• GateIn 3.2 Startup Fail

    GateIn: 3.2 JBoss: 5.1.0.GA eXo KS Suite: 2.2.0.GA Java: Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_20-b02)   I checked out eXo KS from SVN, performed a build and installed it to a clean JBoss 5.1.0.GA. Whe...
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    last modified by uwew
  • Gatein error in JBOSS

    Dear all,   I found error when deploy gatein project into jboss. I'm using GateIn 3.1 and JBOSS AS 5.1.0.GA  This is my error log:       10:35:17,850 INFO  [ServerImpl] Starting JBoss (...
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    last modified by mazsatria
  • Is there a portlet or anything for searching the content??

    Is there a portlet or anything for searching the content of an article or a news inside the portal
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    last modified by rory8000
  • java.lang.OutOfMemoryError JDK -1.6.0_24

    I have installed the GateIn-3.2.0-M01-jbossas5 and JDK version as mentioned below. java version "1.6.0_24" Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_24-b07) Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 19.1-b02, mixed mode...
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    last modified by ajsushil
  • Tag reference for construct my own portal.xml layout

    Where I can find tag reference for gate in.  I need to construct my own layout using containers, etc., so I want to modify the portal.xml of my custom portal
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    last modified by rory8000
  • GateIn used in production environment?

    Hello, We are in the process of evaluating different portal environments. I wanted to know if GateIn is used in any production environments. can someone please give me any example websites built using GateIn?   &...
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    last modified by dhruva023
  • How to set width to "portal page" when editing portal layout in epp 5.2 with sp

    Hi all,   I need to know How to set width to "portal page" when editing portal layout in 5.2.  I'm tried to put it inside a container with a defined width but it didn't work.  Please help!!   &#...
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    last modified by rory8000
  • Build JBoss 6.0.0-Final packaged with GateIn for PortletBridge 3.0.0-Beta1

    Hi   I´m having some issues setting up the JBoss Portlet Bridge 3.0.0-SNAPSHOT.   First of all, in the anouncement :3.0.0.Beta1 Released! JSF2 and/or RichFaces 4!!!!  (http://www.jboss.org/portl...
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    last modified by mescaja
  • Is GateIn appropriate for a simple enterprise portal

    I'm new to GateIn and am evaluating technologies to develop a simple web portal.   My portal just needs to be a collection of sub web applications (around 50) with a shared menu and security model.  The in...
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    last modified by stewart.evans
  • Multiple Instances of GateIn with MySql - lost the session

    I installed GateIn-3.2.0-M01-jbossas5 portal. I modified the \GateIn-3.2.0-M01-jbossas5\server\default\conf\gatein\configuration.properties to create a new databases in mysql as mentioned below.   gatein.jcr.dat...
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    last modified by ajsushil
  • GateIn IPC again

    Hello,   we're trying to get our old JBoss Portal-based application up with GateIn, and have solved most of the problems and worked around a couple of glitches in GateIn.   However, I'm unable to use IPC a...
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    last modified by sseidel
  • Migrating JBoss Portal 2.6 to GateIn 3.1

    I am planning to migrate JBoss Portal 2.6  application deployed in JBoss EAP 4.x.x to GateIn 3.1 deployed on JBoss EAP 5.1.1. Is there any specific migration document available for this. It would be great if any ...
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    created by a.ballabh
  • Drag and Drop (ReArrange) Portlets

    I created a portal application using JBOSS Gatein 3.1.0-GA. My home page has three portlets but I cannot rearrange or drag and drop these portlets as per my preference. Is this possible in GateIn. I know we can rearra...
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    last modified by ankurbansal05
  • Gatein 3.2 and CAS integration, anyone?

    Hi all,   I had a working SSO installation with GateIn 3.1 and CAS, but recently had to upgrade due to a problem that was resolved in 3.2. Now I have not been able to get my SSO integration to work since, and I ...
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    last modified by ulfh
  • Having problems with starting GateIn - 3.2.0

    Hi,   I'm having peroblems when trying to start GAetIn-3.2.0. Below is what I'm seeing in the Log.   10:39:23,877 ERROR [ProfileServiceBootstrap] Failed to load profile:: org.jboss.deployers.client.spi.I...
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    last modified by avetis123
  • Web Proxy Portlet

    Hi All, We are tring to access another web site from our GateIn Portal (with eXo platform). What we are looking for is a Web proxy portlet that enable us to hide or rewrite urls and caching contents. What we found is...
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    last modified by nicola.seidita
  • Gatein+Richfaces 3.3 portlets+ Internet explorer 9

    Hi Im currently using Gatein 3.2 and im using richfaces 3.3 final with jboss portlet bridge. I developed a whole application with this, now, the problem i have is that i cant my porlets ajax work in internet explor...
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    created by capra
  • How can I pass a parameter through the URL as the user clicks on a MENU's item, so I can get this value afterwards?

    How can I pass a parameter through the URL as the user clicks on a MENU's item, so I can get this value afterwards?   example /pages/noticias?param=1
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    last modified by renanferraro
  • Gatein appears and disappears login popup

    Hi everyone, I have developed an application within the portlet container GateIn. I have a problem at login. The login is successful 1 or maximum 2 times. If I try to login for the third time, the login popup where I...
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    created by yoshimitzu
  • How tocreate a default Skin for every user in GateIn portal Server

    Edit the  "<your jboss Server >\default\deploy\gatein.ear\02portal.war\WEB-INF\conf\portal\portal\classic\portal.xml" file and add the following tag   <skin>CustomizedSkin</skin>   ...
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    last modified by ashu09