• Is there is any ready made portlets available

    Hi all Is there is any ready made opensource/paid portlet available for gatein like fourm, wiki...etc. I know that these components are available in exo but i think it is not possible to reuse those portlets  in...
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  • Cannot start portal if restart it without logging off - in GateIn-3.6.0.Beta02_jbossas7

    Environment: Windows Server 2008 Enterprise Virtual Machine. GateIn-3.6.0.Beta02_jbossas7, RichFaces 4.3.0.Final   I am updating this to more accurately reflect the problem I am seeing:   The portal times ...
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    last modified by jpadula35
  • User based dashboard and User based pages in GateIn

    Hi all   I know that GateIn support role based dashboard (by changing the file common-configuration.xml). Is GateIn support user based dashboard?, which means when each user login, he/she will redirected into hi...
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    last modified by anishantony
  • Which is the best way to create portal in GateIn 3.5 using JBoss AS7

    Hi all   I need to develop  a portal in GateIn, but I dont know which is the best way to create portal in GateIn. previously I developed a portal in GateIn 3.2 by modifying the gatein.ear folder, but the pr...
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    last modified by anishantony
  • Is it possible to reuse eXo Platform portlets in GateIn?

    Hi all   I downloaded the eXo Platform social collaboration tool (from http://sourceforge.net/projects/exo/) and  GateIn portal. I found some interesting portlets in eXo Social collaboration tool like forum...
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    last modified by anishantony
  • Is there any PortletBridge dependency req? to use Switchyard& CDI in GateIn portal

    Hi,         I am using Switchyard service and CDI injection in GateIn portlet, is there any portlet Bridge Dependency i need to add in order to support Switchyard and CDI,   i h...
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    last modified by maran_su
  • Which JSF2 Library is best for GateIn: Primefaces or Richfaces?

    Hi all   I am little confused in that which JSF2 implementation is best for GateIn?. In most of the GateIn examples i saw only about richfaces integration in GateIn. But i like primefaces than richfaces. So i wo...
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  • InitialContext binding unexpected behavior after hot deploy ...

    Hi guys and girls, I'm a new GateIn portlet developer and I'm here to ask for your help.   I'm using GateIn 3.5 on Tomcat 7. My need is to create an object in a thread (I'm using quartz-2.1.7.jar) and put it i...
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    last modified by tonyweb
  • Gatein 3.5 with PostgreSQL 9.2 on Mac

    My environment:   O.S.: Mac 10.7.5 Database: - PostgreSQL 9.2 App: Gatein 3.5 and Jboss AS 7 JDK: 1.7.0_09   I change the file $JBOSS_HOME/standalone/configuration/gatein/configuration.properties  ...
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    last modified by mykept
  • How to customize portlet drag and drop composer

    Hi All   I need to customize (or create) the portlet drag and drop composer in gateIn. How its possible?   Regards   Anish Antony
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  • Add one more item in toolbar without gui

    Hi all I need to add/edit items in gatein toolbar without using gui what i need to do or which xml file i need to change   regards   Anish Antony
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  • Quartz Scheduler integration with Gatein Portal

    Hello All,   I am working in a Seam 2.3, GateIn-3.5.0.Final-jbossas7,and RichFaces 4.3 project.   There is one requirement in my project that I need to implement Quartz Scheduler.   So,my question is...
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    last modified by ferdaus87
  • LDAP Group Management issue in GateIn-3.6.0.Beta02

    I am seeing an issue after upgrading to GateIn-3.6.0.Beta02_jbossas7 (this is not an issue in 3.5.0.Final).   I have LDAP readonly configured as specified in GateIn Cookbook and also documentation here: https:/...
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    created by jpadula35
  • How to prevent Change Language

    I'm running a v3.5.0 portal with a custom extension.   I want to disable the Change Language feature without having to modify the main container files.   Ideally, the buttons wouldn't even show up in drop ...
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    last modified by tim.drisdelle
  • Creating multiple instances of same portlet

    hiii all...... I've upgraded my portal from JBoss to GateIn. In JBoss, I was able to create multiple instances of a portlet & able to use those instances in multiple windows. Can I do the same procedure in GateIn ...
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    last modified by nandhana03
  • Add portlets into a page programatically

    Hi I have some predefined portlets are there (in portlet.xml). Also i create an empty page inside pages.xml. I need to add some portlets to that empty page programatically. How its possible by using gateIn?   ...
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    created by anishantony
  • Cant find out gatein-jboss-beans.xml file in GateIn 3.5 (JBoss AS7)

    Hi   Now I am using GateIn 3.5 using JBoss AS7 Server. Previously i used GateIn 3.2 with JBoss 5 , At that time there is a xml file for adding login modules in gatein whose name is  gatein-jboss-beans.xml. ...
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    last modified by anishantony
  • Navigation move takes too long

    Hi all,   currently we have a problem in moving navigation nodes in the portal.   We are working on GateIn 3.5.0, but the Problem is also reproducable in GateIn 3.4.0.   Navigation nodes are created ...
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    last modified by jan-tilo
  • org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.client.WebClient errors in Java GateIn Portlet

    I keep on getting "null pointer exceptions" using org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.client.WebClient to invoke REST services. I am using GateIn 3.5.0 / JBoss AS 7. I think the problems are due to class conflicts with the CXF modul...
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    last modified by asingh12
  • GateIn vs. JBoss Enterprise Portal Platform

    Hi   I would like to know what is the difference between GateIn and JBoss Enterprise Portal Platform. Are the two the same?   Thanks Ashish
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