• jboss-jmx cann't be compiled

    I cann't compile jboss-jmx module in tag-name jboss-4.0. In my opinion, there is no some class needing when compile. for example, org.jboss.mx.server.ServerConstants
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    last modified by miloveme
  • Separated XMBean implementation

    This will test who subscribed to the dev-list :-) There is a new module in jboss-head/jboss-pojo (mbeans) that is a separation of the XMBean implementation from the MBeanServer implementation. http://jira.jboss.com/j...
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    last modified by adrian.brock
  • mapping of operation exposed via XMBean to method of differe

    When declaring an XMBean operation, is there any way possible to expose the operatoin using one name (i.e. start) and have it actually call a method of a different name (i.e. doMyStart()) on the target POJO? I know t...
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    last modified by tom.elrod
  • Dynamic Class loading, SPI?, advice please

    Hello, I have a custom server that I run in JBoss within an MBean. This server needs to dynamically initialise certain objects seperate from the main core of the custom server. I tried to load these classes with usin...
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    last modified by fatbatman
  • JMX 1.2

    Hi guys, There is any plan to implement JMX 1.2 in JBOSS? Thanks Sebi
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    last modified by prese
  • Have you coded a cool MBean service you want to share?

    Check this out: http://www.jboss.org/wiki/Wiki.jsp?page=JBossWorldOfMBeans
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    created by dimitris
  • Javadocs?

    Is there a central website for all of JBoss' Javadocs - particularly for the JMX / Microkernel?
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    last modified by keyurva
  • [ServiceModule] Registration is not done -> stop

    I'm using JMX for one of the applications I'm currently developing. When deploying one of de JAR-files, I sometimes get this message (and sometimes not): [ServiceModule] Registration is not done -> stop I get th...
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    last modified by weelink
  • Generate MBeanInfo from arbitrary interface

    Hi Adrian, I'm looking at the @Management stuff for ejb3. It is the new interface for EJB3 allowing us to register beans in JMX. I need to generate MBeanInfo from the @Management annotated interface. There is some c...
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    last modified by kabirkhan
  • In regards to Sun VM bugs 4670071 & 4699981

    ...as well as: http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBJMX-38 I hope you don't think this is a useless rant... ;^) Has there been any indications that Sun will *ever* try to address this bug? I see that these issues hav...
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    last modified by dtabwhite
  • MBeanProxy vs MBeanProxyExt

    It seems MBeanProxyExt is used mostly by the 'system' and 'server' modules, while MBeanProxy is used mostly in the 'jmx' module. On the other hand, there are many tests for the MBeanProxy one, but probably none for M...
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    last modified by dimitris
  • Want to know JMX-related query

    Hi Guys, I've been doing quite a bit of work over the last couple of weeks with ejb3 and services on jboss 4.0 and I'm impressed! Great work guys! I'm just now looking at implementing an MDB, but I'll need to send a ...
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    created by jaiganeshiyer
  • How to Access Remote JBoss(JMX)

    Hi, I want to remotely access JBoss server(MBeanServer) so as to changing behavior of some MBean objects from client. Accoding to some website, remote management of MBeans is implementable if you use RemoteMBeanServe...
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    last modified by muga_nishizawa
  • Automatic notification subscription management for XMBeans?

    I just thought I could create an extention to the XMBean descriptor to allow for declarative handling of JMX subscription notification, ala org.jboss.system.NotificationListenerMBeanSupport. (see http://www.jboss.org...
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    created by dimitris
  • More interaction with the kernel for pojos

    Currently when the resource of an XMBean is set, there is a reflective check to see if the resource supports a setMBeanInfo(MBeanInfo) method to allow it access to the ModelMBeanInfo instance. We have discussed exposi...
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    created by starksm64
  • Using UserTransaction from a Mbean doesn't commit against XA

    Hello, I've already submitted to this question to JCA Forum http://www.jboss.org/index.html?module=bb&op=viewtopic&t=55808 But I am hoping maybe an answer may come from Mbean gurus. Thanks
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    created by alexoscar
  • Annotated MBeans and SAR Deployer expansion

    I want to expand the SAR Deployer to accept annotated classes. The way it would work would be as follows. @MBean("domain.name:service=something") public class MyClass implements MyClassMBean {...} The SAR Deploy...
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    last modified by bill.burke
  • New PersistenceManager for XMBeans

    There is a new PersistenceService for XMBeans, along with an XML-based AttributePersistenceManager implementation. Details can be found at: http://www.jboss.org/wiki/Wiki.jsp?page=XMBeanAttributePersistenceService ...
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    last modified by dimitris
  • Bug in 3.2.5 version of org.jboss.mx.remoting.MBeanNotificat

    The code is: public int hashCode() { int result; result = objectName.hashCode(); result = 29 * result + handback.hashCode(); result = 29 * result + filter.hashCode(); return result; } This code requires that the filt...
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    last modified by ctday
  • JMX start() method not working on MDB

    I have a MDB that shows up in the JMX console and the stop() method works fine but when I invoke (press) the start() method, it thows the following error. I am running JBoss 3.0.8 on WinXP. My goal is to be able to ma...
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    created by eserrano