• How do I change Tomcat's Server port from 8080 to say 80?

    Q. How do I change Tomcat’s Server port from 8080 to 80 using the JBoss-2.4.4-Tomcat-4.0.1 integrated package? A. JBoss will NOT read the server.xml of Catalina (tomcat4). To change port, edit $JBOSSHOME/conf/C...
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    last modified by dplante
  • Compatible Implementation

    When will / Why isn't, jboss a recognised J2ee Implementation for 1.2 or 1.3?
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    last modified by mikeyd
  • How to plug-in IPlanet 4.1 Web Container to JBoss2.4.4?

    Hi, I have been working on JBoss for quite some time. Can anyone suggest me how to plug-in an IPlanet 4.1 Web Container to JBoss2.4.4 Thanks and Regards, Anand Kumar
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    created by mak999
  • Asynchronous EJB access? EJB 2.0?

    I need to use an EJB with a servlet where the servlet can launch an EJB method in an asynchronous "fire and forget" manner, ie the servlet calls the EJB method and returns immediately. Later the EJB method finishes an...
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    last modified by marcilgen
  • Doucmentation

    Is there a difference between the PDF documentation (buyable through Flashline) and the SAMS book? What version of JBoss do they cover? The JBoss 3.0 tree is still moving and since the book is already out, I am wonde...
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    last modified by dviersel
  • Problem building the example - Interest

    Hi, I'm trying to learn how to build and deploy a simple EJB application by trying the examples\org\jboss\docs\interest. I have installed ant1.3. However, when I typed 'ant intro-interest-jar' in the examples\build...
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    last modified by tsetsong
  • how to test local interfaces?

    Hi there, what is the suggested way to test entity beans that only export local interfaces? Obviously with JUnit it can't be done because it lives in another JVM. thanks in advance, Frank.
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    last modified by frankseidinger
  • How to package custom libraries with EAR or EJB-JAR?

    My EJB classes depend on a separate library mylib.jar. Could someone tell me how to package this jar file along with my EJB-JAR archive or my final EAR archive? Thanks a lot. - jrookie
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    last modified by jrookie
  • Pet Store on jboss.org

      "jbossdpdeng" wrote: On this page http://www.jboss.org/developers/jboss-petstore.jsp It says it has a live pet store running. But the link http://www.jboss.org/petstore_frames.html is not available. Anything ...
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    last modified by jbossdpdeng
  • getting java.lang.NoSuchMethodException(please help me...)

    guys i am getting java.lang.NoSuchMethodException while deploying. here is the o/p [Verifier] Verifying file:/C:/mskuchi/jboss/tmp/deploy/Default/TEST.jar/ejb1001. jar [Container factory] Deploying UserAccountEntityB...
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    last modified by maruthi_kuchi
  • What can Jboss do for us?

    I'm trying to checkout Jboss, and other technologies. I see Jboss is a server, with some java stuff and other fancy details. I currently use php/mysql for everything I do, intranet/extranet/internet, I use perl for sc...
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    last modified by fimbulvetr
  • Restarting w/o deleting already deployed apps.

    Hi. I am fairly new to Jboss and running through the process. I am currenting using the latest stable build (2.4.4 with Tomcat), and have one particular question regarding jboss startup and deployment. I have number...
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    last modified by tosehee
  • Why does ps show JBoss using a lot of memory on linux?

    Q: When I use ps on my linux machine with JBoss running there are multiple java processes running each using mega bytes of memory. Why does JBoss use so much memory? A: It doesn't. JBoss uses threads. On linux each t...
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    last modified by adrian.brock
  • RMIConnectorImpl_Stub exception

    I get RMIConnectorImpl_Stub exception when during in start method of RMIClientConnectorImpl. I have checked my classpath - I have only one connector instance. What could be the problem? THank you.
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    last modified by digitalboy
  • Is there anything like a deploy tool available for JBoss?

    Hi there... I don't know wether this is a frequentliy asked Question, at least I didn't find any answers in the forums. I know that there exist a gui-like deployment tool for the sun j2ee server. Does JBoss have some...
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    last modified by sammy
  • jboss's RMI using dynamic proxy is slow!?

    I find a document said that RMI in jboss is slow than pre compiled method, they test JBOSS and JONAS, the result is JONAS is faster than JBOSS. who can tell why?
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    created by zzxl
  • nothing happens when .ear file is deployed

    Hi All, My simple J2EE application is made up of 2 components...one containing a couple of EJBs and one containing a Web application (containing a couple of servlets plus html pages and WEB-INF directory). They have...
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    last modified by mikew
  • Migrated to JBoss 3.0 and can't deploy EAR -> deploy dir cha

    I've been working fine with 2.4.4 until now but decided to give 3.0 a try. However, it seems that dropping my EAR file into the deploy directory doesn't do the trick anymore! Obviously I'm missing something simple her...
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    last modified by kpseal
  • Ant Build Issue

    Greetings Realizing fully well that 1st impressions are lasting I still have a quick rather newbie style question for this group .. I just downloaded src for jboss (in Websphere Studio App Dev) and am trying to buil...
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    last modified by hkduke
  • Question about docs

    Hi, Is it possible to buy the jboss docs in Germany ? If yes, how ? Eugeniusz Nowacki
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    last modified by enowacki