• Ear File Deployment Error In Jboss 6.1.0

    Dear All,   Hope Every One Doing Good,Last couple of days iam struggling one issue regarding the ear file deployment in jboss 6.1.0.My Project is Multi module maven Project and the Both Eclipse and Net Beans Ge...
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    created by sanvi
  • Error: Failed to process phase STRUCTURE of deployment

    Hello everybody, I am new to Kurento/JBoss and I have a problem in getting a beginners program to run with Kurento/JBoss. I followed the Kurento beginners guide at (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fsDwPbn__KY) and the...
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    created by dan01
  • Axis 2 and Jboss EAP 6.2.3 memory leak

    All,        We are experiencing a memory leak using Axis 2 with the Jboss EAP 6.2.3.  During our load testing, the following classes (in picture) were never garbage collected and they ap...
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    created by stormcool
  • When can Hibernate SessionFactory be used?

    Hi all,   I have been migrating from Jboss 5.1.0 GA to 6.2.0 EAP and struggling with the Hibernate SessionFactory. As in JBoss 5, to use a Hibernate SessionFactory, I look up it via its JNDI name which is specif...
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    created by pirent420
  • Unable to start jboss

    Hi,   I am trying to install jboss 6.2 eap , i get the below error in the log. Can anybody pls help.  I have set jdk, jboss path in environment variables.   05:05:54,480 INFO  [org.jboss.modul...
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    last modified by neethal
  • How to enable custom deploy folder in jboss 6 EAP

    Hi all,   can anybody let me know how to add/enable the custom deploy folder in jboss 6 EAP.   Right now, my deployment folder is D:\jboss-eap-6.2\standalone\deployments which is default. Along with this d...
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    last modified by neethal
  • Problems debugging kie drools workbench 6.1.0.Final

    Hi everybody, I'm trying to debug kie drools workbench 6.1.0.Final, I select "kie-drools-wb-webapp" Project -> Debug As -> Debug on Server, then I select the server (Jboss or Tomcat), I add resources (kie-drools...
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    created by javi1981
  • JBoss AS 7.1.1: high CPU usage when idle

    Hi all,   I use JBoss AS 7.1.1 to host a web app and after a few hours of uptime I have a quite important CPU usage (~15-30%) whereas the server is supposed to be idle (no connexion). I investigated using JVisu...
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    created by zlika
  • Get number of active sessions from JBoss AS 7 to show on a web page

    Got a specific problem I want to solve. Is it possible at all for me to get a counter on my web servers main splash page that shows the up to date number of active sessions from my server, which is running on JBoss AS...
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    created by ryu.zaki
  • reflection getMethods not work on BLOB field

    Jboss AS 7.1.1 MyEclipse Blue (2014) Linux OS   Create a POJO TestObj.java   import oracle.sql.BLOB;     public class TestObj implements Serializable, Cloneable {      ...
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    created by scottjsn
  • Unable to connect to remote host controller from slave

    Hello, I clustered JBoss as 7.1.1 (master & slave). But I unable to connect to the host controller from slave. Following is the stack trace of slave server. I go through various discussion but unable to sortout ...
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    last modified by suyograj
  • Adding module thru CLI with correct resource-root

    I'm attempting to add a new module for JBoss 6.3 EAP using CLI. The instructions for doing that are given here: [AS7-4265] cli command to add/remove AS modules - JBoss Issue Tracker   The reason I want a module...
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    created by davidj
  • Why does the MySQL JDBC driver behave strangely when setting-up a datasource

    Hi, I'm using JBoss 6.3 and 6.2 EAP.  I can successfully setup JDBC drivers without problems using any of the available methods: 1) CLI 2) Deploy the jar file as you would a war file and JBoss magically detect...
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    created by davidj
  • Where is WAR file when I deployed by Jboss Application Server 7.1?

    Hi, I'm new in Jboss,  I followed this article to install (http://www.davidghedini.com/pg/entry/install_jboss_7_on_centos) . I add a New Content in Manage Deployments. It's working fine. But I want to see the wa...
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    last modified by jportella
  • SAR dependency issue in jboss 6.1.0

    Hi,   I am migrating an application from jboss 4.2.1 to jboss 6.1.0. When i am deploying the app i get the below dependency error.   Deployment "Support:service = CollectionServiceMgmt - (View Collection ...
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    last modified by maneendr
  • Validation Tags in standalone.xml

    Can some one please explain the perfect use/meaning of these following each lines:- (e.g. what is the meaning of <validate-on-match>,<background-validation>,<stale-connection-checker>,<exception-s...
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    last modified by anelsonwilson
  • How to modify login page in Kie Drools Workbench 6.1.0. Final?

    Hello everybody, I'm trying to modify kie drools workbench login page, its path is /kie-drools-wb/kie-drools-wb-webapp/src/main/webapp/login.jsp, I make the changes, then I make Run As -> Maven build successfully i...
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    created by javi1981
  • Graceful Shutdown: Web-application / EJB tear down before AS Shutdown

    Hi there,   I'm migrating an existing J2EE (EJB 2.1) web-application from JBoss EAP 5.1 (JBoss AS 5.1.0.GA) to JBoss 7.1.1, and possibly to a later version like EAP 6.2 / JBoss 7.3.0.final.   The web appli...
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    last modified by inc.yg
  • Problem building kie-wb-distributions-6.1.0.Final

    Hi everybody,   I've downloaded Kie drools workbench (6.1.0 final version) from http://repository.jboss.org/nexus/content/groups/public/org/kie/kie-drools-wb-distribution-wars/6.1.0.Final/kie-drools-w… , ...
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    created by javi1981
  • How to hide/modify the X-Powered-By value of Http Header in JBoss AS 7.1.1?

    How to hide/modify the X-Powered-By value of Http Header in JBoss AS 7.1.1?
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