• JBoss as a real-time application server?

    I didnt find any more fitting section to post these questions: Is there any plans (or moves) to make JBoss Application Server use RTSJ (http://www.rtsj.org/)? And do you have any experience on how JBoss will behave ...
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    last modified by llindell
  • URLStreamHandlerFactory

    The initialization of this factory is currently threadsafe/repeatable. Instead it is done on server startup, in ServerImpl.initURLHandlers() and some tests do this as well, but once one test has done it, nobody else c...
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    created by adrian.brock
  • JBoss Advanced Training and the certification Exam

    Dear All, I don't know if this is the right place to post this,but i couldn't find any other relevant forum..so i am going to ask anyway.. I plan on attending the JBoss Advanced training in a few weeks time.After th...
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  • Necessary to take the course ?

    Hi All, I want to attempt the Jboss certification exam but want to know if it is necessary to take the courses first or is it possible to just appear for the exam after preparing on our own ? Please let me know. Th...
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    created by javadeveloper30
  • Adding a server ID notion (jboss.host.id)

    Discussion of http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBAS-2529
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    last modified by starksm64
  • dom4j or jaxp ?

    in JBoss jBPM we want to use xml dom trees and xpath expression handling. afaik, j2se 1.4 includes jaxp 1.1 (no xpath expression handling) j2ee 1.4 includes jaxp 1.2 j2se 1.5 includes jaxp 1.3 (includes xpath express...
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    last modified by tom.baeyens
  • JBossDirectory: JNDI Based Ldap Server

    JBossDirectory: Jndi Based Ldap Server For a month or so, this thought has been lingering in my mind-to build a simple jndi based Ldap Server on top of JBossCache( TreeCache). I agree that it is not as simple as tha...
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    last modified by anil.saldhana
  • 3.2.7 development?

    Any idea on when 3.2.7 gold code is going to be released? We would like to ship it with our software but would like to not ship the release candidate? thanks, Tony
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    last modified by tonyawbrey
  • CheckStyle

    http://checkstyle.sourceforge.net What do you think on the possibility of integrating checkstyle in Jboss development to develop one consistent coding standard?
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    created by anil.saldhana
  • [JNP] support for javax.naming.StateFactory/ObjectFactory

    I was just wondering if lack of support for these interfaces is intentional. As I understand the spec, I should be able to construct a context using an environment with the appropriate Context.STATE_FACTORIES/Context....
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    last modified by mlueders
  • Classloader

    I just finished an Advanced Jboss training class last week, and during a disccussion on classloaders, the following idea occurred to me. When the classloader encounters a Java class which has already been loaded, it ...
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    created by sstair
  • migrate IIS to J2ee based web server, then migrate .net arch

    Dear Sir/Madam: Our company has the software product based on the .net framework with the IIS middle ware. because of the requirement of our current market, we need to migrate the whole architecture to J2ee based one...
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    created by qbsu21th
  • jboss-4.0.0 + JDO ( jpox-ds.xml ) ???

    I upgraded to jboss-4.0.0 and when I place the jpox-1.0.4.rar and jpox-ds.xml files into the \jboss-4.0.0\server\default\deploy folder and try to run the JBoss I recieve this error message during startup: ERROR [URLD...
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    created by aws
  • JBoss + Java 5.0 ?

    I've tried to find some information about if any JBoss version (pref. 3.x) works with JDK 1.5.0 without result. Someone here who knows the answer?
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    last modified by jonas.bergvall
  • JBoss Architect Council, meeting notes, November 4, 2004

    Julien: Nukes 2.0 in progress: SSO, Clustering, Hiberntate integr. commit to cvs this week (Nov 5) cont. w/ clustering Tom Heute helping Bela new jdbc cache loader -> jbcache 1.2 move locking to lock interce...
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    created by ivelin.ivanov
  • Creating an enterprise service bus?

    Waddling through the discussion forums, I haven't seen any talk on creating a nice unifying package. With the emergence of the enterprise service bus (ESB) as a useful tool for integration, and with the spectrum of of...
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    created by bfalk
  • JBoss Architect Council, meeting notes, October 19, 2004

    AOP - Targeted to go out Oct 21 w/ JBossIDE tools EJB3 - feature complete release still targeted in Q4. - TODO: SFSB clustering (call between Bill, Bela, Kabir) JBossWS - underway. Tools, JAXRPC and JAXB tracks ...
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    created by ivelin.ivanov
  • JBoss Architect Council, meeting notes

    September 21, 2004 --------------------------- AOP 1.0 - Mid Oct - final, nice docs ?doc book (Bill has to talk to Norman about unified build script) ?AOP with IDE integration (Bill will talk to Marshall to decide ...
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    last modified by ivelin.ivanov
  • The JBoss class loader via log4j113.war

    If you package the log4j113.war into an ear and re-test the Log4j class isolation Fails, I do not believe this is proper behavior!!! See jboss-3.2.5-src/testsuite/src/resources/classloader/scoping/override/log4j113
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    created by jkelley
  • XSLT URIResolver Issues

    Is anyone aware of URIResolver issues with included stylesheets? If no resolver is specified stylesheets that include other stylesheets default to the jboss bin directory which is not good so I've created a custom UR...
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    last modified by oz_ko