• A typo in LDAPUserModule.java?

    Line 401 in getSearchScope() method: String scope = getIdentityConfiguration().getValue(IdentityConfiguration.USER_CONTEXT_DN); A typo or intend? Anyway, I have integrated JBoss Portal with CAS and OpenLDAP success...
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    created by shiyusen
  • Adding new attribute for a user.

    Hi, I would like to add one more attribute for the user, e.g. age. Can anyone suggest how to add it? thanks Benson
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    last modified by bensonfungjava
  • Where to put images ?

    Hi, I am new to portal development. While packaging portlet an jsp's as war files I am putting images required in a folder "images" and calling it as img src="/images/iconCalendar.gif". While deployed in portal its no...
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    last modified by hemus7
  • Adding admin mode

    I'm following Ch. 12 in the reference guide to add admin mode to portlet. When I deploy the portlet, I get the following error: 2009-03-13 16:50:08,131 ERROR [org.jboss.deployment.MainDeployer] Could not start deploy...
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    created by srabon
  • Upload portlet

    Hello, I try to create an upload portlet. I have downloaded Jboss portal sources but there is no simple portlet like I need. So, if you can help me with a simple java code to upload a file. Thank you. Audran
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    last modified by audran12
  • processAction method not implemented

    Hi, i am trying to get a IPC-Portlet working in jboss portal 2.7.0 by using qnames. Now i run into the following trouble when i want to use the annotation style @ProcessEvent(qname="{http:sschmeckt.de/events}suchSt...
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    last modified by bjoernb
  • Jboss portal And browser identification

    Hi, I try to adapt the configuration and maybe the style of the portal with the type of client browser. Does anyone knows, if it is possible? Can we interact with the configuration of the portal, dynamically? Before d...
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    last modified by aubertinp
  • Accessing session attributes in a portlet

    I have a servlet filter intercepting all http reqs to my portal and setting session attributes (strings) that I'd like to access in portlets. Is this possible? If so, can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong? #######...
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    last modified by segal96
  • processAction not executing

    Hi friends, I have created 1 portlet class and 2 jsp file fil1 and fil2. Fil1 has a submit button and some form fields which when clicked should transfer the data to class jsp file fil2 must be displayed. But when i...
  • JSR-286 - Include a JSP that in JAR file

    Hello, In Portlet-2.0, it can load resources from JAR, but is it possible to render a JSP that store in a JAR? For example, in the public doView(RenderRequest request, RenderResponse response) throws Exception {...
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    created by ericmacau
  • Remove maximize button from portlet

    jboss server 4.2.2a portal 2.7.0 Is it possible to remove the maximize button from portlet ?
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    last modified by peris
  • Use Jboss portal 2.7.1 with JBoss AS 5.0.0 GA

    It could be possible to use the Jboss Portal 2.7.1 with JBoss AS 5.0.0 GA ??
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    last modified by nagga
  • a method to get admin roles in RoleModule

    what do you think about a findAdminRoles() method into org.jboss.portal.identity.RoleModule interface? Set findAdminRoles() throws IdentityException; it could avoid to write a properties file for an external portlet...
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    last modified by sviluppatorefico
  • DnD defect in JBP2.7.1

    Drag and Drop property is not working in JBP2.7.1 as expected. For some portlets it does not work, but when some specific portlets gets added on that same page, DND starts working as expected. Like when we add Weather...
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    last modified by vivek_saini07
  • Design of Portal Deployer

    Currently we have all the deployment happen within the portal sar and its tied into the internals of the server. With JBoss AS5 we want to remove this functionality from the sar and use the microcontainer deployment f...
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    last modified by mwringe
  • how to get JBoss portal Source code

    Hi, i have donloaded the source code but it does not contain the source and moreover it has a build.xml file which throws some exception while building it. I have tried to checkout the code from svn also but facing pr...
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    last modified by nisha.dahiya
  • New identity API - feedback needed

    Recently we started working on the next gen identity API for JBoss Portal. This effort currently happens under JBoss Identity initiative that may also serve other projects in the future - more in that subject will be ...
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    last modified by bdaw
  • Accessing user preferences

    LS, I am running Portal 2.7.0GA When a user has changed the portlet preferences with use of an "edit", is there anyway that I can acess/change these preferences from within an (updated) admin portlet ? I currently ...
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    created by hreintke
  • Displaying external Web Content in Portal

    Hy, i want to display an external WebPage in my portal. The thing is that i want the functionality that some users can log in to the portal - and then they should have access to an external webpage(login to this page...
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    created by aimi
  • How to stop the unwanted instance not related to jboss porta

    Hi , I am using jboss portal , but it isvery slow. I think that we can stop the unwanted instance not related to jboss portal(EJB, etc). So please guide me to stop the instance. Thanks in advance.
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    last modified by peris