• Basic authentication on "To" endpoint in a camel route

    Hi, I need to invoke an external web service from my application in Servicemix. This external Web service needs username and password for the basic authentication.   My route looks simple:       ...
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    last modified by rvojjala
  • Camel route - ActiveMQ from http to Https

    I have changed my ActiveMq.xml file in Fuse ESB:                        <sslContext keyStore="file:$/conf/mybroker.ts"...
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    last modified by milanmilas
  • Camel  - OData support

    How much effort is involved in order to use OData in Camel?   Is this something that will be more user friendly supported in the future? Are there any examples?   I suppose that odata4j is the only depend...
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    last modified by milanmilas
  • Aspect in Camel: Expecting raw type, not: org.apache.camel.core.xml.Abstrac

    I was trying to write an Advice in my camel application, see code below:   @Aspect public class SystemAspectAdviceApi {   @Pointcut(value="execution(public * *(..))")      public...
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    last modified by lekkie_lomotayo
  • Need to report an error if the file does not exist

    I have the route that starts with:   <from uri="file:}?fileName={{input_filename}}&amp;noop=true" />   I need to report an error if the file does not exist. But in that case my route hangs on pol...
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    last modified by sergevil
  • CXF 2.6: cxfrs Resource classes are no longer executed?

    I am testing cxfrs on the new cxf 2.6 and I have my beans defined below:       With cxf 2.4, Path URIs are defined in the resource beans in v1RestRequestServicesBeans and camel sends request to this cl...
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    created by lekkie_lomotayo
  • JAXB marshaling multiple elements from Camel CXF to Active MQ and unmarshal

    I have solution for receving element from CXF and marshaling it with JAXB to ActiveMQ as well as unmarshal it on the other side.   -Producer             ...
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    last modified by milanmilas
  • Create IbatisComponent when migrating project to Fuse ESB Enterprise 7.1

    Error occurs when migrating a project from apache-servicemix-4.3.1-fuse-01-15 to Fuse-ESB-Enterprise-7.1.0.fuse-047. I use to work with a data base bundle, which provides connections pull (db-bso).   Spring dec...
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    last modified by isakoves
  • Camel CXF-Http to Https => http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2004/01/oasis-200

    I am trying to secure my CXF endpoint in the simplest possible way   <camelcxf:cxfEndpoint id="serviceEndpoint"                ...
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    last modified by milanmilas
  • XStream implicitCollections

    I am trying to convert some json to an object but am getting a XStream DuplicateFieldException. From googling, its suggested i should use "implicitCollections".   The JSON looks as follows:   {"emailReques...
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    last modified by garethahealy
  • Can't use osgi service (migrating project to Fuse ESB Enterprise 7.1 )

    I describe problem occurs when create IbatisComponent in previous post http://fusesource.com/forums/thread.jspa?threadID=4574&tstart=0   If don't write init-method="getSqlMapClient" in )    ...
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    last modified by isakoves
  • camel-jpa queries with parameters?

    Hi,   Looking at the docs for camel-jpa and this post: http://grokbase.com/t/camel/users/09ax40mh66/jpa-how-to-pass-parameters-to-namedquery   It looks like you can not use parameters with queries in came...
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    created by jasonnh
  • trying to use xslt in a camel route....

    hi, I am trying to make a route in java dsl...   .from("activemq:queue:name")   // these don't work .to("xslt:file:./AddProperties.xslt") .to("xslt:file://./AddProperties.xslt") .to("xslt:com/mine/Add...
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    last modified by e0richt
  • Camel and best practice of using POJO

    Hi,   I've been playing with camel for a month and went from PAYLOAD to POJO format. I want to use this one as objects I will be getting are going to be complex.   I still have questions and don't have cl...
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    last modified by milanmilas
  • How to set response from cxf with Camel in xml

    <route id="timerToLog">         <from uri="cxf:bean:serviceEndpoint?dataFormat=MESSAGE"/>     </route>   If I have something like this in blu...
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    last modified by milanmilas
  • Debug Camel spring application in Eclipse

    Could you tell me, please, how I can debug the camel application in eclipse?   I can run it from command line using "mvn camel:run" or from eclipse using "RunAs ... -> Maven build", but now need to work with ...
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    last modified by sergevil
  • How to access system property in blueprint xml?

    Hi,   I have a camel context and beans defined in a blueprint xml file and would like to access a system property.   I would like the blueprint equivalent of spring:   ${com.company.myProperty}  ...
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    last modified by jasonnh
  • JAXB + Part classes + ProducerTemplate problem?

    I have an WSDL which I used wsdl2java to produce the following data contract:   class PositionReportList {       List getPositionReports(); }   and service contract:   interface...
  • jetty-activemq route performance

    Hi, I currently have an installation of Fuse Message broker running activemq 5.5. I have a few jms producers sending messages and the broker receives more than 10k non-persistent msgs per second and it is working fi...
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    created by somasek
  • SimpleIllegalSyntaxException  when upgrating to  Camel 2.9.0.fuse-70-097

    Hello, I'm migrating from Fuse ESB 4.4.1 to Fuse ESB Enterprise 7.0.2.fuse-097 (Camel 2.8.0-fuse-06-11 to Camel 2.9.0.fuse-70-097 and I have the following issue with an existing route that fails starting-up:   ...
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    last modified by patg_patrice.godard