• Notes for Nexus Audit Info Migration

    JBoss.org has been using a custom audit plugin in Nexus since it was first rolled out last year.  The current version of Nexus now has all required audit information by default.  The old audit inform...
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    last modified by pgier
  • Nexus Upgraded to

    Nexus hosted on repository.jboss.org has been upgraded from version 1.7.1 to  This upgrade brings numerous bug fixes and improvements to the web interface including an improved search.  For a more d...
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    last modified by pgier
  • Quick Guidelines for Uploading Artifacts

    We ran into an issue today where someone uploaded a bad version of a POM to the JBoss "thirdparty-uploads" repository.  This was taking priority over the correct POM in central, and causing build issues.  So...
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    last modified by pgier
  • Upgrade Notes for Nexus 1.7.1

    This page contains the instructions for updating Nexus from version to 1.7.1.   Review the notes from Sonatype about updating to Nexus 1.6 and 1.7. (http://nexus.sonatype.org/upgrading-nexus.html) Downl...
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    last modified by pgier
  • error: A cycle was detected in the build path of project XXX - help me fix this

    Hey, I have found a build path problem while deploying project in  jboss as 5.1 saying "A cycle was detected in the build path of project  XXX". So, help me how to fix this. I have configured the server also...
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    last modified by shiva.kshetri
  • Maven 3 Metadata Compatibility

    There are some minor differences in the repository metadata generated by Maven 3 vs. what was generated in earlier versions of Maven.  This can cause some strange install/deploy errors if you use two different ve...
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    last modified by pgier
  • Maven repos order when using profiles

    Hi,   I have some issues with setting Maven repos order correctly.   I have settings.xml (see below) with two profiles which set some repos. Then if I run    `mvn -s ../../../settings.xml he...
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    last modified by ozizka
  • Getting Flies maven plugin into jboss.org repository

    G'day,   I want to get the Flies maven plugin into the jboss.org repository so that it can be used by jboss.org projects.  At present the Flies plugin is available through the group repository http://nexus....
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    last modified by sflanigan
  • Maven Thirdparty Artifacts

    There are several cases where it is necessary to put thirdparty (non jboss) artifacts in the Maven repository.  All thirdparty jars should fall into one of the following categories: the jar is available in an exi...
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    last modified by pgier
  • apache snapshots in public repository

    It seems that apache snaphots https://repository.jboss.org/nexus/content/repositories/apache-snapshots/ is included in the public group https://repository.jboss.org/nexus/content/groups/public/   Is this inte...
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    last modified by brackxm
  • MavenRepositoryFAQ

    What is the difference between "JBoss Releases", "JBoss Thirdparty Releases", "JBoss Thirdparty Uploads", etc?  JBoss Releases is used for JBoss projects which use one of the Maven JBoss GroupIds.   JBoss ...
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    last modified by pgier
  • MavenFAQ

    Also see MavenRepositoryFAQ How can I create a report of a project's dependencies? mvn project-info-reports:dependencies   This will generate an html report (dependencies.html) in the project target/site directo...
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    last modified by pgier
  • Maven Repository Organization

    This page has moved to  Maven Repository
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    last modified by pgier
  • Maven problems building AS7

    I followed the instructions here: http://community.jboss.org/wiki/HackingonAS7 and here: http://community.jboss.org/docs/DOC-15166    to try to build AS7.    I get the following error:  ...
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    last modified by jwulf
  • maven-jdocbook-plugin relative image Urls with html format

    Hello,   I'm using maven-jdocbook-plugin version 2.3.3.   When using xhtml formatName, I obtain relative image urls (for instance : <img src="images/perf-jsf-list-uirepeat1.jpg"/>) When using html f...
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    last modified by gonzalad
  • maven-jdocbook-plugin how to dump fo file

    Hello,   I'm using maven-jdocbook-plugin for generating a Pdf file, but I keep getting errors like :   Embedded error: error rendering [org.apache.fop.fo.ValidationException: "fo:tabl e-row" is missing chil...
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    last modified by gonzalad
  • Maven Import Scope

    Maven includes a dependency scope called "import".  This is meant to allow dependency management information such as versions and excludes be retrieved from a remote POM file. http://maven.apache.org/guides/intr...
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    last modified by pgier
  • Is something wrong with the Nexus Repository at the moment

    Only thing I see at the moment is such elements   jbpm-3.2.7.pom jbpm-3.2.7.pom.audit.json" jbpm-3.2.7.pom.audit.json.md5 jbpm-3.2.7.pom.audit.json.md5.audit.json jbpm-3.2.7.pom.audit.json.sha1 jbpm-...
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    last modified by speleomaniac
  • maven night ... jboss-javaee6-specs-bom

    Hi, iḿ trying to test a EJB 3.1 on JBOSS 6, but i can event build it.   Yes, I check the site http://community.jboss.org/wiki/MavenGettingStarted-Users   In my pom.xml i'got   <dependency> &#...
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    last modified by filipe_c
  • jboss staring error with eclipse

    Hi All   I am new to this blog   Can any one help to solve the error which i am getting when I starting the jboss   I had attached the error below   Please give me response as soon as possible ...
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    last modified by jashvika