• Logging in JBoss4.3 and JBoss6.1.0

    I have a third party jar which has its own log4j.propeties. When i use it in Jboss 4.3, the log file is being updated correctly. But when i use it in jBoss6.1.0, the log file is being created but its not being updated...
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    created by prasanth.kotha
  • Jboss and Apache Cache Issue

    I have deleted the old PDF file of the Web Server at Application side and I uploaded a new PDF file ( file name is the same ).   Whenever I open the file, the old file keeps being opened.   We restarted Jb...
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    last modified by imranbaseer
  • Port 3528 conflict (CORBA) on startup of JBoss 4.2.x

    Plz advise how to fix this.  I don't see 3528 in my jboss-service.xml file.  I shutdown JBoss and ran "netstat -a" and it is being used apparently.  perhaps a result of corporate patching?  not sur...
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    last modified by asookazian
  • JBossSX - JAAS - How to force change psw

    Hi   I have an application using j2ee security (at web container using form authentication).   All works fine and I'm able also to write my own login module according to the Custom Login Module example. &#...
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    last modified by rmazzola
  • Storing spanish characters

    Hello guys...   I have an application that runs over JBoss AS 4.2 and we have two enviroments (Production and testing). Production server runs over Red Hat and testing server runs over Windows XP and my databas...
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    created by eabohorquezs1
  • Container configuration for MDB not picked from jboss.xml ,It take the default pool size configuration from standardjboss.xml

    Hi Friends,   we are having the situation, a client wants to configure the MDB pool size from jboss.xml. Not by standardjboss.xml.in order to supply dynamic value, i added the container configuration like follow...
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    created by rosansamuel
  • jboss showing session deleted.am-store-prod-101 and given to multiple user

    Hi,   I am using Jboss application server to run my ATG based web application, we were recently noticing that, we have couple of sessions with deleted.vs-store-prod-101 eventually we have multiple   custo...
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    last modified by tijomonmathew
  • Please help: Error in jboss.xml for Bean found in jboss.xml but not in ejb-jar.xml

    I need help configuring the jboss.xml file. According to JBoss documentation at http://docs.jboss.org/jbossas/jboss4guide/r4/html/ch5.chapter.html, if we want to configure an entity EJB bean using  “Instanc...
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    last modified by nghiemle
  • JBoss EAP - What parts of the source does one have access to? Can you build it?

    Question about the source code for JBoss EAP versions 4 5 or 6.   Let's say we decided to purchase JBoss EAP 5 from RedHat. Can we still run maven to build JBoss EAP version? Are there closed source resources in...
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    last modified by ndipiazza
  • Getting "org.hibernate.exception.GenericJDBCException: Cannot open connection"

    Hello Friends, i am getting below Error very frequently and need your help/suggestion to fix this.   2012-08-23 16:47:24,763 WARN  [JDBCExceptionReporter] SQL Error: 0, SQLState: null 2012-08-23 16:47:2...
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    created by srinivasneeluri1
  • Does Shutdown of jboss will stop java?

    Hi,      I have installed jboss applicatioin server(4.2.3 GA) on UNIX machine. I started Jboss servedr by running the command opt/jboss/bin/run.sh -b . After that I decided to stop the jbo...
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    last modified by venu.c
  • How do I setup my Quartz job to run within an EAR file?

    Hi,     I'm using JBoss 4.2.3 (insert jokes here) and trying to deploy an EAR containing only a single JAR file.  The JAR file contains an annotated class with a Quartz job I want to run.  But the...
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    created by laredotornado
  • Stale JSP Cache Issues

    I recently deployed a new version of my application to JBoss 4.2.3. However, my changes are not appearing when the pages are served by JBoss. I cleared the JSP cache located at:   jboss\server\<name_of_my_ins...
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    last modified by java_developer444
  • JBOSS console throwing error, but application working properly, still need to know why errors in console

    Hi, I'm Using xp-sp2, JDK 1.6, JBOSS 4.2.3.GA.I've deployed warfile in server/default/deplopy.  Wanted to know why console throughing this error :          at org.jboss.mx...
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    last modified by pradeepn
  • encrypted Datasource password, using the below link, but how to decrypt the same

    LINK:  https://community.jboss.org/wiki/EncryptingDataSourcePasswords       THANK YOU
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  • Error while deploying application from oc4j to Jboss4.2.3GA

    HTTP Status 500 - type Exception report message description The server encountered an internal error () that prevented it from fulfilling this request. exception javax.servlet.ServletException: java.lang.NullP...
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    created by ssuri
  • Failed to parse source: Premature end of file. @ *unknown*[-1,-1]

    Good Mor Friends,   Please i could not start jboss this mor after i run an update on java   i got this error, please any one have an idea on hw to fix this     12:30:40,625 ERROR [AbstractKernel...
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    last modified by vtech005
  • Jboss is not killing K: Threads

    Hi, guys i have jboss issue is not killing the K: Threads i am using jboss 4.2.2
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    last modified by chacaman
  • SSL implementation giving blank page

    Dear All,   I am using JBOSS 4.2 AS.   I have implemented SSL on 8443 and then added logic for http to https redirection in my application's web.xml. It works fine but shows port number in URL. to resolv...
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    last modified by yatrik
  • JBoss Axis/Axiom implementation without JBoss AS/JBoss WS

    Hello,   I'm trying to use Apache Axiom for my Spring Webservices, but I'm having problems with it. My app server is not JBoss but Weblogic, and after some investigations (see http://stackoverflow.com/questions/...
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    created by mdrg