• Getting email content

    I've been looking through the JBoss Mail Server source, but haven't figured out how I can parse the content from the MailBody - I've got a listener working and can save the content into an eml file that I can see in O...
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    last modified by osterday
  • Supporting internationlization for webmail

    Dear. After Sending the email with webmail, I can't read the mail contents. The internationalization is not support. I use the Korean. How do I do for supporting internationalization ? # Ritchie Koh
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    last modified by empty11
  • Sorry for the delay

    M5-pre1 is building now. Will be up in a matter of hours. Releasing while traveling is hard.
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    last modified by acoliver
  • jboss-service.xml config question

    Are the following two queues necessary in the jboss-service.xml file? jboss.mq.destination:service=Queue,name=onServer jboss.mq.destination:service=Queue,name=offServer They don't seem to be referenced to anywhere e...
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    last modified by sappenin
  • JBCS 1.0-M5pre1 released

    See the announcement on the blog http://jboss.org/jbossBlog/blog/acoliver/2006/05/15/JBoss_Collaboration_Server_1_0M5_pre1.txt
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    created by acoliver
  • About SPAM Mail

    Dear After installing Jboss Mail Server, there is sending the very many spam mail through my JBoss Mail Server. I can see the log in the log file as below. The log file size is over 17Mbytes for 12 hours. Please hel...
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    last modified by empty11
  • can not send the mail through JBMS

    Dear. I've installed the two Jboss server in the one computer. I've installed the JBMS and change the port. The JBMS is running well. Mail client(outlook) is sending the mail to other email very well. but first JBos...
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    last modified by empty11
  • RT: PostgreSQL driver

    Both MySQL and Oracle include a function called "ping()" OracleValidConnectionChecker.java and MySQLValidConnectionChecker.java. PostgreSQL requires you to do a "select 1" which is probably not efficient: examples ...
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    last modified by acoliver
  • When will release JBOSS Main Server 1.0 milestone5?

    Hello, When will release JBOSS Main Server 1.0 milestone5? I am waiting. Thanks.
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    last modified by youngyoyo
  • Wildcard domains?

    Can I get JBoss Mail Server to accept email to *.domain.com? Our app uses subdomains and I'd like to configure it to use wildcards - is this possible, or do I need to dig into the source? I've got a mail listener wo...
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    last modified by osterday
  • Relaying --> Security

    Am using M4 release. Deployment Detail: I have a PC with 2 NICs. One is an external NIC connected to the internet, the other one is a private NIC connected to the LAN. The mail server running in this machine will rec...
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    last modified by esriram
  • Jboss Mail WebClient and Jboss Portal

    Hi All Does the webmail client work within the jboss portal, it would be good to build some integration between them, if they don't already exist. This would give the opportunity for people to deploy the webmail cli...
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    last modified by js8523
  • Flex 2 based Webmail

    I didn't want to further hijack the feature poll, so lets discuss the possibility of a Flex 2 based UI for JBMS's Webmail... - We could create a kick-ass Webmail application - Flex 2 sdk and framework are now free ...
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    last modified by jlward4
  • Thoughts on Administration/Use cases

    For 1.0 we have to have some places where we cut features. The adminstrative system needs to be graphical (thinking of same tech that we use for the webmail). And the following use cases (below). We will specifically ...
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    last modified by acoliver
  • Securing JBoss Mail Server and Sub App. Components

    Hey guys, Trying to Lockdown secure JBoss Mail Server <br/> <br/>On the Mail Server Main Page, it states there are only two steps to securing jBoss Mail server, i.e. <br/> <br/...
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    last modified by gohip
  • M5-pre1 and demo delayed until Tuesday

    In upgrading to Flash 9 beta 3 we bit off more than we could chew and the #jbms posse and me went to sleep. Sorry. PS I'm in Austin, Texas. I must find me one of those hats.
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    last modified by acoliver
  • Documentation oversite (or maintenance that is required for

    I never got around to documenting this for 1.0M4, but there is some maintenance that you should do in a script on a semi-regular basis. For PostgreSQL: delete from pg_largeobject where loid not in (select bodyid fro...
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    last modified by acoliver
  • JBoss Mail Server field reports/case studies

    This topic/thread is for users to report their successful uses and use cases of JBoss Mail Server. It is not a topic to post your questions or complaints on (do that in another thread). Good questions to answer What...
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    last modified by acoliver
  • Hi Kids, question about reflection and Compiling MailBoxServ

    I was trying to find out why, from web console, if you invoke getMailCountForFolder() or getMailListForFolder() in MailBoxManager.MailServices it throws an exception for either. I tried putting in folder ID's like 1,...
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    last modified by gohip
  • How to get JBMS to post to asp.net webservice

    Hi kids, I have a new task, yeeeaah! on incoming mail, post the data to a ASP.net webservice any ideas where to start, i was thinking it was maillistener, as I kept seeing mention of it, but upon looking at source,...
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    last modified by gohip