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Thread jaxrs cxf...shutdown->startup not working
jaxrs cxf...shutdown->startup not workingHello, I've set up a jaxrs bean and have something like this in my springbeans file: In my KmlTService I have a couple of very simple GET's. So when i start my feature for the first time, I...
CXF jaxrs exampleHi, I followed the advice in the ServiceMix 4.2.0's CXF JAXRS example README and was able to change the servlet path by setting the org.apache.cxf.servlet.context property in org.apache.cxf.osgi.cfg. H...
CXF JAXRS SecurityHi, I am attempting to modify the JAX-RS example to add a <security-constraint> tag with authorization constraints, login-config tags, etc. so that I can set up roles and users for the resources. ...
Dynamic caching and Jetty/CXFHi, In FUSE 4.2, the Jetty engine apparently does not cache dynamic content, ignoring the Cache-Control header for JAX-RS based responses: http://docs.codehaus.org/display/JETTY/LastModifiedCacheControl ...
No Conduit Initiator errorHi, I'm trying to create a web service client from within an OSGi service in FUSE 4.2. I'm creating the client through Java calls, not through Spring configuration. This code has been working in stand-alone mo...
Thread CXF - activate XML_DECLARATION from soap exchange
CXF - activate XML_DECLARATION from soap exchangeHello, I use CXF 2.2.7 to declare one service. Service client isn't CXf nor java. It needs XML declaration :" <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> ". I test to set up SOAPMessage.WRITE_...
CXF / FUSE Services Framework version 2.3Hello again, I'm looking for a tentative timeline for the release of CXF version 2.3. I am particularly interested in the SOAP over JMS spec compliance and new annotation feature set. Thanks! -B...
Thread CXF - Soap12FaultOutInterceptor - SOAP Fault reason text lang
CXF - Soap12FaultOutInterceptor - SOAP Fault reason text langHello, I am trying CXF 2.2.7. I have read the content of Soap12FaultOutInterceptor.java an try to understand how work this interceptor when a soap fault is thrown. The reason text have a lang a...
Thread How to download FUSE services Framework 2.2.6-fuse-01-00?
How to download FUSE services Framework 2.2.6-fuse-01-00?ESB shows that it is using FUSE services framework 2.2.6-fuse-01-00, but the down load page for the latter only has available. Where to download the version 2.2.6-fuse-01-00? Thanks!
Thread Exposing a stateful session bean as a webservice
Exposing a stateful session bean as a webserviceHi, Is it possible to expose a stateful session bean as webservices using FUSE service framework? I've a stateful session bean which needs to be exposed as webservice. Could anyone help in this regar...
best way to implement RESTful clientHi everybody, I'm wondering which is the best way to implement a RESTful client in the ESB, to access an external web-services. For the moment I did a bean that call directly the URL but the bean compo...
Thread When will FUSE Service Framework 2.2.6 be available? Where to get it?
When will FUSE Service Framework 2.2.6 be available? Where to get it?Hi, I only see Fuse Serivce Framework 2.2.2 available for download, but Fuse ESB is using 2.2.6 (according to the release note for ESB I thought I can get Fuse Service Framework 2.2.6 from th...
reconnect WAS 6.1I am using Apache CXF along with Websphere 6.1 - this is more of a WAS specific question, but I was hoping some one here may have run across this before. I am deploying web services that use Soap/JMS and in...
Fuse Integration with Jboss AS QuestionHello this my first time i use fuse ESB but actually i have a problem regarding integration of fuse with jboss AS , i can't integrate anymore ?! this integration cause i have a web application which tr...
Thread Problem with wsdl2java codegen tool & jaxb episodes
Problem with wsdl2java codegen tool & jaxb episodesHi, I'm generating jaxb bindings with episodes for all schemas included/imported for a "wsdl" so I have a more modular project structure and better dependency reusability. Then I pass the jaxb episodes to the ...
Thread Read propertyfile from one bundle to another
Read propertyfile from one bundle to anotherHi, I need to ready property file from one osgi bundle. Scenario: I am having 10 different bundles. Some of them implemented by JAVA DSL and others are SPRING DSL. Am having 3 different...
Thread Demo Video Missing (getting started with servicemix 4 usecase 3)
Demo Video Missing (getting started with servicemix 4 usecase 3)hello, One tutorial video at this link---- http://fusesource.com/products/enterprise-servicemix4/ ->Demo Videos is missing. The video "Getting started with servicemix 4 usecase 3" is about restful service...
Thread Problem with ws-security/interopfest/wssc example
Problem with ws-security/interopfest/wssc exampleHi, I'm trying to run ws-security examples and facing issues below. Could anybody take a look at it? Thanks INFO: Creating Service PingService from WSDL: file:/C:/fuse/apache-cxf-2.2.9-fuse-01...