JBOSS EAP 7 webMethod Broker Topic connectivity.Hi , Thanks for your time. I am facing below error during stop/start after followed your approach. What could be the problem? I am trying to connect wmjmsnaming://@edmijndibroker.xyz.com:1234/EDMI...
Article Integration With WebMethods (rar adapter) over SSL
Integration With WebMethods (rar adapter) over SSLHello, since there was nothing on the web for the WebMethods integration with JBoss I took the chance to put some effort on it and make it run on the latest 6.1EAP JBoss server. Here are the steps needed. Edi...
Broken connections in JMS pool?In a WildFly 8.2.1-Final high-volume installation we are experiencing degrading performance within about a week until restart is necessary along with more and more frequently occurring failures to send JMS messages be...
Thread WFLYCTL0158: Operation handler failed: java.lang.ClassCastException: org.apache.activemq.artemis.api.core.SimpleString cannot be cast to java.lang.Byte when browsing queue
WFLYCTL0158: Operation handler failed: java.lang.ClassCastException: org.apache.activemq.artemis.api.core.SimpleString cannot be cast to java.lang.Byte when browsing queue
Thread cannot access ArtemisMQ ManagementQueue locally in Wildfly 10
cannot access ArtemisMQ ManagementQueue locally in Wildfly 10(god I hate this editor, can the admin.account please support Markdown?:) Using Wildfly 10.1.0.Final with a Java EE 7 application, we need to display messages queued in a JMS queue. We use the `ManagementQueue...
Thread Complete configuration list of the Wildfly JMS messaging
Complete configuration list of the Wildfly JMS messagingI'm planning to configure the Wildfly 10 JMS, I've looked at the documentation here Messaging configuration - WildFly 10 - Project Documentation Editor but I do not see the complete list of properties that I can set o...
Thread How do you use @Resource to connect to remote JMS queues
How do you use @Resource to connect to remote JMS queuesHi, I am looking for a way to inject remote queues into my code in a similar way as is done with connection factories. My environment: JBoss 5.1 EAP in two clusters - A messaging cluster that runs JBoss Mes...
Article JBoss7 integration with Tibco EMS using 'Generic JMS RA'
JBoss7 integration with Tibco EMS using 'Generic JMS RA'Previous versions of this article reference Sun's generic JMS JCA RA for integration with Tibco EMS. In my view, there are a couple of down-sides to using this RA: It doesn't support JMS 2.0. The project appea...
Thread Doubt about 'Consumer Count' - jboss-console/jms
Doubt about 'Consumer Count' - jboss-console/jmsI don't understand very well what mean the consumer count. In my queue I have the consumer count = 1 Consumer Count 1 The number of consumers on the queue Message Count 0 The number of messages in the que...
Thread How to Migrate JMS Provider from JBoss 4.2.3 to WildFly 8.1
How to Migrate JMS Provider from JBoss 4.2.3 to WildFly 8.1Hi Guys, Is it possible to migrate below settings from JBoss 4.2.3 to WildFly 8.1? This application uses JMS queues to send and receive messages between the Manager and Adapter components. In every instal...
Issue in Infinispan clusteringOur system use the UDP base infinispan clustering. We will getting the following error randomly which cause us to restart the system to over come this. Could you please some one can help us to over come this. ...
Thread JMS Durable Subscriber not working after producer is restarted
JMS Durable Subscriber not working after producer is restartedWe are sending messages to JMS Topics from JBOSS EAP 5.1 server. There are durable subscribers to the JMS Topic. Once we restart the JBOSS server, the TCP connection between JBOSS and the durable subscriber is broke...
JMS load balancingHello there! I have jMS kluster with 2 nodes. There is an consumer for each node. And when one consumer hangs or do a time consuming job messages continue to come to queue on the note of this cons...
Thread Application loads CPU IO on ChannelImpl.sendBlocking
Application loads CPU IO on ChannelImpl.sendBlockingWe've noticed CPU IO utilization grows suddenly on several nodes in cluster (~20 nodes, Wildfly 8.2.0, Amazon, Ubuntu 14). It can happen at any node and any time. IO growth from 0 to 10-20%. Dumps show that thread wi...