• Overlord 1.1.0.Beta1 Released

    The Overlord team is pleased to announce the release of Overlord 1.1.0.Beta1.   Further details can be found here: http://jboss-overlord.blogspot.co.uk/2014/07/overlord-110beta1-released.html
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    created by objectiser
  • rtgov version 1.0.1 availability?

    Red Hat JBoss Fuse Service Works available from http://www.jboss.org/products/fsw/overview/ bundles rtgov version 1.0.1.Final-redhat-4 and it seem's like this version has been deleted recently because it isn't avai...
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    last modified by michaelclay
  • Add support for exclusive classifiers

    I have had interesting discussion with Eric today regarding extending OWL Lite, for example by adding some attributes from OWL DL, i.e. disjointWith http://www.w3.org/TR/owl-guide/#owl_disjointWith  which would e...
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    last modified by anton.giertli
  • S-RAMP Container Adapter for Arquillian available.

    I would gladly like to inform you that S-RAMP Container Adapter for Arquillian was just released. The project consist of S-RAMP remote container adapter implementation for Arquillian, which enables users to deploy art...
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    last modified by sbunciak
  • Overlord Projects Released: S-RAMP, DTGov

    We're happy to announce that we've released new versions of Overlord/S-RAMP and Overlord/DTGov this week.  More information here: http://jboss-overlord.blogspot.com/2014/03/s-ramp-release-version-040final.html...
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    last modified by eric.wittmann
  • S-Ramp on Tomcat 7: Modeshape not there?

    I can successfully install S-RAMP 0.4.0 on Tomcat 7, but run into errors after logging into the web UI. The web server log suggests the errors are JDBC related. In the "build.xml" I can see the Modeshape data store is...
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    last modified by eric.yuan
  • DTGov Demos. Signaling Analysis Docs Complete

    Hi guys,   First congrats for your development. It is great.   I have started the installation of the product.   I used this url to install s-ramp and dtgov: DTGov Guide   Then I tried this ot...
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    last modified by virchete
  • Preview of ElasticSearch/Kibana integration with runtime governance

    A preview demo of the current integration of ElasticSearch/Kibana can be found here: https://vimeo.com/88341631   If you have any feedback on the current integration, or suggestions for further improvements, fee...
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    created by objectiser
  • Installing runtime overlord help pls

    Hi all, Trying to install Overlord RTGov 1.0.0.final onto eap 6.1 on Windows.   process taken: set JBOSS_HOME = c:\jboss\jboss-eap-6.1\,  mvn install from the overlord folder, several errors, ${env.JBOSS_H...
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    last modified by dhartford
  • S-RAMP Specification goes Public

    S-RAMP specification 1.0 is public!     We are proud to announce that OASIS just officially published the S-RAMP 1.0 specification:     https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/tc_home.php?wg_abbr...
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    last modified by kurtstam
  • How to install sramp on OpenShift?

    Hi   We would like to start using Sramp.   Can someone please describe the steps to setup on Openshift?   What cartridge should we use?   How do we install the required dependencies?   ...
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    last modified by magick93
  • List of Implementation and Support Organizations

    Hello everyone,   Could you please let me know which organizations provide implementation and support services for Overlord. We are about to publish a call for tender for a registry implementation and would lik...
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    last modified by pedro-fernandez
  • Constructive Criticism

    Hi Guys,   I hope you'll accept this as constructive criticism.  I wanted to try S-Ramp.  I saw a nice video that you did.  Looks like a good product.   But I've given up for now.  Wher...
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    last modified by ssilvert
  • S-RAMP Project Web Site

    Of course Overlord has space here on jboss.org, including forms, documentation, download, etc.  However, I think the S-RAMP project (and perhaps the other Overlord projects) could use a more streamlined web site ...
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    last modified by eric.wittmann
  • Business vs Service Level Agreements

    Hi   While reviewing the project in light of the BAM rename, we also considered the relationship between Overlord and more traditional management capabilities, such as RHQ, to identify where one solution may be ...
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    last modified by objectiser
  • BAM sub-project rename

    Hi   Following the recent acquisition of Polymita, there are now currently two projects within RedHat that are called BAM (or Business Activity Monitoring). To add to the potential confusion, in the near future ...
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    created by objectiser
  • BAM capabilities in JBOSS SOA platform

    Hi Everyone,   As i was evauluation JBOSS SOA platform for a customer who is primarily asking for reports and monitoring in the form of BAM, does JBoss provide a production ready BAM support across all component...
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    last modified by wajidmehraj
  • S-RAMP Browser UI L&F Evolution on OpenShift

    I'm in the process of creating the UI for the S-RAMP Browser UI, and I'm putting up snapshots of the look and feel (static HTML only) here:     http://browser-sramp.rhcloud.com/b   If you're intereste...
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    created by eric.wittmann
  • BAM and RHQ

    I am not quite sure how to use BAM. Seems to me that this is part of SwitchYard. Can BAM be integrated into RHQ ? Or why create a new project rather than extend or add RHQ features ?
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    last modified by setianusa
  • Demo: Define and Enforce a Policy

    This demo provides an indepth view of how a policy can be defined and enforced within the Overlord Business Activity Monitoring (BAM) infrastructure.   The demonstration shows how requests to a SwitchYard applic...
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    last modified by objectiser