• Is jbossesb compatible with wildfly?

    Hello,   I've been trying to set up an installation with wildFly, jbossesb and riftsaw. I have not used JBOSS before. My major interest is in getting the BPEL working but I'd like to get the ESB up there as we...
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    last modified by dpilling
  • How can I publish a web service through https

    Hi,   I am trying with the publish_as_webservice sample. However, I need to publish this service throught https and with basic authentication. However, I cannot find any sample on how to expose a service throug...
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    last modified by ricol
  • MissingServiceException occured when Service Invoked using deliverySync

    I am getting the following error when I try to invoke my service using deliverySync Method of ServiceInvoker.   org.jboss.soa.esb.listeners.message.MissingServiceException: Registry details for service [ServiceO...
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    last modified by nishbmishra
  • JUnit 4 test case for JBossESB action class

    Hi Guys,               I have a jbossesb project which has a few action classes. I need to prepare as a starting point some very basic junit test case ...
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    last modified by sbutt
  • Get rid of soap envelope, any out of box method available?

    Hello Guys,   If you know so any such functionality provided?
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    created by boy18nj
  • null 'value' arg in method call error when testing the security-basic sample in Eclipse

    If I am calling the security-basic sample by the ant script provided by the sample, it works fine. However, when I tried to run the SendEsbMessage from Eclipse as java application. It just threw an java.lang.IllegalAr...
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    last modified by ricol
  • SOA with RedHat what to choose ? JBoss ESB ? JBoss FUSE ? JBoss  switchyard ?

    Hi, can please someone tell me what a product to choose to start developing SOA with RedHat ? We have ESB which is not  supporting JBoss EAP 6 (please correct me  if am wrong ) and using old JBoss server....
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    last modified by nmay
  • FTPprovider "dies"/stop working wihtout a trace

    Hi   We have a service consuming from a FTPProvider. It works like a charm most of the time (99,9%), but occasionally it dies/stop consuming files from the ftp site. Everything seems normal except it is not cons...
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    last modified by stsc
  • Wise SoapClient limitations?

    We are using ESB version- 4.9_SOA_5.1   The only reason i don't want to use wise soapclient because of variable subsitution problem in wise-core.properties   wise.tmpDir has differenent values in windows a...
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    last modified by boy18nj
  • Another Wise SoapClient limitations?

    Like smooks transform have access to esb pipleline messages.   Do custom handlers specified under wise soapclient have access to esb pipleline messages?   Because I will use custom handler to add request s...
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    created by boy18nj
  • HTTPRouter alternative to soapclient & wise soapclient?

    Tom Fennely says-   As I just pointed out to someone else... better idea would be to avoid that soapUI client and instead use an action pipeline that string a transformer action (to generate the SOAP payload) to...
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    last modified by boy18nj
  • org.jboss.soa.esb.actions.PropertySetter ?

    Hello,   Is this property set value transaction based (action pipeline processing specific) or global value?   I'm thinking of using it to set application specific transaction based parameter. Then in wise...
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    last modified by boy18nj
  • list message in admin-console

    Hi everyody,   I'm using jboss esb in my application and I want know if message's content could be watch in admin-console because there are an option "List message" but always show the list empty. I'm trying to ...
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    last modified by alvarootero
  • Adding wsse security to soap request?

    jboss esb 4.9   Is there out of box component available which can add wsse security to soap requst. even quickstarts also doesnt have this particular case example.   thanks
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    last modified by boy18nj
  • missing esb plugin in the JBoss Tools 4.0 (Juno)?

    I'd like to use the ESB project wizards and the others tool for supporting the development on esb, but it looks like the related plugins are no more available within that bundle, so I'd like to install the jboss esb p...
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    last modified by medello
  • Prefer SoapClient or wise.SoapClient?

    I'm not sure which one to prefer. But this is ure wise.SoapClient appears simpler to use. The only its disadvantage i see it it's using jdk tools.jar.   Please let me your thoughts what do you perfer is the best...
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    last modified by boy18nj
  • turning on smooks html report generator in wise soap client?

    Hello Guys,   I'm using smooks as request mapper inside org.jboss.soa.esb.actions.soap.wise.SOAPClient. Like this in jboss esb-   My question is how should i turn on smooks html report generator?  ...
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    last modified by boy18nj
  • wise soap client doesn't supports ONGL?

    I tried populating using HashMap web service complex object strucutre. It didn't populated. But it seems to work when web service is exposing primitive data type's.   This wise soap client is such a pain. Why yo...
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    created by boy18nj
  • JBossESB and security_saml quickstart

    Hello,   I'm new to JBossESB and am trying to set up SAML on JBossESB and when I try to deploy the security_saml quickstart I get the following error:   "This quickstart can only be run on JBoss AS 5.1.0.G...
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    last modified by blangland
  • Getting notification when QuartzScheduler has started a new Scheduler

    Hi all,       I'm looking to run some specific initialization code when my ESB's cron scheduler has been started.       I am unable to place the code in the initialize method ...
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    last modified by dbuttery