14 KVM image with encrypted partition

    Currently testing Boxgrinder to create KVM images, however one upcoming requirement will be to create Fedora 14 images that have encrypted root partition, as supported in the standard Fedora 14 install.   Is the...
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    last modified by doctorpacket
  • Post scripts seem to not be executed

    I was trying out the post steps to create my own version of a boxgrinder ami.  The script runs fine and the boxgrinder logs show that the post steps were run, but when I look for the changes in my image they are ...
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    last modified by ssaksa
  • Boxgrinder build -> execution expired (Timeout::Error)

    Hello,   I'm trying to build a simple fedora 13 appliance (using quickstart appf file).   I activated traces and verbose in boxgrinder building command line.   And now I have the following error : &#...
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    last modified by tompouce
  • Fedora 14 Image creation fails with aug_save

    I ran it with trace and it failed in aug_save because unexpected end of file.  I ran the build again with -W option and have attached the log, it seems to have created a core but I don't know how to find it our d...
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    last modified by ssaksa
  • Prblem when trying to convert an appliance image to EC2 Format

    Hello,   when trying to build an AMI from a spec file the following Error was occured:     [root@ip-10-112-191-22 appliances]# boxgrinder-build --trace  /mnt/appliances/jbossesb.appl I, [2010-11-...
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    last modified by ingedeut
  • Centos 5 - do_mount_vfs: path must start with a / character

    To whom it may concern, boxgrinder-build --trace jeos-c5.appl INFO -- : Building jeos-centos-5 appliance... /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/boxgrinder-build-0.6.2/lib/boxgrinder-build/helpers/guestfs-helper.rb:35:in `moun...
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    last modified by ssaksa
  • Boxgrinder build failed -> TypeError

    Hi everybody,   I'm trying to build a simple fedora appliance using quickstart. I've some trouble with the boxgrinder build command.   Here is the error I have :   -bash-4.1# boxgrinder-build --trace...
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    last modified by tompouce