• Nukes and Hibernate

    I would to deploy a module in Nukes and use Hibernate to manage persistence... There is my xml file (jboss-service) of my module : <server> <mbean code="org.jboss.nukes.addons.modules.essaiHibernate.Modul...
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    last modified by sysuser1
  • Problem when I deploy my module

    Hi ! I have a problem when I deploy my module. I try to install an already registered mbean, how to do unistall the mbean to aim at deploying my module? Someone can help me? Thanks ! 09:45:41,279 INFO [MainDeploye...
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    last modified by sysuser1
  • Template Module update

    When i started looking at Nukes a few months ago and wanted to quickly see how to create my own module, the template module was very helpful. It gives a quick & easy introduction to .tpl template files, basic modu...
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    last modified by joehobson
  • EJB archives structure and ro/rw

    Hi! When building let's say bb I see, that the nukes-bb-ejb-ro.jar / nukes-bb-ejb-rw.jar only contains the .xml files but not the compiled bean classes. Is the assumption correct, that these are in the lib.jar becaus...
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    last modified by kamikatze
  • and also this problem

    10:50:41,784 ERROR [quotes] Cannot retrieve quotes javax.ejb.FinderException: Find failed: java.sql.SQLException: null, message fr om server: "Unknown column 't0_s.pn_id' in 'field list'" at org.jboss.ejb.plugins.cmp...
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    created by hawking
  • Anybody going to JavaOne? Want to meet up?

    While I am not going to the conference itself, I am staying in San Francisco that week and was going to try and go to the JBoss cocktail party. Are other folks in the community going to be there? Sherman
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    last modified by sgwood
  • Problem in module when I deploy

    Hi ! I have a bug when I deploy my module : 10:07:36,046 WARN [ServiceConfigurator] Failed to complete install java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: No ClassLoaders found for: org.jboss.nukes.addons.modules.essaiModule...
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    last modified by sysuser1
  • forums code updated

    the upgrade to xdoclet 1.2.1 broke the forums code (it didn't like the value "True"), and this has now been fixed. the forums have also been coverted over to the "pure" cmp solution and i'd appricate it ppl could tes...
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    created by jae77

    this forum is for questions reguarding development of nukes. more information can be found on the nukes wiki page, located here: http://www.jboss.org/wiki/Wiki.jsp?page=NukesForJBoss please be sure to use the search...
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    last modified by jae77
  • postgres and cmp issues

    i've tracked down the postgres problem, and it stems from the fact that the db does not support "auto-increment" in the same way that hsqldb (and i'm assuming mysql does) - rather then repost past disucssions, use the...
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    last modified by jae77
  • xdoclet libraries

    are any of the xdoclet libs in the tools directory "jboss specific" or is it safe to upgrade to version 1.2.1? according to the author of this post (http://www.jboss.org/index.html?module=bb&op=viewtopic&p=38...
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    last modified by jae77
  • Project Management + Calendar Modules?

    Hi, folks -- Are Calendaring and Project Management modules are in the works? I'm about ready to start working on a Project Management site for a non-Profit in Boston. It'll support general purpose (primarily non-te...
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    last modified by handa29
  • How to use resource_xx_XX.properties

    I put some Resource_xx_XX.properties files in the each module's language directory before compile. But the Nukes always use the Resource_en_US.properties. I checked the the value of "requestedLanguage" in the CoreModu...
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    created by dragon
  • JSP security

    Hi ! Can you tell me what manage the jsp security? Thanks !!
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    last modified by sysuser1
  • i18n

    Yesterday I posted a reply in an i18n topic of mine with a patch. These messages are dissapeared or something. The search doesn't work either. What's wrong with this forum? Ok the patch again. I've been working on a ...
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    last modified by janoz
  • Problem updating my code with latest CVS, news module

    Hi Guys, I got my website running with a CVS snapshot I got a few weeks after Nukes 1.0 (in order to have the news module). I am trying to update my code to the current CVS to be 1.1 compatible. The main changes we ...
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    last modified by leberre
  • News Component Deploy Error

    When I use snapshot deploy the news module,always get this message: 18:38:48,394 WARN [ServiceController] Problem starting service nukes.modules:na me=news org.jboss.nukes.common.template.BuildException: Template /n...
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    last modified by kevinyang
  • can nukes support chinese now

    yesterday i download one version of nukes from cvs.and compiled then deployed at jboss,but still i found it can't support chinese(that is can't use chinese in the forum).
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    last modified by hawking
  • Modules under GPL?

    I've worked with some open source stuff in the past but never really took time to understand the licensing terms until the last few weeks. I started wondering about JBoss and Nukes and how those fit into open source l...
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    last modified by joehobson
  • Nukes Database

    Hi, Just a question... Do the database use foreign keys? What is the type of the tables (MyIsam or InnoDB)? How the transactions are managed? Thanks a lot !
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    last modified by sysuser1