• Infinispan cache health check from HotRod client

    Hi,   We use Infinispan v8.2.6 in our application. We access the cache using HotRod client library. We are adding some health checks in our application to monitor cache accessibility using HotRod. Do we have any...
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    last modified by purushos
  • Infinispan Repl Cluster fails several times

    Hello, We create a two-node Infinispan cluster on centOS with version 9.1.4 of Infinispan. We use the clustered.xml with some customized settings for offset and multicast -IP. After a restart the cache cluster works...
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    last modified by alexd1979
  • Grouping API

    Can Someone guide me through this Grouping API.I knew that  this is used to co-locate a group of entries onto a specific node. ,but it doesn't work for me.   I tried a sample program to locate a particular ...
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    last modified by kngkarthi7395
  • The Grouping API

    At https://docs.jboss.org/author/display/ISPN/The+Grouping+API it is documented:   >   In some cases you may wish to co-locate a group of entries onto a particular node. In this, the group API will ...
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    last modified by cotton.ben
  • Cache Injection in Spring

    I created a cache container and created cache under the cache container .   if (outcome != success) of /subsystem=infinispan/cache-container=musi:read-resource   /subsystem=infinispan/cache-container=musi:...
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    last modified by siva.munnaluri
  • Why is near caching a configuration property?

    My application uses Hotrod to interact with three caches in a remote cluster.  Two are large but one only contains a handful of frequently used items so I'd like to enable near caching on the small cache but not ...
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    last modified by batwad
  • Conditional Hot Rod operations on non-transactional caches

    For conditional Hot Rod operations (putIfAbsent, replace, replaceWithVersion and removeWithVersion) if they are used on non-transactional cache we get this warning: Conditional operation should be used with transacti...
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    last modified by alon3392
  • cheduled cron routes Fuse 6.3

    Hello everyone.   I am trying to create the next following cron using Spring and I see that it has an anomalous behavior since from the FMC it doesn´t let me stop the scheduled task: scheduler=spring&sc...
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    created by angelbaranda
  • scheduled cron routes Fuse 6.3

    Hello everyone.   I am trying to create the next following cron using Spring and I see that it has an anomalous behavior since from the FMC it doesn´t let me stop the scheduled task: scheduler=spring&...
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    last modified by angelbaranda
  • Entries not deleted from Database with JPA Cache Store

    I created a very simple set-up, I have one table, one simple JPA Entity (no associations) . When i delete the entity from Infinispan Cache, the entry only gets deleted from the cache and not from datastore, it seems f...
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    last modified by rajivpatil
  • Lazy loading not working

    Hi I am using 9.1.4 version in embedded replicated mode (however currently testing with one instance only).   This is my configuration, I am using JPACacheStore and have set Preload to false   Configura...
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    last modified by rajivpatil
  • Unable to reopen IndexReader java.io.IOException: Read past EOF

    Hello, we are using infinispan 8.3.0 in client-server mode with a master and slave[6 nodes]. We use distributed cache with indexing configuration as bellow. When I try to load information, it throws me some Unable...
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    last modified by alonsoogr
  • How to delete all entries whose values satisfy certain condition

    How to delete all entries whose values satisfy certain condition? Is it possible to use distributed streams for that or it is only for querying?
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    last modified by alon3392
  • What is the recommended approach to iterate and remove entries in Infinispan 8.0.1?

    From Infinispan 7.0.x onwards the filterEntries method returned an iterator that supported remove as documented here:   http://blog.infinispan.org/2014/05/iterate-all-entries-in-cache.html   > The remov...
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    last modified by apabst
  • Infinispan TimeoutException ISPN000476

    I am experiencing Embedded InfiniSpan cache issue where nodes timeout on re-joining the cluster.       Caused by: org.infinispan.util.concurrent.TimeoutException: ISPN000476: Timed out waiting for...
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    last modified by ddyl
  • Hibernate-Search, Infinispan (running in multiple instances)

    Hello,   When i try to execute the application/program in 2 machines at the same time, 2 scenarios occurred, scenario-1: one process waits till the other process to get complete, and then the other one starts ...
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    last modified by nadeempasha
  • Is rolling upgrade with 'cli' migrator still possible in infinispan 9?

    I want to do rolling upgrades from infinispan 8.2.8 to the infinispan 9.2. I am looking at the infinispan 9.2 documentation regarding rolling upgrades in the library/embedded mode [1].   I had some issues to hav...
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    created by mposolda
  • Write-Behind to custom schema

    We are building an application which will answer API calls by running the input parameters through a rules engine. Rules will are stored in RDBMS, We are thinking of caching the rules in Infinispan cache. Rule upda...
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    last modified by rajivpatil
  • Hot Rod Transactions

    Any word on this yet? It's on the road map but I can't find any details about it. 
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    last modified by mashama
  • Usage of UNICAST3, NAKACK2 and FRAG3 with TCP transport

    Infinispan's has default JGroups configuraiton for TCP (https://github.com/infinispan/infinispan/blob/master/core/src/main/resources/default-configs/default-jgroups-tcp.xml). Infinispan Server is also based on this co...
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    last modified by alon3392