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Thread When more than 1000 consumers..
When more than 1000 consumers..Hi all! I use apache-activemq-5.5.1-fuse-03-06 with with wso2esb 4.0.3. With apache-activemq-5.5.1-fuse-03-06 client library wso2esb 4.0.3 use axis2-transport-jms-1.1.0.wso2v6.jar library. In ESB I use coll...
Client URI for loadbalancing and failoverSay we have a network of brokers, 4 in total, 2 in one location, 2 in another. We want clients to loadbalance across the 2 local instances, and failover to any of the 2 remote instances. What should the client...
no route to host using BrokerServiceI'm trying to set up a publisher using an embedded broker in a single process and a set of subscribers running in other processes connected via tcp. It all works if the subscribers are running on the same machine as t...
Stompjms and sslHello, I am using in an Android app your stompjms client. Unfortunately I am not able to use it with an ssl connection. I mean I need to configure keystore and other things and I cannot see how. Can someone h...
Thread In redeliveryPolicy all settings are igored except maximumRedeliveries
In redeliveryPolicy all settings are igored except maximumRedeliveriesI am using Fuse ActiveMQ 5.5.1, and Fuse ServiceMix 4.4.1. I want to keep the message in the source queue forever in case of exception occured in the route. My redeliverypolicy for ActiveMQ is not working correctly. T...
Thread Cannot remove a consumer that had not been registered
Cannot remove a consumer that had not been registeredI am using Fuse SMX 4.4.1 & ActiveMQ 5.5.1 (both downloaded from FuseSource). I am adding transactional client. When I generate exception in the route, it should keep the message on the source queue. However, mess...
Thread How to Delete Virtual Consumers Cleanly in AMQ
How to Delete Virtual Consumers Cleanly in AMQ we're using AMQ version My question is what is the preferred way to delete a Virtual Consumer Queue once it is created and no longer needed? If I manually delete the queue via the AMQ Co...
ActiveMQ hangsI am using activeMQ 5.4.2 as separate process in my production. more than 2000 topics and 600 clients are connecting to broker. Heap size (Old generation) area is taking nearly 1 gb memory. Total memory allocated to j...
Thread loadbalance-failover misbehavior and RoutePolicy
loadbalance-failover misbehavior and RoutePolicyHi Bedus (a.k.a. CamelRiders) I am currently using Camel 7.3.2 and tailored some test application where a route is started from a customized RoutePolicy. The route reads a file and splits it into lines which a...
Thread Can not make a STOMP connection with 5.5.1 with default install
Can not make a STOMP connection with 5.5.1 with default installOS = Mac OS X 10.6.8. Setup: 1. Downloaded the latest apache-activemq-5.5.1-fuse-01-13 build 2. Unzipped it. 3. renamed activemq.xml to activemq-default.xml 4. renamed activemq-stomp.xml to activemq...
551-fuse-01-20 release notesHi there, The release notes for 5.5.1-fuse-01-20 seem to have gone from http://fusesource.com/wiki/display/ProdInfo/FuseMessageBrokerv5.5.1-fuseRelease+Notes. Is there a reason for them disappearing/bein...
Thread Consuming Message from Out temp Queue and others questions
Consuming Message from Out temp Queue and others questionsHi, I'd like to use a jms queue in InOut mode. In this mode, the Out queue is a temp queue dynamically generated by Camel. 1) I'd like to know if there is a way to get the message coming back from the...
JMX Remote ConnectionHello all, I try to connect to my activemq-broker, using JConsole. But JConsole always return "connection failed". I try to connect with the JMX URL: service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://:1099/karaf-root l...
Thread NPE when upgrading from 5.5.1-fuse-00-08 to 551-fuse-01-20
NPE when upgrading from 5.5.1-fuse-00-08 to 551-fuse-01-20When upgrading from 5.5.1-fuse-00-08 to the latest distro 551-fuse-01-20, the broker will not start due to errors loading the Kahadb. The exception that is thrown on startup is: ======= ERROR | Failed t...
Fuse ActiveMQ with TomcatCurrent fuse activemq download works well using jetty. Is there a similar download that would automatically work with Tomcat? Is there a wiki or some other page that provides steps on how to setup fuse active...
Publish/ Subscribe/ Consume JNDI ErrorHi everyone! I am doing a simple project with a objective of subscription of topics. It gave me the following errors: Exception in thread "main" javax.ming.NoInitialContextException: Need to s...
Thread Publish-Subscribe how to get client(consumer) to send messages
Publish-Subscribe how to get client(consumer) to send messagesHi, I'm developing a program using Publish-Subscribe and i want to know how to get client(consumer) to send messages(response) to server. I know thack i can have acknoledge messages, but i need to send messag...
Upgrading from AMQ 5.3 to AMQ 5.5.1Is there any documentation detailing how to upgrade ActiveMQ from an older version, specifically v5.3? What's changed in the configurations? We have used Kaha persistence in, how do we migrate mess...