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Thread ex19_1: WSException: Cannot obtain java type mapping
ex19_1: WSException: Cannot obtain java type mapping$ echo $JBOSS_HOME C:\jboss-4.2.0.GA $ echo $JAVA_HOME C:\Programs\Java\jdk1.5.0_12 The client in example 19_1 fails. I am running JBoss 4.2. Am I doing something wrong? Is the example obsolete in someway? I would ap...
Thread HQL/ JPA-QL Query Tuning: How to enforce the join order
HQL/ JPA-QL Query Tuning: How to enforce the join orderHi! I have read the book "SQL Tuning" by Dan Tow and want to optimise the important HQL/JPA-QL queries of my application, but I not sure how to enforce the optimal execution plan :-(. Consider the following JPA-QL-Q...
EJB 3.0 clienthi, I am trying to execute a client for an EJB 3.0 program that I deployed using JBoss 4.0.4 RC2. there is some problem and am not able to figure it out. here is the exception javax.naming.CommunicationException [...
Failed to boot JBossPlease help I downloaded jboss-4.0.5.GA, unzipped it, set the JBOSS_HOME and JAVA_HOME but I can't get it to start. When I try to run it i get the following: O. S. is WinXP ========================================...
ex09_1 FetchJoins doesn't workI run FetchJoins.java of ex09_1 on eclipse3.2+jdk6+mysql5. The book says that an SQL query is executed each time Customer.getPhoneNumbers( ) is executed in the noJoin method. But I don't see the result as that in the...
Transactions over multiple session beansHi all ! I have read also the Oreilly's book, but can not figure out how construct the following: I have multiple Entities (Entity1, Entity2, ..., EntityN) and have put on top of each entity a session bean (Entity1D...
ex07_3 don't workI have tried ex07_3 and i have gotten this error: First step ant works: ex07_3>ant Second step don't work: ex07_3>ant run.initialize Buildfile: build.xml prepare: compile: ejbjar: run.initialize: [java] ...
ex19_1 problem context lookupif i execute ant run.client i get the following error message when in the client.java file the line TravelAgentService service = (TravelAgentService) jndi.Context.lookup("comp/env/service/TravelAgentService"); is ex...
javax.persistence does existI have download jboss 4.0.4.GA without an installer, downloaded the patch from the following link: http://docs.jboss.org/ejb3/app-server/tutorial/installing.html ran the install.xml file, the code won't compile as ej...
workbook 1, JDK unexpected errorWhen I type ant command after setting path of JAVA_HOME and JBOSS_HOME and PATH I get follwing error Files\Java\jdk1.5.0_10"" was unexpected at this time. I have new version of JDK1.5, set to proper variables. PLZ ...
Versions required for Workbook?Are the requirements for running the examples in the workbook to have exactly JBOSS 4.0.4 EJB3 running over JDK 5? Should it work with JBOSS 4.0.5.GA + EJB3 installed with jems-installer-1.2.0.CR1.jar over Java 6?
Swing application using EJB3I need an example how to send and recieve transaction between an application server and a swing gui application. (Not using a web server). Please help with a simple example how swing and EJB3 fit together.
Thread Fail to try first example in "Enterprise JavaBean 3.0"
Fail to try first example in "Enterprise JavaBean 3.0"Hi, I am trying the first example in "Enterprise JavaBeans 3.0" / chapter 4 and for some reason I am keep getting the following error message: "TravelAgentBean not bound". package titan.Clients; import titan.trave...
Thread Problem with redeploying titan.jar (ex04_1)
Problem with redeploying titan.jar (ex04_1)Hello, First time after launching jboss:
workbook\ex04_1>ant run.client
Buildfile: build.xml
[java] Master Suite
[java] 1
[java] 1
ch11 is not workinghi, i have a problem when i run ex11_1 [java] Making a payment using byCash().. [java] Making a payment using byCheck().. [java] Making a payment using byCredit().. [java] Making a payment using byCheck() with a ...
Thread @GeneratedValue in MappedSuperclass Problem
@GeneratedValue in MappedSuperclass ProblemHi! Many of my entities have an id of type long. So I put the code (getters, setters ...) into an superclass. After I did it, the id wasn't initialized by hibernate any more, if I persisted an entity. Thats very stra...
Exceptions during persisting an entityHi! I use JBOSS 4.0.5GA and get always following exception:
11:06:47,445 WARN [JDBCExceptionReporter] SQL Error: 0, SQLState: null
11:06:47,445 ERROR [JDBCExceptionReporter] failed batch
11:06:47,445 ERROR [Abstrac...
JBoss Eclipse IDE EJB3.0 EntityHi Friends, I am facing some problems with JBOSS ECLIPSE IDE 3.0. I was trying to create an Entity Bean in IDE, and i am able to see the Session Bean , Messge Bean and not Entity Bean,So can any body help ,how to crea...
java /(swing)client example ?I love the book and example chapters, BUT Im unable to connect from a java apllication. on page 483 it says that I need some vendor specific java EE tol ganerator, but .... what is that ? - I guess its application-cl...