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Thread Problem starting JBPM Suite 6.5.0 on WAS
Problem starting JBPM Suite 6.5.0 on WASHi all, i've installed the 6.4.0 on my WAS but during the starting opereations i see an "TABLE OR VIEW DOES NOT EXIXTS" error in my log. I'm using an Oracle 11 xe Database and i've installed the DDL downloade...
Thread User Management UI is not present in business-central (BPM Suite 6.4)
User Management UI is not present in business-central (BPM Suite 6.4)I have installed Redhat BPM Suite as per documentations and added admin user using the add-user.bat file with roles admin, rest-all & kie-server. After I login, I do not see the user management UI under Home menu....
JBPM on Hive/HbaseHi, We have built a webapp on Java, Spring, Hibernate and Oracle. We have integrated JBPM as well. We are looking at making the application work on NoSql (Hive/Hbase). Please let me know if J...
Thread Retrieving Form Data with kie server rest api
Retrieving Form Data with kie server rest apiHello. Im working on a UI to work with BPM processes / tasks. To accomplish this, im using kie server REST API. The problem im facing is that i cant get the necessary form data to make my own form to start a new pro...
Thread Displaying ProcessInstance using BPMN2 Modeler
Displaying ProcessInstance using BPMN2 ModelerHi everyone, I have first to explain my goal. I'm currently working on an Eclipse RCP application where I've integrated BPMN2 Modeler and JBPM 6.5.0 in order to display and execute bpmn processes. At this point, the ...
Thread Error after clicking on Process Instance tab in Business central
Error after clicking on Process Instance tab in Business centralI am facing error when generating schema manually instead for generating automatically from hbm files. Error: 16:44:37,838 ERROR [org.dashbuilder.dataprovider.sql.JDBCUtils] (http- SELECT * FROM Proce...
Thread kie-server application failing to start with DB2
kie-server application failing to start with DB2After deploying kie-server.war into JBoss EAP 6.4.10.GA it keeps throwing error continuously till undeployed, business central and dash builder started without any issues. This issue happening when i connect to...
Thread Purpose of HTTP_CLIENT_API_43 on the RESTWorkItemHandler()
Purpose of HTTP_CLIENT_API_43 on the RESTWorkItemHandler()Hello I was looking at the RestWorkItemHandler on jbpm/RESTWorkItemHandler.java at master · droolsjbpm/jbpm · GitHub as I am planning to build something similar to this but with some modifications to better ...
Registering the Email Service TaskHello, I am trying to use the Email service task. I register the email task by following https://access.redhat.com/webassets/avalon/d/Red_Hat_JBoss_BPM_Suite-6.4-User_Guide-en-US/Red_Hat_JBoss_BPM_Suite-6.4-Us…...
Using Rest Service TaskHello, I am trying to learn how to use Rest service task so I followed https://access.redhat.com/webassets/avalon/d/Red_Hat_JBoss_BPM_Suite-6.4-User_Guide-en-US/Red_Hat_JBoss_BPM_Suite-6.4-Us… and FXApps:...
Using Conditional eventsSo I am trying to learn how to use conditional events. So i created this process: So the process goes like this: user buys diamond -> we validate the data -> confirm the purchase -> calculate the cost...
Thread Problems with localhost:8080/jbpm-console 404 file not found
Problems with localhost:8080/jbpm-console 404 file not foundWindows 10 Installed pre-requisites Java: http://java.sun.com/javase/downloads/index.jsp Ant: http://ant.apache.org/bindownload.cgi Then run: ant install.demo.noeclipse ant start.demo.noeclipse If ...
Thread jBPM first run error. jbpm-console not accessible
jBPM first run error. jbpm-console not accessibleDownloaded & Installed JBPM full installer. installed & started the demo. Server log shows multiple issues, & finally brings down the server. Please help.
Creating a text message Service TaskHello I am using JBoss BPM Suit 6.4.GA, and I am trying to create a text message service task. So I created a Jar file called sms-sender-1.0.2. (The POM and code inside the Jar can be found at the end of...
Thread lock on getKieSession()Hi, I need some support with JBPM 6. I'm using the 6.2.0.Final version in a multi-threaded environment. I exposed some JBPM process services as rest services. I configured the runtime environment to be PER_PROCESS_IN...