• CMIS Authentication/Authorization

    I am trying to federate a ModeShape repository with another one via CMIS.  However when the CmisConnector attempts to create a session a "org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.commons.exceptions.CmisConnectionException: ...
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    last modified by mashama
  • Is it possible to create a reference from one federated node to another in a connector?

    Can I create a reference property in my connector to another node in my connector? For example while building node A I want to add a REFERENCE property to node B which also exists in my federation. I tried creating a ...
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    last modified by adam.mccormick
  • Encryption for MVStore with filepersistence

    Hello. Thankyou for creating this project. It has suited our needs for an image server very well.   I am looking to encrypt our images at rest.   Is there a recommended approach to encrypt binary data usin...
  • Can not Backup data in modeshape 3.7.2 due to the out of memory

    Hi All,   We need to upgrade the modeshape from 3.7.2 to 5.1.0 in our project, We try to backup the data from 3.7.2, but it fails because of the out of memory, and our java memory is 8G, our jcr data size is 400...
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    created by hank.cheng
  • How to quickly get the referenced paths and mixinTypes from nodes with many reference properties

    We have a MODE application that operates on the jcr:path and jcr:mixinTypes properties of referenced nodes with a query along the lines of:   SELECT [jcr:path] AS path, [jcr:mixinTypes] AS type FROM [nt:base] a...
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    last modified by barmintor
  • [ModeShape 5.x] Maven snapshot repository

    I am trying to find a Maven repository where ModeShape 5.2-SNAPSHOT would reside. The [1] has only a few modules published, but even those are for 4.1-SNAPSHOT. I found a continuous integration build [2], but it does ...
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    last modified by illia.khokholkov
  • How to create indexes on properties of referenced nodes?

    Given a schema of the sort:   [my:author] > mix:versionable primaryitem my:username   - my:username (STRING) mandatory queryops '=, <>, <, <=, >, >=, LIKE'   - my:email (STRING) man...
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    last modified by yanduc
  • Release of 4.7.0-Final

    Hi. I was wondering if we could get 4.7 released. It contains the fix for [MODE-2615] which is critical for us. I know in the bug Horia, you mentioned there aren't any more 4.x releases planned but I do see that there...
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    last modified by adam.mccormick
  • Speed up slow sql2 query with indexes

    Hi,   we use the following query to check, if any child (in any depth) of a certain node has a certain permission with the privilege "my:readPath" and the name of a user: SELECT privileges, name FROM [mytype:Pe...
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    last modified by prinzs
  • Database performance slows

    I have a web application developed using ModeShape 4.4.0 and Infinispan 7.2.3.  My application loads documents into the ModeShape repository and stores them in a MySQL database. I am running ModeShape within a To...
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    last modified by zeiglerm
  • Unable to configure Jaassecuritycontext for Ldap configuration in security-conf.xml file and fails to authenticate.

    hello Experts, Our code for ldap authentication in modeshape is basically implementation of modeshape-examples/modeshape-custom-security-example at master · ModeShape/modeshape-examples · GitHub   the...
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    last modified by nikkat2412
  • Configuring modeshape 5.1.0 to authenticate with ldap

    Hello Experts, These are the steps i followed to authenticate my modeshape with ldap: 1)made Jaas-conf.xml which looks like this:   <?xml version='1.0'?> <policy xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XML...
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    last modified by nikkat2412
  • Restoring an inconsistent database

    Hi everyone,   I have a corrupted database from which I'd like to restore data. It's impossible for me to open it because modeshape is unable to read namespaces and nodeTypes at loading. So what is the proper w...
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    last modified by vdepauw
  • Infinite loop in queries using sort

    We stumbled upon a corner case where some queries like this: SELECT .. WHERE [ns:property1] = 'A' AND [ns:property2] = 'B' ORDER  BY ['ns:property3'] randomly get stuck to an infinite loop on ModeShape 5.x. ...
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    last modified by tsallinen
  • Maintaining version history "created" timestamps when importing

    My team is currently in the process of migrating from Jackrabbit 1 to Modeshape.  We would like to maintain the version history from our out existing repository.   It appears that although the "created"...
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    last modified by corey.schooler
  • Exception  Caused by: org.jboss.modules.ModuleNotFoundException: org.modeshape.connector.filesystem: main

    Hi, I need your help with this exception        Caused by: org.jboss.modules.ModuleNotFoundException: org.modeshape.connector.filesystem: main   I am using modeshape 3.8.1 on jboss eap ...
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    last modified by lipeve
  • Interest in contributing a binary store implementation for Amazon S3

    Hi,   I've written an implementation of a binary store for ModeShape 5 that allows for storage of binary content in Amazon S3: https://github.com/fcrepo4-labs/modeshape-s3-binary-store. I'd like to know if there...
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    last modified by bbranan
  • Error while connecting modeshape sql repository to JBOSS8

    Configuration for standalone/configuration/standalone-modeshape.xml   <datasource   jndi-name="java:/mydb" pool-name="my_pool"   enabled="true" jta="true"   use-java-context="true" use-ccm="...
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    last modified by rishianand50
  • HikariCP pool is starting really slow

    this is a cross post of a question which was posted as an article by x-out:   Hey guys,   our Modeshape server is starting really slow when he starts the HikariCP Pool. Here is the snippet from our log fi...
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    last modified by hchiorean
  • I/O error while unmarshalling from stream !! While using PostgreSql for storing repository inmodeshape ?

    I am getting below error while using postgresql for storing repository.   Caused by: org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'modeshapeSessionFactory': FactoryBean...
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    last modified by rishianand50