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Thread What happened to jbossts-properties.xml in JBoss AS 6.0.0.M3
What happened to jbossts-properties.xml in JBoss AS 6.0.0.M3Hello, Before I get to the real question .. Its had to tell ( have to admit ..its a struggle to sort through the documentation and discussion forums to filter out discussions by release ). Is 6.0.0.M3 ( comm...
Thread Why TransactionManager.commit() takes too much time?
Why TransactionManager.commit() takes too much time?I am using jboss cache 3.2.0 in my application which is deployed on jboss 5.1.0.GA AS. During load testing, we encountered an issue which a request involving a transaction takes a long time to process. I...
Jboss 5.1.0 TransactionManager not boundI am trying to configure Jboss 5.1.0 with Hibernate but whenever I am trying to access SessionFactory it is giving following error. Please help me to solve this problem. 2010-03-23 19:15:19,406 ERROR [o...
XA Transaction with external orbHi, Is it possible to have JBoss start a global transaction and have an external ORB (Orbix in this case) be a participant as a client in the global transaction? Can't seem to get it to work properly. I had be...
Arjuna Transaction Manager - License ErrorHello, I am using arjuna transaction manager with my product. But as soon as I begin the transaction I get the following error :- Transaction Manager raised exceptio...
Thread Setting default timeout on user managed transaction
Setting default timeout on user managed transactionI am using a user managed transaction and an entity manager inside a message driven bean. The process can take several minutes to complete and depending on the state of the environment, concurrent load etc. From time ...
Thread Can i able to use JBoss EAP 5.0 for my project?
Can i able to use JBoss EAP 5.0 for my project?Hi friends, I am a MSc Student.Since my project is to compare transaction managers from Java and .NET. I thought Jboss EAP 5.0 is a free open source software and later i come to know its a 30 day unsupported.....
Thread With Oracle JDBC, JDBCConnection is being closed erroneously following an IllegalArgumentException. This causes other, unrelated, transaction to fail
missing PropertyResourceBundle : arjunacore.syncrollbackmexcHi, When I get an EJBTransactionRolledbackException as expected, there's an anoying message that comes within the log 13:35:27,638 ERROR [TxPolicy] javax.ejb.EJBTransactionRolledbackException: Can't find resource ...
Thread Problem with Xa transactions in Oracle, Can anyone help me?
Problem with Xa transactions in Oracle, Can anyone help me?Hi, Im trying to configure an application to work in Jboss, and I was unabled to do that. the Aplication has two data sources called nmadmprod-ds.xml and portabilidad-ds.xml Here is the source nmadmprod-ds.xml: <?x...
Where can I get JBossTS 4.2.3.SP8?I am using JBoss community 4.2.2 GA. I find that JBoss TS AppServerJDBCXARecovery XA recovery module doesn't support JMX authentication. I find this bug https://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/JBTM-432 has been fixed in 4....
TransactionManager.getTransactionTimeout() returns 0I've tried to call ((TransactionManagerDelegate)new InitialContext().lookup("java:/TransactionManager")).getTransactionTimeout() while on debug and it returned 0 ! When I set it via Transaction.setTimeout it retu...
Thread Transaction progagation behaviour across EAR boundaries ques
Transaction progagation behaviour across EAR boundaries quesIs there someone who knows what the specification or JBossTM (JTA) implementation says about propagation of transaction context when SLSB-A in EAR-A calls SLSB-B in EAR-B, assuming that both SLSBs have TX PROPAGATION_...
Oracle : xa error XAException.XAER_RMERRCan someone review this exception? I am getting it with JBoss 4.2.3GA, Messaging 1.4.3GA, and jBPM 3.2.5GA. I receive this exception in the following case: Container managed transaction. Write to Datasource A [applic...
Thread JTA transaction already rolled back (probably due to a timeo
JTA transaction already rolled back (probably due to a timeocom.arjuna.ats.arjuna.logging.arjLoggerI18N] [com.arjuna.ats.arjuna.coordinator.BasicAction_40] - Abort called on already aborted atomic action a7c0898:593:49a8507d:2f0 org.springframework.transaction.UnexpectedRollba...
Rollback-problemHi, let's assume, we've 2 transaction-partners, both transactions are prepared successfully, so the transaction-parts can be commited. The first part of the transaction will be commited, the second part of the transa...
Thread Sourcecodes for jbossjta.jar used in JBOSS 4.2.3GA?
Sourcecodes for jbossjta.jar used in JBOSS 4.2.3GA?Hi, currently I'm having a hard time to find out which SVN tag exactly was used on http://anonsvn.jboss.org/repos/labs to build the jbossjta.jar in JBOSS 4.2.3GA. Could somebody please give me a hint, or maybe a poi...
Thread Can i handle ApplicationDeadlockException globally?
Can i handle ApplicationDeadlockException globally?Can i handle ApplicationDeadlockException globally? I hava an EJB 2.0 Application. I'm using CMP and CMT. but due to some bad code, sometimes it throws ApplicationDeadlockException which is wrapped up in either Remot...