• Is maxentries=0 compatible with an async write-behind strategy

    We are looking to use Datastax Cassandra (V3.0.1) as the back end cache store for Infinispan 5.2.1. The application will be Java (1.7) running under Tomcat (7.0.37) application servers. In production there will be 4 l...
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    last modified by trevorh2
  • "failed sending message to null" in infinispan.log

    Hi,   I am using  infinispan-4.2.0.FINAL and i have started two infinispan servers using hot rod in two different physical addresses. they have started properly. one server can access other  properly....
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    last modified by sjena
  • infinispan applicatios

    Hi ....i have some questions related to infinispan , thanks for everyone have answer or idea about them   q1: how i can switch to other configuration file in infinispan folder ?  i try to edit the file (runG...
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    last modified by medo
  • How can I make a one transaction with two named caches?

    Hi, I have a lot of interested in Infinispan and am happy for joining here. This is my first time when i write here. please help me   The software that I want to make using infinispan is like FIFO queue with f...
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    last modified by verystrongjoe
  • Can a single POJO object put into infinispan create issues during replication

    Hi,   Earlier we were using a POJO cache and had only single POJO object which will store complete state of the cache. The object was assigned to single key.   Is it OK to move to infinispan with same set...
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    last modified by user2424
  • infinispan - newbie

    I am planning to use infinispan cache to load all reference/master data needed for my application. I presume I can use the warm cache strategy to pre load the cache with relevant data from the database. Since  th...
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    created by lives_78
  • How to create logical category or group name in infinispan - hotrod  server

    Hi,   We are doing POC, using Infinispan 5.1.6 version hotrod client server communication (RemoteCacheManager), we need create logical category/group name and put set of related key value pair under logical Cago...
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    last modified by burdeen_mohamed
  • TreeCache problem - JDBC - JdbcStringBasedCacheStore

    I wrote what I thought was a minimal program just to get experience with TreeCache.  Any help would be welcome. Contrary to appearances, I am an experienced Java programmer ... I just can't seem to get my feet u...
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    last modified by eialbur
  • using Jboss 7 deploys 2 WARs in an EAR: Error on initURLTemplates

    Hello All,   I am using jboss 7 to deploy the ear with 2 wars using Beehive Netui, the exception always throw on the second war, following is the stack trace:   17:30:33,375 INFO  [org.jboss.as.server...
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    created by riverkean
  • connect 2 servers

    Hello! I want to join/connect 2 infinispan servers, running in 2 different machines. First, I run the first one with the script:      ./startserver.sh -p xxx -r memcached -c config.xml -Djgroups...
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    last modified by vigue
  • Should I stay with JBossCache for a while?

    I am starting a new application, and I understand that JBossCache is in maintenance mode and Infinispan is active and growing.   But ...   a) I am using nothing but a TreeCache.  I have read that JBos...
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    last modified by eialbur
  • Problem - NamedCache and invocationBatching

    5.1.6.FINAL   I am using the Tree API for Infinispan.  I want to persist the cache.  I started with the following configuration xml for my loader: <infinispan>     <default>...
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    last modified by eialbur
  • All My Children (no, not the soap opera)

    I am using the TreeCache capability.  I want to collect the set of all nodes which are a descendant of a particular node.  Right now I have my own recursive routine that traverses the nodes and constructs th...
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    created by eialbur
  • Infinispan cluster on JBossAS and JavaSE

    It is easy to set up Infinispan and run it as a cluster composed from JBoss AS nodes only or standalone nodes in JavaSE environment. One have to prepare a single configuration file and that's it. But what can we do if...
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    last modified by mchmielarz
  • JBoss AS7 - Infinispan

    Hi,   Currently I understand that Infinispan is configured within AS7+ through domain.xml or standalone.xml. Hence, it is embedded within the server instance. I am looking for a way to seperate the cache part fr...
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    last modified by ranga033
  • Quering Infinispan with Cassandra cache store

    I'm researching different solutions for the new project.   Can I use complex queries to Infinispan in distributed mode backed with Cassandra cache store after Infinispan start? Should I load all data from Cassan...
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    last modified by remal
  • Best approach to perform reset lifespan, get lifespan etc. of all entries  in 'distributed' and 'replication' configurations

    Hi     Please suggest me best approaches/ways (with less network traffic and overheads) to perform following operations in 'Distributed' configurations  and 'Repliaction' configurations.     ...
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    last modified by ursudheesh
  • Infinispan cache question

    Hi Folks,      I am trying to setup a cache for my project with jboss-6.0.0.Final and infinispan. What I have done is below     a) added a new block in  ..\server\all\deploy\cluster\inf...
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    last modified by raymiller
  • infinispan 4.2.0 memory heap keep on increasing constant which cause server crash.

    Issue details :-   Infinispan 4.2.0  server heap memory utilisation is constantly growing above 80% of the allocated memory. though eviction is happening periodically but the memory utilization doesnR...
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    last modified by maniv