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Thread S-RAMP performance tests
S-RAMP performance testsI'm putting together a list of informal and formal performance tests, but would really appreciate your ideas on additional ways to hammer it. Thoughts, so far: Load 1 million metadata-only artifacts and ...
Thread S-RAMP's update, updateContent, delete, and deleteContent actions
S-RAMP's update, updateContent, delete, and deleteContent actionsLately, I've been working on better supporting update, updateContent, delete, and deleteContent. As such, I'm thinking through exhaustive constraints and logic that would 1.) guarantee data integrity and 2.) all...
Thread Can the RTGov integrate with Oracle Service Bus?
Can the RTGov integrate with Oracle Service Bus?I have a customer who is using Oracle SOA Suite and Oracle Service Bus, they are looking at SOA Governance right now. From the run time governance perspective, is the Overlord RTGov be able to work with Oracle SOA Sui...
rtgov ip and switchyard file bindingDear All, I create simple switchyard project that moves xml file from one folder to another. Xml file example: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <Data xmlns="urn:ru.rdif:test1:Data:1.0"&g...
Deploy overlord on JBoss EAP domain modeI have several hosts on my EAP domain mode. My goal is to deploy S-RAMP + DTGov together on one specific host. I have not found clear documentation anywhere how to do it, so basically I have been doing in trial-and-er...
Thread Build dtgov-workflows without modifying pom.xml
Build dtgov-workflows without modifying pom.xmlHi, in the current version of the dtgov / dtgov-workflows / pom.xml a relative path to a parent is defined. Is it possible to provide this parent by a certain maven repository that has to be configured ins...
Updating S-RAMP Artifact contentIs it possible to update properties file inside the S-RAMP jar artifact for various deployment environments: test, production etc.
Thread Error trying to delete S-RAMP artifact workflows
Error trying to delete S-RAMP artifact workflowsAll artifacts are deployed properly to S-RAMP and workflows are created accordingly. When I delete main artifact, no problem. But I get error trying to delete workflows (I cannot delete workflows first because they ar...
workflow problem in DTGovI have been trying to upload workflow in dtgov version 1.3.0; The documentation for 1.3.0 says that there should be a folder named data or dtgov-data that will contain all the necessary files for workflow - which you ...
Thread RTGov and Elasticsearch integration screencast
RTGov and Elasticsearch integration screencastScreencast demonstrating how to use the latest RTgov Eleasticsearch integration to visually represent and analyze SwitchYard service behaviour. http://jboss-overlord.blogspot.de/2014/10/overlord-rtgov-and-elasticsea...
Modify existing WorkflowHi, currently I try to define my own workflows, this of course includes testing and repetitive deployments to DTgov / S-RAMP. 1. So, I was wondering if the only possibilty to replace a DTgov workflow is to r...
Article Thoughts on integrating the Fabric8 Gateway(s) with APIMan
Thoughts on integrating the Fabric8 Gateway(s) with APIManI'm exploring how the Fabric8 Gateway can leverage Overlord APIMan. At the moment Fabric8 has two gateway implementations: - an HTTPGateway for HTTP based traffic: - a TCPGateway which uses vert.x as framewo...
RTGov Tooling: EPN EditorEvent Processor Networks (EPN) are defined in a JSON representation which currently has to be manually specified by the user. This article discusses the proposed tool for defining Event Processor Networks (EPN...
Thread How to define custom artifact model in S-RAMP
How to define custom artifact model in S-RAMPI am trying to define a custom artifact type for S-RAMP. I have been reading the documentation and all I have is Create a custom artifact in S-RAMP (meta-data only, no file content)
SrampAtomApiClient ...
Installing the new RTGov UI into FSW 6.0One of the main new features of Overlord RTGov 2.0 will be a new UI to replace the gadget server used in RTGov 1.0. Although (if developed further) the gadget server could provide some flexibility, it didn't provide t...
New website launch!We're excited to announce the launch of the Overlord project's new website: http://www.projectoverlord.io We'd sincerely appreciate your feedback or ideas!
Thread S-RAMP: Remove the ability to update artifact content?
S-RAMP: Remove the ability to update artifact content?In [SRAMP-541] Consider removing artifact/content updates - JBoss Issue Tracker, we're discussing possibly removing the ability to update an artifact's content (not its metadata) entirely. It's currently problem...
Thread JBoss BPMS/BRMS artifacts managed by DT-GOV
JBoss BPMS/BRMS artifacts managed by DT-GOVHello All! I would like to know if is possible to use DT-GOV (Overlord) to manage BPMS/BRMS artifacts. BPMS uses a GIT repository. Has DT-GOV some kind of integration with GIT repos? Kind regards.
Thread Does S-RAMP support Restful Services and/or WADLs as artifacts?
Does S-RAMP support Restful Services and/or WADLs as artifacts?I am looking into a service registry for my companies SOA implementation and UDDI seems to be so heavy weight. I am looking at using Apache JUDDI because it is one of the few UDDI implementations that supports W...