• Getting token lock exception after Optimistic lock exception in JBPM.

    I am getting javax.persistence.OptimisticLockException in jbpm workflow handler (handler is contained in node). Any subsequent actions which invokes workflow (signals a state) is causing org.jbpm.JbpmException: this t...
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    last modified by rameshprasad
  • JBPM6 Access to the TaskService from a ProcessEventListener

    Hi,   I am trying to get access to the TaskService from a ProcessEventListener. Does anyone have some sample code on how to do this ?   Thanks   Tony
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    created by tonycattlin
  • Does Jbpm 6.X versions supports JPA 1 for persistence mechanism?

    Does Jbpm 6.X versions supports JPA 1 for persistence mechanism?   My existing project uses hibernate3.jar   And for using JBPM 6.X in my project, I have also included below hibernate jars.     ...
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    last modified by nurshaikh
  • ProtobufMessages$RuleData overrides final method getUnknownFields.()

    Hi,   When I am trying to call kiesession.createProcess(..), It ends to following exception. I am using JBPM 6.2 jars. I found that this was a bug with 5.3.1(Bug 1004414 – NoClassDefFoundError: org/drools...
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    created by maulee17
  • jbpm error in task completion .

    According to this video tutorial : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D8EMUgBqSHQ   I have develop a business process , it deploy and process started successfully ok, but when i am  task complete / relese from...
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    last modified by masummymesingh
  • Workflow patterns

    Hi All, Greetings,   Need your help on the following   jBPM designer has a section which contains predefined workflow patterns. These patterns are a skeleton of a flow, consisting some workflow components(...
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    created by np97190
  • JBPM 6.2 -Spring Integration

    Hi I am using Spring based configuration for my JBPM spring integration. Following is my spring config, giving exception in creating task service. Spring version is 4.0.2.   at org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootst...
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    last modified by maulee17
  • java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.mvel2.ParserContext.<init>

    Hi,   I am using tomcat 7 and jbpm6.2 with spring configuration. Here is my configuration for process   <bean id="process" factory-method="newClassPathResource"   class="org.kie.internal.io.Resour...
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    created by maulee17
  • [JBPM 6.3] update due date after suspend/resume on Human Task

    Dear Team,   We are testing the due date on a Human Task. We are setting a due date of 5 min on a Human Task ( "DueDate" input assignment of P5m  ). when starting the task , the DueDate is set correctly. N...
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    created by nabilf
  • Error while installing JBPM 6.1

    Note : Installed Jboss EAP 6.4.0 on top of it.
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    last modified by girishinani92
  • Open JBPM console from remote browser

    Hi there,   i installed the jbpm 6.3.0 full-package and now want to access the jbpm-console from a remote browser, not from localhost. Where can i find the configuration to allow not only localhost connection? &...
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  • Drools 5.5.0 is compitable with JDK 1.8?

    Please let me know, what are the JDK versions is compitable for Drools 5.5.0. And which versions of Drool is compitable for JDK 1.8
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    last modified by madavarao
  • Signalling event to other process

    I'm doing some event experiments with Kie Drools Workbench and processes. Version = 6.1.0.Final   I have a process like this, let's call it "process1" : And I have "process2" :   So, I start "process1...
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    last modified by anthony_inovelan
  • What problems have used (JBPM )workflow engines to solve ?

    problem 1 : From a HR business perspective , Who requested /when  requested / why  requested .   problem 2 : When the business analysts have no coding background but can draw diagrams.   probl...
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    created by masummymesingh
  • [jbpm 6.3.0 / Tomcat8 / Oracle 11G ] Hibernate error when calling rest/query/task?status=Ready

    Dear JBPM Team,   We downloaded the kie-wb-distribution-wars-6.3.0-20150925.144314-891-tomcat7.war and installed it successfully under Tomcat 8 and then linked the jbpm application to oracle. we are getting an e...
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    created by nabilf
  • REST regression or philosophy change?

    Hello,   In 6.3, JaxbTaskSummary.getPotentialOwners():List<String> always return null, when called with - TaskService.getTasksAssignedAsPotentialOwner(...) - TaskService.getTasksByStatusByProcessInstanc...
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    last modified by pitinono
  • Is it possible to add multiple tabs in a Single task UI form in jbpm KIE workbench?

    Hi,   I am new to JBPM KIE workbench and I need to know the following with respect to Task forms on JBPM 6.2 Installer - KIE workbench:   1) Is it possible to have multiple tabs on one task form UI via thi...
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    last modified by gudururkr
  • How Can We Configure SignallingTaskHandlerDecorator inside kie-deployment-descriptor.xml

    Hi Guys, Contributes   I saw this examples which is very good way of Exception Handling which is there in the GitHub   https://github.com/droolsjbpm/jbpm/blob/master/jbpm-examples/src/main/java/org/jbpm/ex...
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    last modified by sanjay05222
  • Most of Time I get This Error where Kie is not able to Could not find process When restoring process instance

    Hi Guys/Gals   I am running this 6.2.1.Final version of Jbpm and some time my process are not getting restored from the database when I restart the server. I am running this instance on jboss7.1.1AS this happ...
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    last modified by sanjay05222
  • Eclipse Human Task View is not displaying the task

    Hi   I have downloaded jBPM5.4 installer and installed all the components by running ant start.demo.noeclipse. I already had eclipse and installed the jBPM plugging from the following location - http://download....
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    last modified by nirmalya.sinha